Gleason PAWS
Excellence Begins Here
Gleason Vision
Gleason Misson
Gleason Elementary
Email: gleason@cfisd.net
Website: https://gleason.cfisd.net
Location: 9203 Willowbridge Park Boulevard, Houston, TX, USA
Phone: 281-517-6800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gleasontigers/
Twitter: @gleasontigers
September 9, 2024
Principal Message
It is hard to believe we have already completed 3 weeks of school. We have enjoyed welcoming back our Tigers to Gleason and meeting our new students. Thank you for sharing your children with us.
Thank you for your patience with our arrival and dismissal process at the start of the school year. With your support, we have been able to successfully reach our goal of having students in the building by 8:45 am and car rider dismissal ending as close to 4:30 pm as possible. Please remember to have your car rider tag visible during dismissal. We ask that it remains visible until you safely have your child(ren) in your vehicle. Staying in the lane assigned and not going ahead of cars in the line will also allow us to get students out to parents in a timely manner. Every student at Gleason will soon receive a car rider number. This number should be stored in a safe place in your vehicle for when you choose to have your child become a car rider. All changes in transportation should be in writing and sent with your child to school. For your child's safety, sending an email or Remind text will not be accepted.
We hope that you have received the information in order to purchase a Gleason spirit shirt. The last day to purchase spirit shirts will be Sept 19, 2024. Be sure to have your child show school spirit on Fridays by wearing their spirit shirt once it arrives or school colors (blue and white). Previously purchased shirts can be worn.
Students have been continuing to learn routines and procedures in the cafeteria. Visitors for lunch will begin on September 24th and will continue on Tuesdays and Fridays. Only parents and legal guardians are allowed to visit unless we have a note giving your permission. Once lunch visitations begin, visitors will be asked to leave 5 minutes prior to the end of each lunch period. This allows for teachers to safely account for all students prior to going to recess.
Mrs. Melancon
Gleason Quick Reference Guide
Upcoming Events
9/24- Lunch Visitors Begin
9/24- Curriculum Night
10/1- Watch D.O.G.S. Begins
10/3- Fall Picture Day
10/24- Book Fair Begins
10/30- Book Fair Ends
Digital Citizenship Week
The week of September 16th-20th, CFISD will be providing lessons on how to be a digital citizen. We will discuss the importance of taking care of our technology along with the importance of being respectful online, reporting unsafe behaviors and protecting private information like their address. Please help us reinforce digital citizenship by continuing the conversation and allowing your children to dress up as a promise to be digitally responsible.
Monthly Character Traits
(Gleason will introduce the trait the first Wednesday of each month)
September: Fairness
This month as part of the CFISD’s Bringing Out the Best Program (BOTB), we are focusing on Fairness. The definition is lack of favoritism toward one side or another.
However, when working with children, we have to add another layer of fairness. Most children see fairness as being the same for everyone. It often is unless we’re talking about people.. When looking at people we need to ensure everyone has the same chance of succeeding.
A common example we use to teach this concept of fairness is glasses. Just because one person wears glasses does not mean we all need glasses to see clearly. It’s fair because the glasses allow the person the same chance of succeeding as the others without glasses.
We hope you will help us model fairness and have discussions about fairness when situations occur. It’s important to teach kids about fairness, particularly focusing on the idea that fairness doesn’t always mean everyone gets the same thing. Understanding what fairness looks like in different situations is a life skill.
- Children who understand fairness develop more compassion for others and each person’s uniqueness.
Learning about fairness helps children resolve frustrations that they may have over issues of fairness.
A child who values fairness is more likely to be a team player.
Children who are taught about fairness learn to evaluate situations and respond appropriately.
Children who seek to be fair are also more likely to treat others with honesty and respect.
A classroom where fairness is taught provides children with a safer, more positive place to learn.
Counselor's Corner
As the counselor, I support the emotional development of your children. Just like we need to take care of our body to keep it healthy. We have to take care of our feelings, thoughts and actions to keep them healthy as well. Each month, I will be sharing some tips for you to help your child stay mentally healthy.
Tip 1: Schedules and Routines
At the beginning of the year, sometimes it’s a struggle. We have to get our bodies and minds adjusted to a new routine and schedule. I encourage you to set this up quickly. The more healthy routines we have, the better we feel. Children ages 3-5 years old should have about 10-13 hours of sleep, including naps and children ages 6-13 should have 9-11 hours of sleep. Sleep is one way we charge our mind and bodies.
Tip 2: Stay Positive
Things happen. But help the situation by speaking positively and by having an open mind. Ask your child open-ended questions to not guide the response. If help is needed, please reach out to your child’s teacher. Remember, you're being watched by your child. Use this as an opportunity to build healthy skills.
Here’s a few open-ended questions about school.
How was your day?
What is something that you can do tomorrow that will make your day better?
What was your favorite part of today? Why?
Tip 3: Reinforce Positive Behavior
Many of us have experienced negative behavior from kids. It’s easy to give in and give him/her what he/she wants. Especially in public when they are misbehaving. We are quick to bribe our children with promises, treats and/or technology.
But did you know, you’re reinforcing negative behavior and are bribing your child? Bribes do nothing to help your child’s development. Understanding the difference and learning to avoid bribery can mean the difference between positive results and continued frustration.
Bribery teaches kids that engaging in challenging behaviors gets them what they want. Children learn that if they do what they’re not supposed to, you’ll eventually cave in and offer a reward. It also puts your child in control of the situation. You might be the one giving the reward but at the end of the day, your child decides when they get the reward.
The easiest way to identify bribes is to ask yourself these questions:
Who is in charge?
Did the offer come before or after the challenging behavior?
Is the reward going to make a lasting change?
Did you plan for this situation?
So, instead of bribing, you can go into the situation with reinforcement. Before you even enter the situation where you’re expecting negative behavior, you could tell your child they can earn ______, if you see/hear positive behaviors (describe what you want to see/hear).. Right off the bat, your kid has an incentive to be on their best behavior. It wasn’t an offer made on emotions or reactions. Instead, you planned for the worst-case scenario! Here is another way Love and Logic reinforces positive behaviors, by turning your word to gold.
Tip 4: Guiding Children to Solve Their Own Problems
I know you’re your child’s advocate and there are times adult help is needed. However, many problems that children have are small problems that kids can solve. They may need guidance, but Love and Logic has a great 5 steps to help adults guide students. The first step is to show empathy. Children need to know we care but the next step is to put the power back into your child by saying something like, “What do you think you’re going to do?” If your child doesn’t know or his/her choices may not solve the problem in a healthy way, offer choices. It might sound like, “well when I had this problem when I was little, I tried… Do you think any of those might work?” Finally allow your child the choice of solving the problem or deciding to let it go.
Tip 5: Put technology away and be in the moment with your children. No matter the age, they need you and need your time. You’re an important piece of their developmental process- be actively involved in the journey.
We need your help for College and Career Day!!
Thursday, October 31, 2024!!
As part of the counseling curriculum, we introduce elementary students to careers and educational opportunities. Our goal is to plant the seed that ALL students can further their education and show them a variety of occupations. This is where we need your help. We are looking for presenters. Would you or someone you know be interested in presenting? If so, please click here to fill out the interest form and someone will reach out to you.
HORIZONS (Gifted & Talented)
Kindergarten Parents
Cypress-Fairbanks ISD provides an opportunity for all kindergarten students to be included for identification to receive gifted and talented services through the HORIZONS program.
Parents/guardians who do NOT wish the data to be reviewed for the purpose of identification for gifted and talented services may request to opt out of the review by acknowledging this request located in the Gifted and Talented link in the parent portal of the Home Access Center by the due date, November 30, 2023.
- The link may be accessed here: Direct link to HAC.
More Information Click Here
Kindergarten Screening for the Gifted and Talented Program
Data collection will include classroom observations and grade level performance scores that will occur during the Fall semester.
Student Score Reports and notification of qualification/placement will be available for view in the parent portal of the Home Access Center in the Spring semester.
Students whose scores qualify for identification will begin receiving services beginning March 1 of the current school year.
1st Grade - 5th Grade
Due Date to be screened for the 24-25 School Year: Students whose referral is received by the last school day in November may be included in the Mid-year testing process and students may be referred at any time.
Steps to Refer for Screening: Home Access Center (HAC)
Parents/guardians interested in requesting screening for their student to receive gifted and talented services must:
Complete the online acknowledgement to include the characteristics of a gifted child, permission to test, and permission for services located in the Gifted and Talented link in the parent portal of the Home Access Center by the due date, November 30, 2023
- The link may be accessed here: Direct link to HAC.
Testing and Screening for the Gifted and Talented Program
Testing will occur in the Spring during the district testing window at a date to be determined by the campus.
Student Score Reports and notification of qualification/placement will be available for view in the parent portal of the Home Access Center.
Students whose scores qualify for identification will begin receiving services the following school year upon confirmation of placement.
Please help guide parents when questions arise about the appropriateness of screening. Encourage parents to look at the Program Overview on CFISD's website.
A Note From The Nurse...Mrs. Nguyen
Please remember to pack a spare set of clothes (socks and underwear) in case of bathroom accidents or drink spills. Pre-K and K should have several sets.
We are looking for gently used girls/boys shorts and new girls/boys underwear donations.
Library News
Thank you for our wonderful volunteers for helping to get our library unpacked.
Students were excited to visit the library this week and see their new space. 1st-5th
grade students began checking out books, and we will be starting Pre-K and Kinder checkouts soon.
Librarian Contact Info:
Elisa Mann
What a great start to the 2024 - 2025 school year! Our tigers are in the midst of being immersed into learning about academics as well as procedures throughout our school. Students are working hard to earn tiger bucks to spend on our R.O.A.R. Store as well as our classroom stores! Below is a copy of our classroom matrix. Talk with your child about what each letter of R.O.A.R. means and what it means to R.O.A.R. in the classroom. If you'd like to create your own matrix for use at home, use the link below:
Watch D.O.G.S.
Thank you for supporting our students at Gleason Elementary School! Your support is invaluable as we prepare to introduce the highly anticipated WATCH D.O.G.S. program.
What is Watch D.O.G.S.?
The Dads of Great Students WATCH D.O.G.S. Program is one of the nation’s largest and most respected school-based, family, and community engagement organizations in the country. WATCH D.O.G.S. initiative was designed and developed by educators, experts, and parent volunteers over more than two decades ago.
Our programs for Elementary and Secondary School campuses help provide positive male role models for the students, demonstrating by their presence that education is important. Meanwhile, we provide extra sets of eyes and ears to enhance school security, reduce bullying, and provide a greater sense of campus safety allowing students and teachers to focus on learning and instruction.
Personalized Daily Schedule
Watch D.O.G.S. T-Shirts
For the safety of our students and staff, you are required to wear a Watch D.O.G.S shirt on the day of your visit.
Please order yours today!
You may also wear any WD shirt from previous years.
To purchase a Watch D.O.G.S. shirt go to https://dadsofgreatstudents.com.
You will not be able to volunteer as Watch D.O.G.S. without your shirt.
How Do I Sign Up?
You may sign up no more than 2 times a school year. Program begins October 1, 2024
Please sign up at least 1 week in advance!
If you need to reschedule your date, please give us at least 48-hour notice.
Sign-up link: Watch D.O.G.S. Signup
Upcoming Spirit Night
September 19th
Willie's Grill & Icehouse-Jersey Village
17492 Northwest Fwy.
Houston, TX, 77040
District’s Student Insurance
Below is the link to the district’s student insurance webpage.