Northview HS Newsletter
September 23 , 2024 Volume 2, Number 5

Northview Familia,
We have a week packed with many amazing things for all of our Vikings. I would like to start by celebrating Northview Senior, Ysabella Hinojosa, who was honored by the CIF as a CIF Southern Section Champion for Character award winner. The ideals associated with this recognition address exemplifying sportsmanship, character, and integrity in athletics. Congratulations, Ysabella.
We are bringing a new program for our Vikings called ACE Mentor. ACE stands for Architecture, Construction Engineering. The program meets twice a month and we will have industry professionals from the fields of architecture, construction, and engineering work with students on a yearlong design project. The program includes visits to construction sites, scholarships, summer internship placement, and FREE PIZZA every meeting. We are the only school in the district to offer this program. Don't miss out!
See the flier below and click here to sign up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScM5hFQoFTXgYUjAtHXVQ_HuCbV-NAiH5zWPhb9mprCZr70nA/viewform
Congratulations to Northview Cross Country on earning team championships at the Rose City Invitational. The Vikings were led by Boys Varsity individual champion Gary Strobehn and freshman Moises Gonzalez. The girls were led by Alyssa Corona and Ashley Tadeo. (See picture below)
Have a great week, Vikings!
We are excited to announce our annual SAT Day, taking place on Wednesday, October 9, 2024. The SAT is a key exam used by many colleges and universities to determine admissions, and it also opens up scholarship opportunities for students who perform well. More than just a test, it's a chance for students to get a sense of their college readiness.
On SAT Day, all students will be taking a version of the SAT that’s tailored to their grade level:
- 9th Graders: Digital PSAT 8/9
- 10th Graders: Digital PSAT/NMSQT
- 11th Graders: Digital PSAT/NMSQT
- 12th Graders: Digital SAT
To help students prepare, CollegeBoard and Khan Academy offer personalized SAT prep materials for free. You can access step-by-step instructions HERE to get started.
Please note: ALL students will be released early at 12:34 PM on Wednesday, October 9th.
We look forward to a successful SAT Day and are here to support our students every step of the way!
Go Vikings!
PTSA Update
The PTA Reflections Art Program has been bringing the arts to life for more than 10 million students since 1969. This amazing program increases community awareness of the importance of the arts in education. Reflections encourages students to unleash their creative talents to express themselves while tapping into their critical thinking skills to create art inspired by the annual theme.
This year's theme is Accepting Imperfection. We invite all Northview students to offer their interpretation in one of the following categories: Visual Arts, Photography, Music Composition, Literature, Film Production, and Dance Choreography. Entry forms with all of the category specifications are available in the NHS Counseling Office. Entries are due Tuesday, October 15, 2024.
Wellness Corner
As we settle into the school year, it's important to prioritize both our physical and mental health. Here are some wellness tips to keep you feeling your best:
Stay Hydrated: Aim to drink 8 glasses of water a day to boost your energy and focus.
Eat Balanced Meals: Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, proteins, and whole grains in your diet to stay fueled throughout the day.
Get Active: Incorporate at least 30 minutes of physical activity into your routine, whether it’s walking, dancing, or playing a sport.
Manage Stress: Take deep breaths, journal, or meditate to help reduce stress and keep a positive mindset.
Limit Screen Time: Give your eyes a break by stepping away from screens and enjoying some fresh air.
Wellness Challenge
Join our 7-day "Mind and Body Balance" challenge! For one week, focus on balancing mental and physical health:
- Drink water throughout the day.
- Take a 20-minute walk.
- Practice 10 minutes of mindfulness.
Stay well, Northview! Let’s make this a healthy and energized year together.
AVID Future Ready
Exciting field trips are in the books for AVID this school year. This week our AVID vikings got the awesome opportunity to visit the Shark labs at Cal State Long Beach! Our students got to experience first hand what it would be like to be a student studying Marine Biology. They were able to see and interact with the sea life that college students get to work with on a daily basis. It was a phenomenal experience! Cal State Longbeach is a public university part of the California State University System. For more college campus tour opportunities, we encourage our students to 1. Follow the counseling instagram page @nhscounseling 2. Check in with Mrs. Worley in the career center often about upcoming trips 3. Join AVID club! Student's not in AVID can attend trips by joining AVID club.
Counseling Corner
We are excited to announce that our school counselors will be visiting Senior Government classes on September 25th, 26th, October 2nd, and 3rd. During these sessions, we will provide essential information to help students prepare for life after high school. Below is an overview of the key topics we will be discussing:
Post-Secondary Options We will explore a variety of post-graduation pathways, including: 4-Year Universities (California State University and University of California systems) Private Colleges Community Colleges Trade and Technical Schools Military Service Entering the Workforce Important Dates We will highlight key dates and deadlines that students and families need to keep in mind, including: Financial Aid Application Deadlines (FAFSA & CA Dream Act) College Application Deadlines (CSU, UC, and Common App) Transcript Review Counselors will also assist students in reviewing their transcripts and address any questions students may have regarding their academic progress. This is an important time for seniors, and we encourage parents and students to begin discussing post-secondary plans together. Please remind your student to take full advantage of this opportunity to ask questions and gather information about the different pathways available after high school.
Sports At the View
Varsity football will be home for their game against Village Christian HS on Thursday, September 26 at 7:00pm. Vikings - join us in the Student Section for a USA theme!
JV and Freshmen football will be home for their games against Serrano HS this week. JV will play on Wednesday, September 25 at 3:30pm and Freshmen will play on Friday, September 27 at 3:30pm.
Volleyball beat Covina HS last Thursday!
Volleyball will be away for their game against Wilson HS on Tuesday, September 24 and home for their game against Rowland HS on Thursday, September 26. Freshmen will play at 3:30pm, JV will play at 4:30pm, and Varsity will play at 6:00pm.
Varsity will also compete at the Varsity Walnut Tournament and Freshmen will compete at the Freshmen Pacifica Tournament on Saturday, September 28.
Flag Football
JV Flag Football will be home for their game against Covina HS on Monday, September 23 at 3:30pm.
Girls Tennis
Cross Country
Good Luck this Week VIKINGS!
ASB Updates
Homecoming - 10/12
Save the date! Homecoming 2024 will take place on Saturday, October 12!
Dance contracts are available in the ASB office and Homecoming tickets are on sale starting today. All dance contracts must be signed and approved by Administration before a ticket can be purchased. Tickets are on sale this week for: $75 with ASB, $85 without ASB, and $95 for guests. Ticket prices will go up next week so purchase yours ASAP!
Homecoming Rally - 10/4
Vikings! Our Homecoming Rally will take place in the gym on October 4. We will be on rally schedule that day. This is where we reveal our 2024 Homecoming Court!
Club Presidents - Nominations for Homecoming Court are due no later than Friday, September 27. Be sure to get your nominations in ASAP! Nomination forms are available in the ASB Student Store.
Senior Portraits - 11/12 - 11/14
Seniors, appointments for the final round of Senior Portraits open today! If you were unable to schedule an appointment during our September dates, make sure you schedule yours ASAP for November 12, 13, or 14. Remember, this is the photo that will be used in the yearbook!
Please click HERE to schedule your pictures.
Staff Spotlight
We have many new faces here at the View. One being our new Physics teacher, Mr. Blake Eaton. He began as a STEM instructor in the Bay area and has since relocated to sunny SoCal.
He enjoys quality time with his wife and two dogs. Together they enjoy being outdoors, hiking, going for walks, and strolls on the beach. Mr. Eaton has also taken up sailing. Pretty soon you may see him setting sail off the coast of Huntington Beach.
When not outdoors, you will find Mr. Eaton cooking or having easy laughs watching Seinfeld or Love is Blind. If you haven't seen the latest UK season, he highly recommends it!
Thank you for climbing aboard. Us Vikings are glad you joined our ship!
From the Office of Ms. Smith
Attendance Matters
Attendance Incentive Awards:
REMINDER! Come join us for a Popsicle Party during lunch on Monday, September 30th during lunch if you had perfect attendance (no tardies and no absences) for the month of September! Our goal is for Northview Vikings to be at school everyday, on time.
Saturday Academic School
We will continue to notify students and parents/guardians when students have Saturday School due to an accumulation of absences. As a reminder, Students may also attend Saturday School for extra academic support with their teachers. Students will need to RSVP for Saturday School and stay for the full day: 7:55am-12:05pm. Here is the link to RSVP for SAS (only students can sign up using their c-vusd.org login). Below you will find the dates for Saturday School for the remainder of the school year. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Upcoming Events
- 9/16-10/4 - Homecoming Ticket Sales
- 9/17 - Late Start
- 10/4 - Homecoming Rally
- 10/9 - SAT Day
- 10/12 - Homecoming Dance
- 10/25 - Fall Food Fair
Adjunct Duty
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
- JV Tennis - Felix
Thursday, September 26, 2024
- Frosh and JV Volleyball - Seagle
- Varsity Football Student Section - Cortez & Pusey
Friday, September 27, 2024
- Freshmen Football - Roddy
Saturday, September 28, 2024
- WINGS Conference - K. Ramirez