WCS Summer Activities Guide
Summer of 2024
Summer will be here before we know it! There are countless opportunities throughout Westside Community Schools and with our community partners to provide our learners of all ages with ways to stay busy, have fun, and learn this summer!
Do you have a summer program or camp you'd like to add to this list? Contact Us!
To view and register for the 2024 Westside Sports Camps, please visit your parent PowerSchool portal and select from the left-hand column “My School Bucks.” You can also go directly to the My School Bucks website to register. Once you are logged into My School Bucks select the “School Store” option. All camps that your student is eligible to register for should appear.
Quick link to PowerSchool
Quick link to My School Bucks
If you are not a current District 66 student please contact Ashley James at 402-343-2622 or email her at james.ashley@westside66.net for registration instructions.
Westside Boys Basketball Camps
Boys Basketball:
Team Camp (HS players, grades 9-12):
Tuesday, May 28th– Thursday, May 30th
12:30-3:30 pm
Location: WHS Gyms
Fee: $30.00
The Westside team camp will emphasize the fundamentals and techniques used in the Westside basketball program. Installation of offensive and defensive schemes will be an important part of this camp in addition to helping all players improve their individual basketball skills. All prospective WHS basketball players (9-12) are encouraged to attend.
Incoming 9th Grade Team Camp @WMS (Westside Middle) June 3-5, 1:00-2:30
Youth Camp (4 - 8 Grade)
June 3 - 5
Incoming 4th-6th grade: 9:00-10:30
Incoming 7th-8th grade: 10:30-Noon
Fee: $50.00, includes a t-shirt!
Location: Westside Middle School
The camp will consist of fundamental teaching along with competitive games for all ages.
Instructors: Westside High School Head Boys’ Coach Jim Simons, Westside Assistant Coaches, plus alumni players and coaches.
Westside Girls Basketball Camps
Girls Basketball:
Both Youth and Team camp will be held on Monday, June 3- Thursday, June 6th.
Grades 4-8: 9:00-10:30
Grades 9-12: 10:30-12:30
Fee: $60.00, includes a t-shirt!
Location: WHS Gym
This clinic is structured to help each individual improve her basic skills in the game of basketball. Contests, team competitions, and individual instruction will be included in the clinic.
Instructors: Westside Head Girls’ Basketball Coach and assistants and high school team members.
All Strength & Conditioning camps will meet on the football field to start each day.
Strength, Speed and Agility
Please have athletes in athletic clothing including tennis shoes. Please have them bring a bottle of water to training. All SSA camps will be off from July 1-July 5th for summer break.
All SSA athletes will be introduced to proper lifting, running, jumping, landing, and change of direction techniques. Quality of movement is our highest priority.
If you have any questions contact secora.craig@westside66.net
Middle School
Warrior Strength Speed and Agility for 6th-8th Grade Boys & Girls
M, T, TH (no Wed) June 3 - July 11
11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
NO CAMP July 1st – July 5th
Girls Basketball/Volleyball
Warrior Strength Speed and Agility for Girls’ Basketball/Volleyball
M, T, TH (No Wed/Fri), June 3rd – July 11th
8:45 a.m. -10:00 a.m.
NO CAMP July 1st – July 5th
Girls Softball / Girls Wrestling
Warrior Strength Speed and Agility for Girls Wrestling and Softball
T, TH (No Wed/Fri), June 3rd – July 11th
8:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
NO CAMP July 1st – July 5th
Incoming Freshman (not playing football)
Warrior Strength Speed and Agility for incoming freshman girls & boys not playing football
M, T, TH (No Wed/Fri), June 3rd – July 11th
6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
NO CAMP July 1st – July 5th
Power and Explosion - Summer Lifting Program - Incoming Grades 10-12
Who: All 10-12 grade Football players
When: May 28th - July 11th (M, T, W, TH) - No training July 1st - 5th
Time: 6:30 a.m.- 9:00 a.m.
Location: WHS - Phelps Field (Football Field)
Cost: $70.00
Questions Regarding Camp: limongi.paul@westside66.net or secora.craig@westside66.net
Power and Explosion - Summer Lifting Program - Incoming 9th Graders
Who: All incoming 9th grade Football players
When: June 3rd - July 11th (M, T, TH) - No training July 1st - 5th
Time: 4:30 p.m. - 6:15 p.m.
Location: WHS - Phelps Field (Football Field)
Cost: $70.00
Questions Regarding Camp: mantzaris.andrew@westside66.net or secora.craig@westside66.net
Westside Football Team Camp
Dates: July 15 - 25 (athletes entering grades 9-12)
Time: 7:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
Cost: $70.00
Location: WHS Main Field
The Westside team camp will emphasize the fundamentals and techniques used in the Westside football program. Installation of offensive and defensive schemes will be an important part of this camp. All Westside High School football players are strongly encouraged to attend.
Athletes should show up with athletic clothing and proper football cleats.
Warriors Youth Football Camp (Grades 4-8)
Date: Saturday, June 22nd
Time: 9:00 a.m. – noon
Cost: $20.00
Location: WHS Main Field
The goal of this camp is to introduce the techniques, fundamentals and skills needed to play football for Westside High School. All campers will have the opportunity to learn all areas of football.
Wrestling Technique Camp
Dates: July 15-19 (Ages 7-18)
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
Fee: $60.00 (Includes T-Shirt)
Location: Wrestling Room
Technique camp is designed for any wrestler at any level. Clinicians will demonstrate the newest and safest techniques in the neutral, top and bottom positions as related to folkstyle wrestling.
Warrior Tennis Camp
Monday, June 10th -Thursday, June 13th (Friday, June 14th will be reserved as a rain date in case one of the other 4 days gets canceled).
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Incoming 4th – 8th graders
Location: Meet on the Westside High School Tennis Courts
Warrior Softball Camp
Softball Camp – Grades 5th-12th
July 9-11th
4:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Location: Westside Softball Fields at 78th and Western
Cost: $70
*Softball attire must be worn. No leggings, no shorts, all players must be ready and equipped properly.
Contact: leapley.michael@westside66.net2024 VOLLEYBALL CAMPS
Help your child develop life skills and have fun doing it! The Little Warrior Theatre Camp returns! Campers will write, act, direct and build teamwork; all leading up to the big Friday night performance.
The following flyers and information have been provided by community partners not affiliated with Westside Community Schools. We do not endorse any of the following organizations or events but are providing this information at no cost as a public service to our children, families, staff, and community. For questions, please email communications@westside66.net.