ILEARN Checkpoint 2
What are the ILEARN Checkpoints?
Indiana’s Learning Evaluation and Assessment Readiness Network (ILEARN) is the summative accountability assessment for Indiana students in grades three through eight and high school biology. ILEARN measures student achievement and growth according to Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts for grades three through eight, Mathematics for grades three through eight, Science for grades four and six, and Social Studies for grade five.
In the school year 2024-2025, over 70% of Indiana schools are piloting the new ILEARN through-year redesign which will be fully implemented beginning in the 2025-2026 school year. This through-year assessment will feature three checkpoints for English/Language Arts and Mathematics. Schools can obtain data to inform instruction on the 2023 Indiana Academic Standards prior to statewide implementation in the 2025-2026 school year. MSD of Martinsville schools are participating in this pilot. For more information about the new ILEARN checkpoints, visit the Assessment Hub in the Indiana Learning Lab.
Important Dates for Checkpoint 2 for South Elementary
3rd Grade & 4th Grade
3rd Grade MATH Checkpoint 2: January 29
3rd Grade ELA Checkpoint 2: January 27
4th Grade ELA Checkpoint 2: January 23
4th Grade MATH Checkpoint 2: January 21
Family Guidance for 3rd Grade
Family Guidance for 4th Grade
Testing Tips
#1- Get Ready before Testing!- Get plenty of sleep, avoid the morning rush!
#2- Listen, Read, Ask!- Follow Directions!
#3- Use your Time Wisely!
#4- Eliminate!- Eliminate obviously wrong answer choices, eliminate distractions!
#5- Make an educated guess!- Use everything you know to attempt to answer the question!
#6- Watch for Absolute Words!- All, Always, Never, Every, None, Everyone
#7- Look for General Words!- Some, Usually, Many, Often, Seldom, etc…
#8- Look for Clues!- Look for the context, tense, word type, grammar in the question and answer choices!
#9- Estimate!- In math, estimate and ask yourself, “Is the answer reasonable?”
#10-Look for patterns! On tables and graphs, look for patterns or trends, read all titles and labels!
#11- Read the Story!- The setting is at the beginning, the problem in the middle, and the resolution is usually found at the end!
#12- Find the BIG IDEA!- Look for the big idea in the first two paragraphs of the story!
#13- Read the Question First!
#14- Show your work!
#15-Check answers!
#16-On the writing portion, write the entire time!
#17-Answer all questions!
#18-Do you best!