Kittredge Connection
Week of November 20, 2023
Safe • Understanding • Perseverant • Engaged • Respectful
Winter Busing
Winter Busing will begin Monday, December 4, 2023. Please complete the form linked below by November 27 if you would like to request a stop for the 2023-24 school year. Please fill out a separate form for each child. There will be no late forms accepted.
Spirit Day - December 1st - Flannel, Plaid, and Camo!
With the holiday, the PTG pushed our "November" spirit day one day over into December. This month will be a theme of flannel, plaid or camo to celebrate the outdoors and fall weather!
Berkshire Museum Mobile Museum Display
A huge thank you to the Berkshire Museum for installing one of their Mobile Museum Units (MoMU) in our library on Thursday.
Mrs. Friedman requested this MoMU as part of a third grade unit studying American Indians. This MoMu details some of the history of the Mohican tribes that lived in this area before being displaced and includes actual artifacts from the museum collection.
Museum staff will be back on Tuesday next week for a presentation to the third grade. The MoMU will live in the library for about a month so that all students have an opportunity to check it out!
I have a long relationship with the Berkshire Museum (they actually hired me on my 14th birthday for my first paying job!) and look forward to supporting more opportunities like this one!
Thanksgiving Week
Don’t forget that Wednesday, November 22 is a half day of school.
We have no school on Thursday and Friday, November 23-24, for the Thanksgiving holiday.
I wish you all a happy Thanksgiving. I know that I am very grateful to be part of the Kittredge family.
Free Thanksgiving Meal
The Becket Federated Church is inviting the community to a free Thanksgiving Dinner on November 23, 2023 from 1:30-3:30pm. Click here for the flier and full details.
Winter Weather Reminders
Please remember that students must be dressed appropriately in order to go out to recess when the temperature calls for it. We use a chart produced for schools that figures in the temperature, humidity and wind chill to determine when it is safe for children to be outside.
This means coats, hats, and gloves. Once there is snow on the ground, students will also need snow pants and boots to leave the blacktop.
If you need help getting warm weather gear, please let us know!
District Tiered Focus Monitoring Review for ELL Programs
Please see the attached letter regarding the upcoming Tiered Focus Monitoring Review of the district's English Learner program. This is a normal, 6-year review from DESE to ensure compliance with state and federal laws regarding the education of students whose first language is not English.
District Family Literacy Night
Our goal this fall is to ensure all students have access to grade level books in their homes! In order to ensure that all students in Prek-5 have easy access to books, we would like to host another CBRSD Family Literacy Night.
When: Monday, December 11, 6:30-8:00 @ Craneville Elementary School
Each student will be given 5 new, high-interest books. Advance sign-up and attendance at the event is necessary to be eligible for books.
If you anticipate attending this event with your student, please respond to this very brief survey so that we can order the appropriate number of books.
We miss each of our little friends when they are absent from school. If your child is going to be absent, please let Shelley know by calling 655-2525 or emailing
It’s important to include the reason too as we do include that in PowerSchool. It also helps us track illnesses that might be going around the building and the nurse reviews symptoms to help keep everyone healthy.
Kittredge Elementary School
Location: 80 Maple Street, Hinsdale, MA, USA
Phone: (413) 655-2525