"The Pack" Coyote News
Welcome to Tornillo PK-8! Vol. 1
Week 1: July 29- August 2 Back to School Coyote Edition
We are super excited to welcome you back to school! Our first day of classes is Monday, July 29. Just a reminder that all our PK-8 students will start their school day each morning at 8:00 this school year. Our Coyote teachers have been working extremely hard to create a school year that is fun and educational for the students in the classroom.
Top Questions You May Have Asked
1. What time do students go to school?
8:00-4:00 at our PK-8 campus
2. Can I walk my child to the classroom the first day?
Yes, parents are allowed to walk students to the classroom on the first day of school. Students will be dropped off at the front of the building in the "curbside drop-off area" the rest of the year.
3. Does my child need to wear their uniform on the first day of school?
It is preferred that all students wear their school uniform on the first day of school as this will help establish routines at school and at home as well. Students can wear red, black, or white polo tops with black or brown khaki pants or jean pants or shorts. Girls can also wear black or khaki dresses or skorts. If you are experiencing financial hardship, please don't hesitate to visit with one of our campus counselors or our school nurse for assistance with the uniforms.
4. Does my child need to take school supplies by the first day of school.
It is preferred that students bring in their school supplies as soon as possible as notebooks and folders are set-up the first few days of school. If you are experiencing financial hardship, please don't hesitate to visit with our counselors for assistance.
5. Where will my child be dismissed?
All PK-8th grade students will be released at 4:00 under the canopy. PK-4th grade parents are asked to park and walk up to their child's teacher for pick-up under the canopy area. 5th-8th grade students can walk home or be picked up at the dirt parking lot accross the school. Students who qualify for bussing will ride the bus. Each bus student will have a bus pass indicating the "color" of the bus and contact information.
6. Will my child receive breakfast and lunch?
All PK-8 grade students qualify for free breakfast and lunch in our district. Each child receives a breakfast in the classroom in the morning and lunch in the cafeteria everyday. All meals follow the strict USDA Child Nutrition Guidelines.
7. What if I need to pick-up my child early or conduct school business?
The "main office" for our campus is in building A. Please always stop here and you will be directed to the correct place or personnel. All students will be checked-out from building A. It does take a few minutes to bring students to the building A office due to all our students being able to participate in elective and specialty classes daily. Please plan on this extra time in case of an appointment.
Don't forget! In order to ensure everyone's safety, everyone conducting school business at our schools will be asked for a picture ID in order to check them in & out.
8. What if I have other questions?
You can find our school office information at the bottom of the newsletter. We also ask all our parents to connect to Class Dojo through their child's teacher for weekly updates.
Our district also uses the Powerschool Parent Portal. By connecting, you will get live access to your child's grades and attendance information. Below are the directions that will help you to set up your Class Dojo or Power School Parent Portal accounts.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to help.
MLopez, Principal
Tornillo PK-8
This Week: July 29-August 2
Week 1 Happenings
Mindful Monday, July 29
-parents will be allowed to walk students to classroom to drop off materials (support staff has been assigned each of the areas to help support students, parents, and teachers)
-Doors to the campus will open at 7:45
Thankful Tuesday, July 30
-No school wide events today.
Wellness Wednesday, July 31
-Board Mtg, 5:30
Thoughtful Thursday, August 1
-College Thursday, All Students, Teachers & Staff Wear college shirt/college gear
Friendly Friday, August 2
-Tornillo Spirit Day, wear your favorite TISD shirt
-BOY Student Kick-Off, 9:00-10:30 at High School for all our Tornillo PK-12 students
Back to School Tornillo PK-8 Information
Student Uniforms PK-8
How to connect to our school through Class Dojo & Power School Parent Portal
Student Pick-Up & Drop-Off Information
Thank you Tornillo Parents for joining us at our District Open House!
Coyote PK-8 Teachers & Staff Work Hard to be ready for student's return!
7th & 8th Grade UIL Sports Schedule
We're Here to Help!
Email: lopezmy@tisd.us
Website: www.tisd.us
Location: 420 Oil Mill Rd, Tornillo, TX 79853
Phone: (915)765-3300
Twitter: @MLopez_TISD