Mrs. Schebaum's Principal Epistle
January 3, 2024- Sorry this is coming out late!

St. George School is a faith-based community which fosters Catholic values while empowering students with strong academics.
Virtue of the Month- Gratitude
Challenge Time!
Have your child write a letter to the person they admire the most and why. Then challenge them to call that person and read the letter to them. If they can't work up the courage to, then help your child by reading it for them or send it in the mail. Keep in mind it was the people who made personal contact with something that left the experiment happiest.
Take it a step farther...you write a letter to someone you admire as well!
Student, Faculty and Staff Mission Reflection and Highlights
- Congratulations to Sydney Englert on winning second place in the VFW essay contest! This year’s topic was “My Voice in America’s Democracy.”
- Congratulations to Hailey Hutchings, our Server of the Month of November.
- We met in our Faith Groups and created Christmas cards for members of our community to exercise the virtue of generosity!
- 6th Grade went caroling around senior housing.
- Congratulations to our Knights of Columbus Essay Contest Winners, Chet Causey (1st), Sydney Englert (2nd), Andrea VanBooven (3rd).
Family and Community Mission Reflection and Highlights
Our virtue for December was generosity and Community Christmas is such a great example of just one way our parish and students are demonstrating it. Thank you to all the compassionate individuals who donated to the Giving Tree!
Thank you to our Dads and Grandpas of Dragons, Jason Bolte, Josh Foust, Brady and Greg Ruediger and Tyler Schebaum. They knocked out my list in an hour and a half!!
Thank you to Showboat Theatre and Brian Jett for allowing us to use the Showboat to show our annual Christmas movie.
Thank you to Calvin's Distributing for the donation of drinks for our Christmas movie at the Showboat.
Thank you to Lampkin Masonry for purchasing the entire faculty and staff team shirts for Christmas.
Thank you to Ray Watson for purchasing all the resources for our faith based professional development.
We could not offer all that we do for our faculty, staff and students without the generosity of all of you!
Dragon Hatchlings
- Dragon Hatchling staff and parents have started to use a new app to stay in communication with each other throughout the day.
- We welcome Sara Bruckerhoff and Faith Williams to our Hatchlings Team.
Committee Updates
Student Council
- Our Student Council sold Christmas headbands and glasses to help spread a little Christmas cheer. They used this money to purchase the snacks for their movie.
- They also did a phenomenal job planning for the movie and staying to help clean up! So proud of them!
School Advisory Council
- Minutes from the School Advisory Council meetings will be posted to our school website.
- Our next meeting is January 21, 2025 at 6:30 in the Conference Room.
Home and School/ Scrip
Thank you to all our parents and Home and School officers for making our Christmas Bazaar possible and an amazing night for our kids.
They are hosting their monthly fish fry on January 10th from 5:00 -7:00 p.m.
- Come cheer on our boys and girls' basketball teams!
Long Range Planning
- Mark your calendars for next year...September 13, 2025.
What's New and Friendly Reminders
I am still looking for some parents to help with Lunch Duty. We have an every other Monday, every other Wednesday open. If you are interested in helping us out please contact the office.
St. George School is looking for someone who can help find and apply for grants for the school. Please contact the office if you or you know someone who can help.
- St. George School is looking for a Full-Time Middle School Math and Religion Teacher and Part-Time Music Teacher for the 2025-2026 School Year.
Upcoming Dates
January 6...Return to School for 3rd Quarter
January 6...Report Cards Come Home
January 6... 7th and 8th Grade Boys Hermann Middle School Home Game at 5:30 p.m.
January 6...Home Basketball Games at 5:30 p.m.
January 8...7th and 8th Grade Boys Hermann Middle School Home Game at 5:30 p.m.
January 10...Spirit Shirt with Uniform Bottoms
January 10...Fish Fry (4th and Kindergarten)
January 11...Virtue Mass at 5:30 p.m.
January 12...Virtue Mass at 10:30 a.m.
January 13...7th and 8th Grade Boys Hermann Middle School Home Game at 5:30 p.m.
January 13-17...St. George B Teams Tournament
January 14...Faith Groups Meet in the Gym
January 14...Testing of 9 Year Olds by NAEP
January 14...Student Council Officer Meeting During Lunch
January 15...Faith Families Sit Together in Church
January 16...7th and 8th Grade Boys Hermann Middle School Home Game at 5:30 p.m.
January 16...1st Reconciliation at St. George
January 17... Speech Meet in Linn
January 19...Knights of Columbus Free Throw Competition at 1:00 p.m. at St. George Gym
January 20... No School for Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 21...Student Council Meeting after school until 4:00 p.m.
January 21...School Advisory Council Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Conference Room
January 22... Home Basketball Games at 6:30 p.m.
January 23... Home Basketball Games at 6:30 p.m.
January 24...OOU- Country vs. Country Club
January 26- February 1...Catholic Schools Week- More information to come home soon!
January 29...Dads of Dragons at 5:00 p.m.
January 31...7th Grade Diocesan Catholic Academic Bowl
Other Dates to Keep in Mind
February 7...St. George Parish Mouse Races (See flyer above!)
February 13th...OOU...Neon and Tie Dye
February 14...No School- Local PD Day
February 17...No School- President's Day
February 20th- 2nd Grade Center Night at 6:00 p.m.
March 3-6th...Read Across America Week
March 7th...No School- Diocesan PD Day
March 20th...2nd Grade Retreat
March 21st... OOU-Sports Day
April 16th...Early Dismissal at 12:30
April 17-22nd....No School- Easter Break
April 21st...Blood Drive
April 25th... OOU- Color Wars
April 30th...Grandparent's Day
May 1st...8th Grade Mass in Jefferson City
May 4th...1st Communion at 1:00 p.m.
May 6th...Pre-K Mommy Makeover
May 7th- 6th Grade Vocations Day in Columbia
May 9th...3rd/ 4th Grade Field Trip to Daniel Boone Home
May 12th...Home and School Meeting at 6:00 p.m.
May 14th...8th Grade Leave at 12:30 p.m.
May 16th...Last Day of School...Early Dismissal at 12:30 p.m.
May 16th...8th Grade Graduation at 6:00 p.m.