Falcon News
September 2024
Principal Letter
We hope you've enjoyed a fantastic start to the school year. It's been a pleasure witnessing our students' bright smiles and positive energy around campus. Our students and teachers have been truly exceptional, and I'm especially impressed by our students' work ethic and our faculty and staff's tireless efforts. I'm grateful for our teachers' commitment to building strong relationships with our students during this initial month. It's one of the many reasons I'm proud to serve as your principal.
As we move into September, I want to highlight two important events at our school. First is our school Bingo Night on Friday, September 20th, from 5-7 p.m. in the cafeteria. We hope you can join us for all the fun. Second is our upcoming School Community Council (SCC) meeting. The SCC plays a vital role in Hawaii's education system. They are a part of the leadership structure at each school and enable shared decision-making among Principals, teachers, school staff, parents, students, and community members to improve student achievement. It will be held on Monday, September 23rd, from 1 to 2 PM in the L&L, adjacent to our Aloha Transition Center. We look forward to seeing you there.
Finally, we wish you a restful and relaxing Labor Day weekend. Mahalo!
Patrick Wetzel
Welcome Back Assembly
Amazing Shake
Today, 50 students participated in Hickam Elementary's Amazing Shake Competition. The Amazing Shake is based on a national competition in Atlanta, Georgia where students apply the skills needed to succeed as the next generation of leaders in our community. In this competition, students will be asked to think on their feet and present themselves with confidence, charisma, poise under pressure, common sense, eye contact, and a solid handshake in different scenarios.
Congratulations to the 50 students who participated in the Amazing Shake today, they were AMAZING!!
Back to School Bingo Night (Event Full)
Join us for our first PCNC Family Night of the year! Back to School Bingo Night on Friday, September 20th - Doors open at 5 PM, games begin at 5:40 PM. Enjoy a complimentary hot dog dinner provided by our wonderful Cafeteria staff. Prizes will be given for game winners. Books available for each child to bring home. Space is limited so kindly RSVP by Monday, September 16th using the Signup Genius link below.
Cafeteria Menus
Hickam Elementary is a Nut and Tree Nut Free Campus
We ask for your assistance in checking your student's lunch, especially items like Lunchables (i.e. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups) and fast-food items (i.e. Chick-Fil-A) as they may contain items that are in violation of the school’s nut free policy.
As a proud and completely nut-free school, we adhere to the following policy:
• No nuts or nut products are allowed in any class-shared snack.
• If you are providing snacks for your child's classroom, please send only commercially prepared, nut-free snacks.
• Students may not bring any items listed as containing or may contain peanut or tree nuts in their lunches. This includes spreads such as almond butter. Children having an allergic reaction will go to the health room. They will also be monitored during and after lunch to ensure that they wash their hands thoroughly. As an additional precaution, we wash all tables carefully before students return to class.
• Students who bring a lunch that contains peanuts or tree nuts will be provided a school lunch at their own cost.
Aloha Transition Center (PCNC) Updates
Meet your PCNCs!
The Parent-Community Networking Centers (PCNCs) serve to create supportive partnerships among the home, the school, and the community for the purposes of supporting student success, and building a sense of family and community.
We're located in the Aloha Transition Center (ATC), along with the Anchored4Life Club. The A4L Club is a peer-to-peer club to connect youth while building change and resiliency skills. Our school has an established program with ten awesome Team Leaders who give new student tours, goodbye kits, do service projects, and facilitate activity groups.
Anchored4Life Quote of the Month!
"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails."
— Jimmy Dean
Regal Bread orders due this Tuesday September 3rd
- Please make sure the order envelope is filled out fully. Checks should be made out to Hickam Elementary School PTO. If you have more than one child you are placing an order for, you can make out one check and just put a note with the check stating the students names and their classrooms the check is covering.
- Parents will need to pick up the students' entire order on Thursday, September 19 from 2:30-5:30pm in the ATC. This is the only day for order pick up, so please make arrangements to get your order then.
Ice Pop Wednesday
PTO will be selling ice pops in 3 locations on campus to students directly after school for $0.25 each. They are also in need of volunteers to help prep and sell ice pops. Please use the sign up below if you are interested in helping.
If you would like to join our PTO, please email hickamelementarypto@gmail.com. You can also follow us on Facebook @Hickam Elementary PTO!
Choose Love - Social Emotional Learning Unit
Hickam Elementary School's Social Emotional Learning program is called Choose Love. This quarter we are focusing on Courage. "Courage is the willingness and ability to work through obstacles despite feeling embarrassment, fear, reluctance, or uncertainty." -Choose Love Movement
School Drop-Off and Pick Up Reminders
- With limited parking in the freedom tower parking lot, we ask that families reserve parking for teachers and staff. We ask that parents park along 8th and 9th street for pick up and drop off. When others are parked in the lot, that can make it difficult for teachers to find parking elsewhere and get to their classrooms on time.
We ask for your assistance in not dropping students off on Julian Way, the Child Development Center parking lot, or Radio Road due to the immense amount of foot and bike traffic in these areas.
Do not park in the drop-off area located on Manzelman Circle.
Employment Opportunities
We are still looking to hire part-time positions:
- Substitute Teachers- we are always in need of substitute teachers. Click on the link if interested. https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/Employment/JobOpportunities/Pages/Substitute-teachers.aspx
If interested, please use the contact us button on the bottom of the school's webpage, hickam.k12.hi.us. Thanks!
After-School Club Spotlight
Falcon Safety Patrol Officers
Important Dates to Know
Aug 30 (Fri)- No School- Radford Complex Waiver Day
Sept 2 (Mon) - No School -Labor Day
Sept 3rd (Tues)- Regal Bread Monies due
Sept 19th (Thur) - Regal Bread Pick up 2:30-5:30
Sept 19th (Thur)- Volleyball Tournament
Sept 20th (Fri)- Back to School Bingo event 5-7pm
Sept 23rd (Mon) - SCC Meeting 1:00pm in the L&L
Sept 25th (Wed) - Early Dismissal at 12:30 pm
Sept 25th (Wed) - Picture Day
Sept 25th (Wed)- Amazing Shake 12:30-3:30
Sept 27th (Fri) - AVID College T-Shirt Day
Oct 2nd (Wed) - Late Dismissal at 2:10 pm
Oct 2nd (Wed) - 1st Quarter Student of the Quarter Assembly 9 am
Oct 4th (Fri) - Early Dismissal at 1:10 pm
Oct 4th (Fri) - Breast Cancer Awareness Dress Day (wear pink)
Fall Break Oct 7th-Oct 11th
825 Manzelman Circle, Honolulu, HI 96818
Phone: (808) 307-4600
Fax: (808) 421-4157