BHS - Bulldog Buzz 📚🐾
End of the School Year - Summer 2024
Juniors (aka Future Seniors) - Principal Connection
Hi 11th Graders and Families,
We did it! Another year completed, and I am so proud of how hard you have worked this year. You are one step closer to graduation. I have really enjoyed meeting with you all one-on-one this 4th quarter and getting to know a little bit about you. Next year is going to be an amazing year, and I look forward to supporting you along the way!
As a reminder, here are the links from the Future Seniors Meeting that we had a few weeks ago:
Class of 2025 - Future Senior Presentation
Future Senior Quick Info Sheet (this is a one-pager condensed version of the presentation)
Here are some of my goals for you this summer:
- Relax and enjoy your time off! Enjoy all things that come with the beautiful weather of summer, and connect with family and friends. This is your time to take care of YOU! Find a good balance between family, athletics, extra curricular activities, work and friends. Surround yourself with kind people that make you feel good about yourself and lift you up. Be that person for someone else!
- If you don't already have one, explore job opportunities. This is not only good to help you reach financial goals, but you will also learn life skills, independence and responsibility. This could also be a good opportunity to explore different career pathways and make connections for future careers. In addition, explore some job shadowing opportunities.
- If college is your path, set up those college visits now! I can tell you from personal experience, these are the best ways to help you feel more comfortable before you start applying later this summer. Speaking of applying, Common App opens on August 1st.
- Get ready for an amazing Senior Year! Our Senior Registration date is Monday, August 26th 8-11 am. More information to come later this summer.
~Mrs. Richards
Sophomores - Principal Connection
HALFWAY THERE! I am so proud of all of you and your work towards graduation! I can't believe that we are hallway towards you walking across the stage as Brighton Bulldog Graduates. Keep up the great work and take advantage of this upcoming down time, you have earned it! Here are a couple of ideas for you to consider this summer:
1. First and foremost, PLEASE use this down time to do what you enjoy and recharge your batteries. It is important, not only for adults but for students too! Go outside, read, spend time with friends and family! You only have a couple summers left before you are done with high school, make sure you devote your energy to enjoying these precious months!
2. Think about what the upcoming two years will look like! What classes are you taking? What career are you pondering? What ideas do you have for life after high school? There are so many options, but I think some purposeful thinking and planning can help alleviate some stress of the unknown and truly help you gain some insight into the things you would like to accomplish!
3. Think long-term! Use BHS as a 'launching pad' into your life. When I graduated high school, I seriously considered becoming a lawyer, but from talks with my teachers and counselors, I changed my mind to pursue education. I came up with a five year and ten year plan my junior year of high school and while it has adjusted some over time, it still gave me enough direction to ultimately land me in my dream job!
4. Finally, take a moment of your day and say 'thank you' to someone who has helped you this year. Send a text, write a note, give someone a call and let them know they were a positive force in your life. These are the connections and relationships we all need in our lives, and taking a minute to share gratitude with that person is important for both them and you!
Class of 2026, it has been a great two year and I cannot wait for the next two years with you! I am proud of you, I am here for you, and I am looking forward to September already!
Mr. G
Freshmen - Principal Connection
Hello Class of 2027!
Simply put, I am so proud of you! You have successfully navigated the challenges of your first year of high school, demonstrating dedication, enthusiasm, and resilience in the process. Your hard work and achievements this year in the classroom, in athletics, and in extracurricular activities have not gone unnoticed, and they have made our school community proud as well! As you leave for your well-deserved summer break, I have a few reminders for you:
- This summer, take time to rest, recharge, and pursue the things that bring you the most joy. Spend time with the people you care about most, consider new hobbies, part-time jobs, and make the most of your time before the fall rolls around.
- Reflect. Think about both your academic and personal journey this year. Consider the lessons you learned, the friendships you created or solidified, and the memories you made. Also, think about the opportunities you wish you would have seized, and consider ways you can do so next year. These are all things that have the ability to shape your future experiences and we want them to have the most positive impact possible.
- Consider setting goals for yourself. Think about what you would like to accomplish within your next three years of high school and start considering a plan to make it happen. These can be academic, extracurricular, or personal goals. Having these goals for yourself can help you stay focused and motivated throughout the summer while still taking time to relax.
- Above all else, if you are not happy with how this year went, please remember that this year does not define your high school experience! You have the next three years to change your approach to academics, involvement within the school community, social relationships, etc. if you are interested in a change. View it as an opportunity!
- Back to School Registration for incoming Sophomores will be on Tuesday, August 27th from 8 - 11 am. There will be periodic communications sent out over the summer, so please make sure you are checking your emails so you don't miss anything.
I would like to wish you all a safe, and fulfilling summer break. We are glad you are part of our school family and I look forward to welcoming you back in the fall for another exciting year of learning and growth!
-Mr. Evans
Counseling Corner
Reach out to our Counseling Department for support!
Upcoming Dates/Events
- Wednesday 6/12 - Last Day of School, we release for the summer at 11:15 am! ENJOY YOUR SUMMER!!
- Monday 8/26 - Senior Registration 8-11 am, Junior Registration 12-3 pm
- Tuesday 8/27 - Sophomore Registration 8-11 am, Freshman Registration 12-3 pm
- Tuesday 9/3 - 1st Day of School for the 24-25 School Year
Brighton High School Grade Level Principals
11th Grade / Class of 2025, Tracie Richards
10th Grade / Class of 2026, Nate Grabowski
9th Grade / Class of 2027, Matt Evans
Website: https://www.brightonk12.com/Domain/465
Location: Brighton High School, Brighton Road, Brighton, MI, USA
Phone: (810)299-4100
Twitter: @BrightonHS