YMS News
York Middle School December/January Newsletter
Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible
Greetings YMS Parent(s):
We had a fantastic first semester. Students have grown academically. Teachers have been constantly challenging them to think critically, be creative, problem-solve, and collaborate with other students.
While we certainly have been busy growing academically, we also have seen tremendous growth socially and emotionally at YMS. The adults in this building pride themselves on developing the whole child as they navigate through some of the busiest times for a change in their young lives.
As we finish our first semester this year and say goodbye to 2024 I would like to ask for your help in a few different areas to help improve your child’s experience at YMS:
Remind your child(ren) that the last few weeks of this semester are critical. We have many important education topics to discuss and experiences to encounter to finish off a positive first semester. Encourage them to run all the way to the finish line.
Continue to foster a growth mindset at home. Encourage the process, not the ability. Remind them that it is ok to fail, but not OK to quit and that it is always possible to improve any situation.
This is a challenging time for young people and sometimes they can have doubts about themselves. Help remind your child(ren) during this period of doubt that the only thing that matters is how you see yourself.
Now that the normal daily temperature has fallen please try to make sure your student(s) are dressed for the weather. Even though it might be a bit colder, most of the time we will be sending kids outside at noon recess. We will not go outside if it is dangerously cold but will send them out if only to, as my dad would say, “blow the stink off of em” and let them release some energy.
In our Friday assembly meetings, we talk about five ways to deal with a bully. These steps empower students to begin to manage their actions when faced with bullying behaviors.
Ignore- Acting like you don’t care can deter a bully.
Walk Away- Walking confidently away can let the bully know that you are not going to be bullied.
Talk Friendly- “Please stop saying/doing that to me.” “I really don’t like it when you do/say that.”
Talk Firmly- “Stop that! Don’t say/do that again! I have had enough!”
Tell an adult- When all of these steps have failed it is time to tell an adult.
We also have discussed with students a saying that states, ”The only thing that matters is how you see yourself!” We tell kids if you think you are strong, caring, brave, kind, confident, curious, genuine, and self-reliant then you are!
I hope you take time during the holiday break to enjoy family and friends. Thank you for all your effort to make this first semester at YMS one of the best for your child. I can’t wait to finish off this fantastic first semester and then work hard to make the second semester even better than the first. Go, Dukes!
Kenny Loosvelt
Counselor Connection
Jennifer Badura, York Middle School Counselor
This summer I read the New York Times Best Seller The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness by social psychologist Jonathan Haidt. This book caught my attention because during the last several years, I have seen an increase in anxiety levels in the students I work with each day. In my interactions with students, I have become increasingly concerned about the amount of screen time they report as well as the declining social skills I see in some young people.
York Public Schools participates in strategic planning for long term growth, achievement, and consistency. One focus area is Social Emotional Learning (SEL). YMS supports SEL in many, many ways. We use the Second Step curriculum every Tuesday to teach concepts such as positive mind-set and goal setting, developing a positive sense of self, handling thoughts, emotions and decisions and how to effectively manage relationships and social conflict. Through Family and in our regular classes, teachers are incorporating these SEL concepts.
“I’m bored!” is a phrase that as a parent you have likely heard on several occasions. Boredom is a universal human experience. It tends to get a negative rap, but boredom is an emotion like happiness, anger, sadness, or excitement. Boredom does serve a purpose. It lets us know that we need a change because our current situation is no longer engaging. Thus, the purpose is to inspire us to explore and engage with our environment. For young people, being bored can help develop autonomy by encouraging problem solving, curiosity, and creativity.
Boredom itself does not help children acquire the above skills, it is actually what they do with that boredom. Screen time (phones, gaming, television, watching YouTube) takes away from students learning how to manage their boredom in healthy and productive ways that lead to problem solving, curiosity, flexibility and creativity.
Unstructured free time, without screens, can provide young people with opportunities to learn how to manage boredom which results in several benefits including:
Enhanced creativity and imagination
Problem solving skills
Emotional regulation
Improved attention span
Improved mental health
In a world that is filled with instant gratification and constant stimulation, boredom can teach other valuable skills such as patience, delayed gratification, and appreciation for free time. It is ok to not overschedule and not have an agenda or something to do which provides instant entertainment. Take some time to brainstorm as a family things everyone can do when they are bored. Finding a healthy balance between structured activities and unstructured down time is key to reaping the benefits.
Report Cards
We will not be mailing the 2nd quarter/semester report cards home, until the end of the school year, in May. You can access grades on the parent portal on Infinite Campus. Please direct any specific grading questions to the classroom teacher. You can access the Infinite Campus parent portal using the directions below:
·Visit https://necloud1.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/york.jsp
· Log in with the proper username/password (contact YMS to reset password if needed)
· You may be asked to verify your device as trustworthy for security purposes.
· Select your student.
· Click the three horizontal lines on the upper left hand corner.
· You will be able to access Grades, Schedules, Attendance Records, Fees, and Documents. (Q2/Semester Report Card can be found under Documents)
⛄Weather-Related Updates⛅
As it starts to get colder, please send students with heavier coats, hats and gloves. We will continue to go outside for lunch recess, as long as the weather permits.
In case of a weather emergency, we will follow the procedure that has been used in the past years. That procedure is as follows:
1. Radio Station Kool (103.5 FM, 1370 AM) and KTMX-FM (104.9) will again serve as our primary source for dispensing "school closing information" they are 24 hour stations.
2. If severe weather necessitates an early dismissal, a school cancellation, or information concerning school buses, it will be broadcast on Kool and KTMX.
3. Bus drivers are instructed to use good judgement in determining whether a road is passable. The Transportation Department will notify parents where children can be loaded if a specific road cannot be traveled. Buses will travel the regular routes and maintain a time schedule consistent with the conditions of the road.
4. "Emergency Messages" will be sent to our student's parents and guardians who have an email or cell phone number listed in Infinite Campus, and the YPS Staff. Information will be posted on our website at www.yorkpublic.org, on our Facebook page at York Public Schools and on Twitter at @MitchBartYPS (#yorkdukes). Parents and Guardians- please be sure the school has your current email address and cell phone number in order to be notified!!
📆 Our Schedule for December-January
Important Dates📆
December 10
- Band Booster Supper 5 PM @YHS Cafeteria, Holiday Band Concert 6PM @YHS Theatre
December 17
- YMS Choir Concert 6:30 PM @ YHS Theatre
December 20(Noon Dismissal)-Jan 3
- Christmas Break
- No School-Teacher In Service
🎶Music Notes🎶
The YMS Christmas Choir Concert will be Tuesday, December 17th at 6:30pm at the YHS theater. Information and details about the concert have been sent home with students. An overview of the letter: students should be in the YHS choir room on Tuesday, December 17th at 6:20pm. Students should wear black on the bottom with dark or black shoes and a nice top. If students would like to wear dresses or suits, that is an option as well. Please contact Mrs. Fraser if you have any questions.
We have been hard at work preparing for our Holiday Concert on December 10 at 6:00 PM in the High School Theatre. There will also be the Band Soup Supper in the HS cafeteria before the concert from 5:00-6:45 PM. We are accepting free will donations. Hope to see you there!
A Note from the Nurse......
Influenza is a contagious disease of the respiratory tract (nose, throat, and lungs) that can lead to serious complications, including pneumonia and the worsening of other chronic health conditions. Flu symptoms may include fever, headache, extreme tiredness, dry cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, and muscle aches. The best way to protect your family from new influenza strains is to get vaccinated each year and to practice frequent handwashing. Seek further guidance from your healthcare provider to ensure that the flu vaccine is right for you and your family members.
Vision, hearing and dental screenings will be conducted during the 3rd quarter for 7th and 10th grade students, and transfer students with no record of previous screenings. If a student does not meet the screening guidelines set forth by the state, a letter recommending further evaluation will be sent to the parent/guardian. If you have concerns regarding your child’s hearing, vision or dental health, please follow up with your healthcare provider, eye doctor or dentist, even if you do not receive a letter of referral. If you do not want your child to participate in these screenings, please notify the school office prior to January 10th, 2024.
Website: www.yorkpublic.org
Location: 1730 N Delaware Ave York, NE 68467
Phone: (402)362-6655 Option 1