McGovern News
December 6, 2024

Our shortest month of the year flew by! I hope you all had a wonderful February break filled with joyous moments and restful pauses. The students amazed us as they seamlessly reestablished their routines at school, engaging with their teachers and sharing with their peers.
As you may know, February is Black History Month, a time dedicated to honoring and celebrating the rich contributions and achievements of African Americans throughout history. This has month provided wonderful opportunities for us to explore and learn about the remarkable individuals who have shaped our world and continue to inspire generations. While we do not solely do this in February, this designated month serves as a focused reminder and catalyst for deeper exploration, understanding, and appreciation of Black history and culture throughout the year.
Next week we embrace the arrival of March with energy and optimism, marking the onset of spring and longer days of sunshine ahead. With this new month, we have quite a few cultural celebrations to look forward to as well.
Have a great weekend!
Amy McDonald, Principal
March Celebrations
March is recognized as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, promoting inclusion, understanding, and opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities. It is also Women’s History Month, celebrating the achievements and contributions of women throughout history. March is celebrated as Irish-American Heritage Month, honoring the contributions, history, and culture of Irish immigrants and their descendants in the United States.
March 4th is Mardi Gras, or "Fat Tuesday," a festive celebration marking the last day of indulgence before Lent. This American tradition, derived from French Catholic traditions, is especially famous in New Orleans, LA where it is known for its colorful parades, jazz music, masquerade balls, and vibrant street parties.
Ash Wednesday is observed on March 5th to mark the beginning of Lent, a 40-day season of fasting, prayer, and reflection leading up to Easter. Many Christians attend church services where ashes, made from the previous year's Palm Sunday palms, are placed on their foreheads in the shape of a cross as a symbol of repentance and a reminder of human mortality.
March 8th is International Women’s Day, an annual celebration to recognize the achievements of women and advocate for gender equality worldwide. Originating in the early 20th century, it highlights social, economic, cultural, and political advancements while also raising awareness of ongoing challenges. The day is marked with events, marches, and initiatives promoting women's rights and empowerment.
Purim, a Jewish holiday that begins the evening of March 13th and continues throughout March 14th. Purim celebrates the survival of the Jewish people from Haman’s plot to destroy them, as told in the Book of Esther. It is observed with festive meals, gift-giving, charity, and the reading of the Megillah (the Scroll of Esther), often accompanied by costumes and joyful celebrations.
Holi is a Hindu celebration observed on March 14th to commemorate the arrival of spring and the triumph of good over evil. Known as the Festival of Colors, Holi is celebrated with joyous gatherings, people throw vibrant colored powders, dance to music, and share festive sweets, symbolizing unity, love, and renewal.
St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated each year on March 17th to honor Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. Originally a religious feast day, St. Patrick’s Day has evolved into a global celebration featuring parades, wearing green, and festive gatherings. Many traditions include Irish music, dancing, and the display of Irish symbols, like shamrocks and leprechauns, to commemorate Irish heritage and culture.
The Hindu New Year is observed on March 29th, and is celebrated to commemorate the start of the Vikram Samvat calendar. The Hindu New Year is celebrated in several regions under different names, such as Ugadi in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, Gudi Padwa in Maharashtra, and Chaitra Sukladi. It is observed with prayers, festive foods, and rituals that symbolize new beginnings, prosperity, and spiritual renewal.
Eid al-Fitr is a major Islamic holiday that begins the evening of March 29th and continues into March 30th. Known as the "Festival of Breaking the Fast” as it marks the end of the month-long fasting and reflective prayer of Ramadan, and is celebrated with communal prayers, festive meals, and acts of charity to emphasize gratitude, unity, and generosity. Families and communities come together to share food, exchange gifts, and extend warm greetings of "Eid Mubarak" in a spirit of joy and togetherness.
March 31st observes the International Transgender Day of Visibility, which celebrates the achievements and contributions of transgender and non-binary individuals while raising awareness of the challenges they face. It is a day to promote inclusivity, advocate for transgender rights, and recognize the importance of visibility in fostering acceptance and equality.
Daylight Savings
A reminder that on Sunday, March 9th we spring forward with Daylight Savings Time. We will adjust our clocks one hour forward, and embrace longer days ahead.
Scholastic Book Fair
Dear Families,
The Spring Book Fair is coming the week of March 17th! Your student will be visiting the book fair with their class during their library period.
There will be lots of amazing new books available for the students to explore and buy! A flyer will be sent home on Monday, March 10th for students to browse, and you can also look at the book fair website here for what the students may expect to see.
The fair accepts eWallets, cash, credit cards, and checks. We do recommend that you set up an eWallet for an easy purchase. If you set up an eWallet for the Fall book fair you will need to call Scholastic at (888)412-9124, and have them transfer any remaining funds onto a new eWallet for the Spring book fair (the funds do not automatically carry over). If you would like to set up an eWallet for this book fair, please click the link below to do so after Friday February 21st.
If you would like to join your student and volunteer at the fair please add your name to the Volunteer Sign-up Genius. The library is also looking for volunteers to help with setting up and packing away the fair so please, if you're available, feel free to add your name to those slots as well.
If you have any questions please either email your class teacher or our school librarian Mr. Holt at mholt@medwayschools.org.
Preschool Arena Days
Please remember that approximately twice a month there are no preschool classes as it is an "Arena Day". This is when we complete assessments for students in an IEP evaluation cycle, hold IEP meetings, and/or conduct training. Upcoming Arena Days are:
- March 7
- March 21
- April 4
- May 2
- May 23
- June 6
The Road to Kindergarten
You have embarked on this wonderful new journey with your child, you are on the Road to Kindergarten! Now that you are getting ready to enroll your child in kindergarten at McGovern Elementary for 2025-2026 school year, please click on the flyer below that outlines important events that help to make this milestone transition smoother as we lead up to your child's first day of kindergarten.
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-2026 school year is open now through until April 4, 2025! Kindergarten students must be 5 years old by August 31, 2025. Registration information will be available online, in the superintendent’s office, and at the McGovern School. We will send out a Sign-up Genius in March for kindergarten screening, which will take place in May.
Families will need to complete their online registration (OLR) for the 2025-2026 school year using the Infinite Campus Online Registration Portal. Instructions for completing the OLR can be found here: Online Registration Directions.
Also, we have opened registration for the Introduction to Kindergarten Summer Program if you would like your future kindergartener to get a first-look at what it is like to be a McGovern student. This summer program is just one of the many exciting events that takes place in preparation for the new school year. We have also finalized our “The Road to Kindergarten”, a flyer that outlines important events and milestones leading up to the first day of kindergarten, which can be found in the section above.
We are excited to welcome the class of 2038! Please feel free to reach out with any questions.
District Updates
DESE Report Card Cover Letter
February 26, 2025
Dear McGovern Elementary School Families:
Every year, each public school and district in Massachusetts receives a report card. Just as your child’s report card shows how they are doing in different subjects, the school’s report card is designed to show families how our school and district are doing in different areas. A link to a fact sheet about the report card can be found here. A link to McGovern's information can be found here. A link to our district’s report card is available here.
The report card includes multiple measures of a school’s performance – more than just MCAS scores. It represents a new way of looking at school performance, by providing information on student achievement, teacher qualifications, student learning opportunities, and more.
Report cards are designed to be useful tools for everyone connected to our school. Families can use the information to have meaningful conversations with us about what the school is doing well and where there is room for improvement. Community and education leaders can use the information to better understand how to support students and our school.
We encourage you to become involved in helping us improve our school. We see parents as critical partners in the success of our students and school, and we are grateful for your continued support.
Finally, as your child attends a school that receives federal Title I funds, you also have the right to request the following information about the qualifications of your child’s classroom teachers:
Whether your child’s teacher is licensed in the grade levels and subject areas they teach,
Whether your child’s teacher is teaching under an emergency license or waiver,
The college degree and major of your child’s teacher, and
Whether your child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.
If you have questions about our district report card, would like to become involved in school improvement activities, or would like to request information about the qualifications of your child’s classroom teacher, please contact Mrs. Amy McDonald, principal.
Paul Peri
Assistant Superintendent
Medway Public Schools
Upcoming Community Events
MMS Spring Play
The Medway Middle School Performing Arts Department is proud to announce their spring musical, Matilda Jr.
Based on the book, Matilda JR. is a lively musical about a brilliant girl with special abilities who stands up to cruelty. With support from her kind teacher, Miss Honey, Matilda challenges the terrifying headmistress, Miss Trunchbull, inspiring her classmates to rebel. Filled with catchy songs and energetic dances, this empowering tale delights audiences of all ages.
Performances will take place at Medway High School Auditorium on Friday, April 4th at 7:30 PM, and Saturday, April 5th at 2:00 PM and 7:30 PM. Please click below to purchase tickets:
RESCHEDULED - Musical Bingo
Medway Friends of Performing Arts 3rd annual Musical Bingo night has been rescheduled. The event will now take place on Thursday, March 20th in the Medway Middle School Cafeteria. Pre-registration is required and the doors open at 6:00 p.m. and Musical Bingo will start promptly at 6:30 p.m.
Summer Programs
MEPTO Updates
Shamrock Shuffle Early Registration
Who's ready to Shuffle?! Join the MEPTO on Saturday, March 8th, 2025, for a fun-filled 5K (3.1 miles) course that winds through the beautiful back roads of Medway.
Get your running (or walking) shoes on because Early Bird Registration for the 14th Annual MEPTO Shamrock Shuffle is NOW OPEN! Don’t miss out, register early and save as prices go up after January 15th. Please sign up by clicking the link below, and let’s ShamROCK this race! This event is perfect for ALL ages and abilities, so bring the whole family. Plus, every step you take supports the creative arts programs in ALL Medway schools.
Mount Wachusett Discount
If you're heading to Mount Wachusett this season, use the code DON-MEDWAYPTO to donate $10 from each lift ticket or beginner package back to MEPTO. This can done online to book your lift ticket or beginner package for any day during the season, and on the payment screen there will be a section to the code in the promotion box. Be sure to update the cart.
Snow Gear Reminder
A friendly reminder to make sure all of your child's snow gear and the bag they keep it in is labeled with their name. That way they don't accidentally get misplaced and the teacher can make sure it is being sent back home.
In order for students to use the playground when it is covered in snow they will need proper snow gear - boots, snow pants, winter jacket, etc. Please send in all snow gear with your child labeled in a bag. Any student without proper snow gear when there is snow on the playground will still be able to enjoy outdoor recess, but will be limited to the blacktop only. We do have some extra snow gear on hand just in case as well.
Inclement Weather Information
It is a goal of our district to ensure the safety of your child. There may be occasions when deteriorating weather will mean that schools close due to unsafe conditions. When such occasions occur, the Superintendent will review anticipated road and sidewalk conditions, access to schools, projected weather forecasts, and consult with the police and public works departments in order to make a determination between approximately 5:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. if conditions will be safe for students to come to school.
The following plans will be in effect for inclement weather:
No School Announcement
If the Superintendent has determined the conditions are unsafe, school will be canceled. The district will utilize the emergency notification system that will contact your home/cell phone and email using the information you have provided to your child’s school. The “no-school” announcement will also be shared on social media channels and carried on local television channels 4, 5, and 7.
All classes, school activities, before and after school programs, the Medway Extended Day program (MEDI), daycare program, adult education evening classes, and any school facilities use activities will be canceled. Transportation of students to out-of-district schools will also be canceled.
One or Two-Hour Delay
If the Superintendent has been notified that the public works department needs additional time to plow or sand the streets to ensure safety, then a determination for a one or two-hour delay may be made. As with no-school announcements, the delayed opening announcement will be made using the emergency notification system to home/cell phone and email and carried on local television channels.
Please keep in mind:
Bus routes will begin by a one or two-hour delay, including all special education transportation for out-of-district schools.
Do not send your child to school earlier than the delayed opening, as the school grounds may not be plowed and there will be no staff available to supervise early arrivals.
PreK ½ day sessions will take place if a one hour delay is called, and will be canceled for a two hour delay.
School lunch will be served at its regularly scheduled time.
Schools will be dismissed at their regular times.
Emergency Early Release Announcement
If a severe weather condition or other emergency develops during the school day, the district may release students before the typical end of the school day. Parents will be notified by home/cell phone and email and the announcement will be carried on local television channels, and displayed on the district website. As appropriate, the district will work with public safety officials to shelter students in the district if unable to send home.
Additional Information for Parents
- Be sure your child’s school has your updated contact information.
- Have a family emergency plan in place so your child knows what to do if sent home for any of the reasons noted above. If your child is regularly driven to school and you or they feel it is unsafe to drive during the inclement weather, please determine an alternative means of transportation to school.
Inclement Weather Bus Stops
In prior years the District provided the opportunity for families to sign up to be notified when their child could use the bus during inclement weather, and when sidewalks were not plowed. With the change of transportation practices, including an opportunity for all students to participate, and the daily ridership on buses, this is no longer an option. We ask that families plan accordingly.
ID Required at the Main Office
As a reminder to all families, when picking up your child, you will need to bring your license or identification with you to the main office. Not only is this for safety reasons, but we also have new staff in the front office. Please understand that you will be asked to retrieve your ID from your car if you forget to bring it in. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Family Support- Free and Reduced Lunch Applications
Children need healthy meals to learn. Medway Public Schools offers healthy meals every school day. As you may know, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, through the recent passage of the state budget, will again allow local districts to provide breakfast and lunch for all students at no cost.
However, families who submit an application for free or reduced lunch which is approved based on income guidelines may qualify for discounts on specified school fees, including but not limited to athletic fees, transportation fees, and preschool tuition. A district cover letter, the application and instructions can be found here.
2024-2025 School Calendar
A copy of the approved 2024-2025 school year calendar can be found here.
New Mental Health Care Coordination Service for Medway Families
Medway Schools has partnered with Care Solace, which offers mental health care coordination services and can help connect you, your child, and extended family members with appropriate community-based providers. Whether it's counseling, therapy, or other mental health services, Care Solace can assist you in finding the support your family may need. To access Care Solace's coordination services, simply reach out using the following options:
- Call 888-515-0595: Their multilingual helpline is staffed 24/7/365.
- 2. Visit www.caresolace.com/medway: On their website, you can explore mental health providers independently or click "Book Appointment" for personalized assistance through video chat, email, or phone.
Do you need the newsletter translated?
To open the SMORE newsletter, click on the link above. Then, to translate the SMORE newsletter, click on the “Translate” button at the top of the page. Use the drop-down menu to select your language. The newsletter will then be translated.
Para abrir a newsletter SMORE, clique no link acima. Em seguida, para traduzir a newsletter SMORE, clique no botão “Traduzir” no topo da página. Use o menu suspenso para selecionar seu idioma. O boletim informativo será então traduzido.
Para abrir el boletín SMORE, haga clic en el enlace de arriba. Luego, para traducir el boletín SMORE, haga clic en el botón "Traducir" en la parte superior de la página. Utilice el menú desplegable para seleccionar su idioma. Luego se traducirá el boletín.
لفتح النشرة الإخبارية SMORE، انقر على الرابط أعلاه. وبعد ذلك، لترجمة نشرة SMORE الإخبارية، انقر فوق الزر "ترجمة" الموجود أعلى الصفحة. استخدم القائمة المنسدلة لاختيار لغتك. سيتم بعد ذلك ترجمة النشرة الإخبارية.
Haitian Creole
Pou ouvri bilten SMORE a, klike sou lyen anlè a. Lè sa a, pou tradui bilten SMORE a, klike sou bouton "Tradwi" ki anlè paj la. Sèvi ak meni ki dewoule a pou chwazi lang ou. Lè sa a, y ap tradui bilten an.
Medway App!
- Community Update from the Superintendent, monthly
- McGovern News from me, bi-weekly
- Teacher newsletters, bi-weekly
All community updates and the McGovern News will be emailed and can also be found on the district and school websites or through our Medway Public Schools app which can be accessed through the QR Code below. Teachers will email their newsletters directly to their class.
Follow us on Social Media
Important Dates
Friday, March 7: Arena Day (No Preschool)
Monday, Mar. 17 - Friday, Mar. 21: Scholastic Book Fair (held during Library time)
Friday, March 21: Arena Day (No Preschool)
Monday, March 31: MEPTO Meeting, 6:30-7:30 pm
Friday, April 4: Arena Day (No Preschool)
Tuesday, April 15: Welcome to Kindergarten Information Night, 6-7 pm
Wednesday, April 16: McGovern Night of the Arts
Kindergarten, 5-6:15 pm
1st Grade, 6:25-7:35 pm
Friday, April 18: No School (Good Friday)
Monday, Apr. 21 - Friday, Apr. 25: April Vacation - No School