Davis Richmond E-News
August 17, 2020
A Message From Your Principals
Dear Davis and Richmond families,
The first day of school is almost here! Our teachers are working hard to prepare their classrooms to welcome our students back. Before we can all be together again we really need your cooperation for a smooth start. In order to ensure the health of all of our staff and students everyone needs to certify to ensure they are free of any Covid symptoms before entering school. We need for parents to certify their child’s health in two ways every morning; electronically and by a parent signature.
Two Steps to Self-Certify Your Child
Every morning before school log into the Self Certification web site and login using your HAC Parent username and password.
- Once you are logged in, for each of your students please read the screening questions to determine if your student meets the criteria and is healthy to come to school each day.
- You will select No to each of the questions if your student is healthy and ready to come to school.
- You will select Yes for any of the questions if your student is experiencing any of the symptoms related to COVID-19.
- Once you make your selection, please click Submit. When you select No, the app will present you with a Green Pass; When you select Yes, a Warning will be displayed indicating that your student should not attend school that day
Parent Signature
- After you complete the electronic portion, sign the dated slip on paper in the luggage tag on your child’s backpack.
- Every morning when your child arrives at Davis/Richmond we will have staff check the tag for your signature.
- This will quickly let us know that you certified your child’s health.
If your family needs assistance getting a thermometer, contact our office. We will be happy to help. Thank you in advance for ensuring our school is healthy and safe.
Thank you again for your cooperation. We look forward to seeing all of our little white tigers back at Davis and our bigger tigers at Richmond.
Kind Regards,
Gina Shaw
Davis Principal
(331) 228-2881
Lisa Simoncelli-Bulak
Richmond Principal
(331) 228-5470
Class Placements
During this unique time of educating students in both remote and in-person settings, we are making every effort to balance class sizes and maintain a sense of community for all our students. As parents continue to request changes for their children, impacting both remote and in person class size, we will need to continue to shift personnel and adjust the remote and in person classroom makeups. While continuity is our goal, these adjustments may result in changes in placements. We appreciate your patience as we work to provide meaningful educational experiences for all our students.
We will still offer the Davis/Richmond shuttle this year, however you MUST REGISTER to use this service. Please call the school’s main office to sign-up.
Who is available for the Davis/Richmond shuttle?
- Students who live in walking distance to Davis walk to Davis Primary.
Richmond students walk to Davis Primary and board a shuttle at 7:45 am and are dropped off at Richmond by the 8:00 am start time. - Students who live in walking distance to Richmond walk to Richmond Intermediate.
Davis students walk to Richmond and a board a shuttle at 7:45 am and are dropped off at Davis by the 8:00 am start time.
Please see flyer below for information on breakfast and lunch changes for the year
The First Few Days of School
Face Coverings
Please make sure your child is prepared for in-person learning by ensuring that he or she has an approved mask. You can access the D303 Mask Requirements for details regarding what they can wear. Here is a great resource to help your child wear a mask HERE.
Tech Support for students choosing REMOTE Learning - Chat
A live chat service is available for device and system support. This is the best way for families to receive fast technical support for district devices and services. The virtual IT team will be available to assist during normal business hours, but if you leave a message, support staff will follow up the next business day. Chat support can be accessed by going to https://helpdesk.d303.org/chat/
Student Device Exchange
Remote Learners: For problems with a D303 issued device, a socially distanced exchange service is available at the main entrance of the Haines Center. It is recommended to troubleshoot via the above “Live-Chat” service before bringing in a device for exchange.
Haines Center
305 S. 9th Street
St. Charles IL 60174
Monday-Friday 7am - 11am
Parking spaces may be limited. Street Parking is available on the east side of 9th street from 7:00-8:00am and from 9:00am to 3:00pm.
In Person Learners
Please report issues to your child’s teacher and send device with your child to school for repair/exchange.
To see Friday’s newsletter with detailed info about Virtual Meet and Greet and in person small group meetings, click HERE.