Roadrunner Review
September 2022
A letter from Mrs. Lander
It may still feel really hot outside but we are officially entering the fall months. At school we are busy! We are more than half way into quarter one. Students have learned all of our rules and routines and are creating their academic goals. At Riggs we really strive to design instruction that meets the needs of each individual learner. We have made it a school-wide goal this year to deliver tier two instruction for all of our students that need a little extra. That means there will be small groups, sharing of students, or even intervention with our reading teacher. Student learning is our priority, and we want everyone to feel successful. If you are worried about your child's progress, please reach out to the classroom teacher so we can offer support.
At Riggs we have also started a new program called PBIS. This is an evidenced-based program. PBIS is a proactive approach schools use to improve school safety and promote positive behavior. The focus of PBIS is prevention and learning desired expectations. We as a school have decided that our focus will be on RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, SAFETY, AND COMPASSION. We will spend all year reviewing what it looks like and sounds like in order to follow these expectations around the campus. Students will receive CARE tickets when they are caught doing the right thing. These CARE tickets will be saved and can be used to "purchase" items off of our CARE cart. Below is a QR code if you would like to help support the purchase of CARE cart items. Ask your student how many tickets they have earned so far this year.
We have also adopted a voice level system throughout the school. When we need students to be silent we will ask for a level 0. Students' levels move up from there at a whisper (1), partner talk(2), Table Voice(3), and Outside Voice(4). Letting students know the expectation before tasks has proven to be very beneficial. This also has allowed common language between all staff. Try it out at home. If you are on the phone or talking, ask your child to be at a level zero and see how they respond. Some parents have already shared that it has been a game changer for their home.
I hope you all have an amazing September. Please reach out if we can help in anyway!
Jamie Lander
Parent Drop off and Pick Up
How you can help with the Pick-Up process?
- Place the Dashboard Sign in your vehicle's window, dashboard, or hang from rear view mirror. Please don't have it flat on your dashboard.
- Go over the name with Black Marker to highlight the name.
- Review the procedures with your child(ren).
- Eliminate large spaces between cars.
- Continue pulling forward to the next vehicle & your child(ren) will walk to your vehicle
- Please don't stop near the kindergarten gate even if your child is in kindergarten. There are many safety patrol and staff out that will get them to their gate. This avoids the line stopping.
- If possible, move car seats to the driver side so your student can get out safely. We don't want students getting out on the side by the parking lot.
Thank you for your cooperation to keep our students safe!
Annual Emergency Contact Information
CUSD Annual Update is Now Available in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal
New & Existing families will need to complete this annually to update their information in Infinite Campus, as well as answer the questions related to the student handbook.
Click on the Link Below to Sign-In to the Parent Portal:
Site Council
2022 - 2023 Meeting Dates
- Thursday, September 22nd @ 3:30pm, Media Center
- Thursday, November 17th @ 3:30pm, Media Center
- Thursday, February 23rd @ 3:30pm, Media Center
- Thursday, April 20th @ 3:30pm, Media Center
Riggs Elementary School
Location: 6930 S Seville Blvd W, Gilbert, AZ, USA
Phone: 480-224-3400
Twitter: @Durgey