Excellence: Under Construction
Honoring the Past, Building the Future
Welcome Back!
Principal’s Message
Welcome to Barnwell Elementary School, home of the Mighty Mustangs! On behalf of the faculty and staff of BES, I am excited to welcome you to the 2019-2020 school year! As a new principal this year, I feel fortunate to be part of this amazing team, providing educational experiences that inspire and motivate our children to be lifelong learners and caring contributors to the world around them. Each day I will continue to work closely with our students, families and our excellent instructional team to provide the best possible education.
Our back-to-school theme is “Excellence...Under Construction - Honoring Our Past, Building Our Future”. Our main goal is to build a safe and positive learning environment where staff and students enjoy coming to school every day to learn, and where parents are proud to have their children attend. We believe it is important to model respect and foster a caring school culture where everyone feels valued and appreciated. Finally, we believe in building partnerships between school, home, and community.
It’s our desire to keep you informed of all that is taking place at school. We hope that you will find our website helpful and informative. The school calendar of events and other important school and district information can be accessed on the BES website. Our staff will continue to communicate through event fliers, this Monthly Bulletin, the school marquee, our Facebook and Twitter feeds, as well as Remind texts. Please take time to review the Student Handbook closely to learn more about the dress code, visitors on campus, discipline policies, and other important information about Barnwell Elementary.
It is important to me that everyone who steps through our doors – teachers, students, parents and the community – are excited to be here! We encourage you to get involved by joining our PTO, volunteering at school activities, and taking an active role in your child’s education. If for any reason you have concerns or something is simply unsettling, please call, stop in for a visit, or email anytime. Thank you for entrusting us with the opportunity to educate your most prized possessions.
Best wishes for a safe and productive school year,
Kay M. Gooding
What should your child know and be able to do this year?
Facilities Update
As many are already aware, at the end of last year, the district announced the addition of the new STEM lab at Barnwell Elementary School. Ms. Susan Gardner has been working all summer ordering materials, getting the curriculum ready, painting and creating an exciting learning space for our students. The lab will include a Virtual Reality area, coding and robotics, as well as many other STEM components. Mrs. Gardner will work with students in small groups to focus more on the math component of STEM this year, to help our students become stronger mathematicians.
One beautification effort this summer was that the hallways received a much needed facelift. The corridors are now more welcoming and boast our district colors of red and black. Our school looks wonderful and the general cleanliness is impressive. The Custodial/Maintenance Department has spent the entire summer cleaning, sanitizing, dusting, and waxing the building from top to bottom. Their hard work and dedication is truly appreciated.
The PTO is currently seeking new members for the upcoming school year to help with activities. Please email a letter of interest to kgooding@bsd45.net.
Visit our Parent Portal
Join us for Meet and Greet
**Please feel free to bring your school supplies.
Thursday, Aug 15, 2019, 05:00 PM
Barnwell Elementary School, Marlboro Avenue, Barnwell, SC, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
About Us
Email: kgooding@bsd45.net
Website: http://besbsd45.weebly.com
Location: 10524 Marlboro Avenue, Barnwell, SC, USA
Phone: 803-541-1285
Facebook: facebook.com/BarnwellElementarySchool
Twitter: @barnwell_school