Colt Chronicle Lake School News
MAY 2024
From the Director's Desk....
It is hard to believe this is the last Colt Chronicle of the school year. We have a very busy month ahead of us. We look forward to every last minute with these amazing students! There is still a lot of fun learning ahead. Our last Colt Corral will be Wednesday @ 1:10 on the north field. Please plan on entering through the west gate off Boulevard Street and signing in there. We hope you can join us for our last Corral of 2023-2024.
Kindergarten graduation is May 29th at 2:30. Please see below for more details and sign up sheet to help provide a graduation treat for the big event.
As we wind down the school year we would love to hear from you. Please take this short end of the year survey to helps us better meet your needs! End of the Year Family Satisfaction Survey
Thank you!
Happy Spring!
Mrs. Kennedy
Teacher Appreciation Week May 6-10
PTA has put together a wonderful menu of events for Teacher Appreciation Week May 6-10.
Please considering showing Lake Staff your appreciation by brining a note from your child on Thankful Thursday 5/9 &/or have your child dress like their favorite teacher on Friday 5/10! See below if you want to help PTA in other ways that week or contact Donita
Colts show RESPECT!
Breakfast & Lunch at Lake
Staff/Adult breakfast: $3.75
Staff/Adult lunch: $5.25
Need funds on your My Payments Plus
Kindergarten Graduation Celebration
Wednesday May 29 @ 2:30
Gunnison High School
Students will stay for the day (no early release for kindergartners). Just plan on meeting us at GHS. The program will be followed by a photo op with the teacher and student sign out. Then join us for a short reception to celebrate a great year!
If you would like to help by brining a tray of store bought cookies please sign up HERE. Please no homemade baked goods.
May Important Dates-Upcoming Events
May 1 Last Colt Corral of the school year 1:10 outside North Field
May 6 School Board Meeting Gunnison Lake School or Zoom 5:30
May 6-10 Teacher Appreciation Week
May 8 All preschool classes visit the GVH Senior Center
May 8 Bike to School Day & Bike Rodeo afterschool GCS
May 12 Happy Mother's Day 🌷🌹
May 14 Kindergartners visit first grade
May 16 Final - EAT, CHAT, LEARN series - Click Here to RSVP Childcare and Dinner Provided
May 19 GHS Graduation
May 20 School Board Meeting CB or Zoom 5:30
May 21 Tenderfoot and Lake Pre K students visit kindergarten
May 21 Might Mustang Fun Race- PTA event at GCS
May 31 Kindergarten Park Day Jorgenson Park 9-11
May 31 Preschool Beach Day - Last day celebration- Join us at 10:30
May 31 Last Day of School Preschool & Kindergarten (half day)
PTA Membership Form (Formulario de membresÃa de la PTA)
PTA Events:
Teacher Appreciation Week May 6-10
Bike Rodeo May 8
Mighty Mustang Race May 21
Donita - PTA President