RHS Weekly Newsletter
September 6, 2024
New This Week
RHS Newsletter
Each week, our students share what's going on at RHS. Please take a few minutes to hear more: RHS Newsletter - 9.6.24
School Safety Review
As we do every year, we will be reviewing our school safety protocols on Tuesday and Wednesday next week. We don't like having to do this anymore than our students/parents like hearing about it... but it would be irresponsible to not be prepared.
We’re going to Madrid, Cordoba, and Seville in Summer 2025, and you’re invited! We’re excited to tell you more about the trip we’re planning with EF Tours. Please be sure to register for the informational meeting on September 17th at 7:00 pm using this link: https://bit.ly/4dNZxLd. When students travel, they expand their knowledge of the world around them, discover more about themselves, and grow more confident. These skills are critical for creating the global citizens of tomorrow, and we would love to have your student join us on this adventure.
Romeo Restored
The free thrift store for students, will re-open at RHS the week of September 9. The store will be available during all RHS lunches most Tuesdays and Fridays. We have many dresses and suits for the Homecoming Dance and would love to help students find that special outfit! If you need an after school shopping time please email pamela.gedert@romeok12.org
Watchdog 2024
The annual Watchdog Game, now in its 15th year, raises money to support cancer charities. The game is next Friday (September 13th). To date, the Romeo community has joined together to raise more than $760,000 to provide hope to those in need. This year's proceeds from Watchdog fundraising initiatives will benefit St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, The Cassie Hines Shoes Cancer Foundation and the Rainbow Connection.
Prior to the big game, anyone who has been touched by this awful disease is welcome to visit the Survivor’s Tent. Each visiting family will be hosted by a member of the RHS JV football team and have their picture taken. They will also receive a commemorative Watchdog book containing the stories of those who will be honored by the football, dance teams, cheer teams, and marching band. Survivors will form a tunnel to greet the Varsity football team as they take the field.
One of the highlights of this night is that all RHS students and coaches participating in the game and on the sidelines are playing/cheering in jerseys with the name of their honoree. Following the game, all are invited to be part of a group photo that will be taken mid-field, where participants will present their jerseys to their honorees.
Survivor Tent
The Survivor tent will be open at 6:00 p.m.
Survivor Tunnel
Any survivor attending the game can walk through this tunnel. This tunnel is formed prior to the start of the varsity game. Be sure to listen for an announcement being made regarding lineup time. Survivors and athletes will be walking through the tunnel at 6:45 p.m.
Watchdog Ribbon Picture
At the completion of the game, everyone is invited down on the field to take the annual Watchdog ribbon photo. The RHS Marching Band will act as the outline of the ribbon for spectators and athletes to fill in.
Counselors' Corner
**Can only access with your Romeo email account**
Students, if you would like to request a change to your schedule, please use the form linked above. If requesting a change, please remember the following:
- Many classes are full and most change requests will not be approved
- Once your request is processed (may take until the 2nd week of school), you will receive an email with the outcome of your request
- You must follow your current schedule (available in PowerSchool) until you hear back from your counselor that your schedule change has been approved
- Please keep in mind that we do not change schedules for the following reasons:
- Request a particular teacher or period
- To change your academy
- To change a lunch
- To match a friend's schedule
Upcoming Events
9/13: Watchdog FB game
9/16-20: Homecoming week
9/21: Homecoming dance
9/25: No school (teacher PD)
RHS Tutoring Schedule 2024-2025 (coming soon)
RHS Clubs 2024-2025 (coming soon)
Class of 2025
Senior Parking Painting Refund
Senior painting deposit refunds will be available during lunch on Monday. If you receive an email about issues with your parking spot, please take care of it asap and see Mr. Osebold for your refund.
Senior Yearbook Pictures
Most of our seniors have gotten their senior yearbook pictures taken already by Michael Barton Studios (pictures were at RHS in early August and there was a make up day last week). If you have already done this, thank you. If you have not done this yet, there will be ONE FINAL opportunity on November 6th. Be on the look out for an email next week to get this scheduled. If this is not done, your picture will not be in your senior yearbook.