Navigator News
December 2024
Upcoming Dates
Dec. 2-23: Wish Upon a Star: Community FAN Tree
- see more info below
Dec. 10, Tues: PTO Parent Meet-Up; 6:00 @ Lady Bird
Dec. 17, Tues: Winter Concert in the North Star Gym
- 5:30-6:00 (K-2 performance)
- 6:00-6:30 (3-5 performance)
Dec. 23-Jan. 3: NO SCHOOL (Winter Break)
Principal's Message
Hi North Star Families!
This time of year offers us a chance to reflect on the growth of our students as well as appreciate our school community as a whole. We have a lot to celebrate including our first 4C’s assembly on commitment, an incredible PTO event with STEAM Night, wrapping up our first module in our new literacy curriculum, field trips to the library and kinder Forest Days, new student leadership opportunities, and expanding recess options. Read below to learn more!
At North Star we focus on the 4C’s of Commitment, Compassion, Curiosity, and Courage. We had our first assembly on commitment which was MC’d by two of our amazing 5th graders, Hayden and Deacon! Our 3rd grade classes shared a project they have been working on with learning about access to literature in schools around the world. The students were so moved by the idea that not everyone has the same access to books as most of us do. They spearheaded a project to create a library at the Bethlehem Inn! Way to go, 3rd graders! We also celebrated two students from each class that excelled at demonstrating commitment this year. We are SO proud of all our Navigators! Next up with our 4C’s…COMPASSION.
In addition to certificates at our assemblies, we celebrate our students in other ways. These include:
Notable Navigators: These are certificates staff write for students that have displayed characteristics of the 4C’s. Staff turn these into admin which are then read aloud on our weekly announcements (Cosmic Announcements). Notable Navigators are signed and given to students each week.
Constellations: Students in each class are recognized for small moments of demonstrating the 4C’s with stars that are handed out by staff. This can be for helping a friend, being brave, trying something new, showing kindness, etc. Once a class earns 100 stars, they are given a constellation. As a school, we celebrate earning 10 constellations with extra recess, popcorn parties, and other fun activities. Once we earn 100 constellations, we have a Galaxy Party for the whole day!
What We’re Learning
Students and staff have been engaged with our new literacy curriculum (Expeditionary Learning) and will begin the second module soon. One interesting aspect of the curriculum is that there is alignment K-5 with the themes of each module. For example, the next module will focus on science with each grade learning a unique topic such as animal defense mechanisms, biodiversity in the rain forests, and fossils teaching us about earth’s changes. It will be exciting to see the curiosity and learning that students will experience!
WOW! What an amazing event! Thank you to the PTO and all the volunteers that made STEAM Night such a success. It was honestly like having OMSI in our school for a night…just incredible. There were so many awesome stations for children and families to explore plus many community organizations that came to share their specialties. Spheros were a huge hit that combined learning about robotics with fun and laughter. The student showcases were absolutely impressive and creative! We can’t wait for next year’s STEAM Night!
Student Leadership
One of our goals this year is to increase student leadership opportunities for our 4th and 5th grade students. One example, which we are just starting, is a student-created newsletter that will be sent out quarterly to families. The purpose is for students to work collaboratively on a newsletter that highlights North Star values, student/staff spotlights, celebrations around school, and other ideas that they generate. It is also a great way for families to learn more about North Star from student perspectives. Our hope is to have our first one out to families soon after Winter Break!
We have added some fun activities at recess to increase inclusive opportunities and to provide more options for students. Examples include music (students create the playlists) and dance parties, twirling ribbons, jump ropes, and hula hoops. If you have any suggestions, send them our way!
Take care,
Beth Martin
(541) 355-2300
PTO Happenings!
Find all the latest PTO updates and information on our website:
Thank you for a stellar STEAM Night! Seeing so many Navigators and their families exploring hands-on activities that sparked curiosity and creativity was amazing. Thank you to our parent organizers, Caitlin and Bryan, our dedicated volunteers, and the local organizations for making this event a huge success. Check out more from the event here
North Star Parent Meet-up: December 10, 6 PM @ Lady Bird. This month, we’re trading our PTO meeting for a fun, festive parent night out! Join us for a casual evening to connect. RSVP here
Wish Upon A Star: Community FAN Tree – December 2nd-18th
Spread holiday joy by supporting local families through our Community FAN Tree initiative! The North Star PTO is partnering with the Family Access Network (FAN) to collect essential items and gift cards for families in need. Learn how you can make a difference
Purchase Regal Movie Ticket Bundles to Support the PTO!
Help support North Star Elementary PTO by purchasing Regal Movie Ticket Bundles! Order online, redeem at your convenience, and support a great cause. Visit this link to order yours today
A Note from our School Counselor
Happy December! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Guidance: During the month of November, I was able to visit every classroom to introduce Kelso’s Choices. Students learned the difference between big and small problems, and learned how to use the wheel (below) to problem solve.
K-2: This month, we will continue talking about Kelso’s choices and how to apply the options on the wheel, specifically “Bug & Wish” and “I-Message” statements.
“A Bug and a Wish”
It bugs me when ___________, I wish you would_____________, please.
“I feel message”
I feel _________when you___________, can you please___________.
3-5: Students in grades 3-5 will begin learning about the Zones of Regulation: Teaching self-regulation by categorizing our feelings into 4 zone colors and identifying helpful regulation strategies.
Kelso’s Choice: To learn more: See wheel below.
The Zones of Regulation: To learn more: See poster below.
Lunch Buddies: Lunch Buddies continues this month! If you do not want your child to participate, please let me know. You can email me at
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns about your student. I look forward to connecting with you!​
Spirit Week(s) - HOLIDAY CHEER!
We are showing our Holiday Cheer on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of our last two weeks before Winter Break. We hope our students join in the fun!!!
Monday, 12/9: Antlers, Elf Hats, and Ears! Wear your favorite HOLIDAY HEAD-GEAR or FUN FESTIVE SOCKS.
Wednesday, 12/11: It’s a snowy WHITE OUT! Wear all white or a snowman shirt.
Friday, 12/13: Sport HOLIDAY PAJAMAS on this brisk Friday.
Monday, 12/16: Come dressed in your favorite flannel. We’re MAD ABOUT PLAID at North Star.
Wednesday, 12/18: You’re encouraged to dress in CANDY CANE STRIPES, as a character from WHOVILLE, or in GREEN to represent the GRINCH!
Friday: 12/20: We did it! We made it! Let those jingle bells ring and come to school in your favorite UGLY HOLIDAY SWEATER or FESTIVE WEAR.
5th Grade Graduation - Idea and Help Needed
We are hoping to start a new tradition at North Star by having 5th grade portraits that capture the essence of who they are at this time in their lives as they transition from elementary to middle school. This is something we did at one of my previous schools and it was amazing. We displayed the portraits in the school during the late spring and gave them to our 5th grades at the end-of-year celebration/graduation. It is a wonderful way to celebrate them!
How can you help? We need a photographer or someone with skills to take portrait shots. If you are a photographer or know someone that is, please reach out to me so we can talk more.
Beth Martin
(541) 355-2300
* photos below by Mark Massdam
OSAS Testing Annual Notices and Opt-Out Forms.
The Bend-La Pine website has been updated with the 2024-25 fillable PDF annual notice and opt-out forms that we are required to share with families. There are separate notices and opt-out forms for ELA/Math testing (grades 3-8 & 11) and the SEED survey (grades 3-11). Please share these resources through your commonly used channels (e.g., School newsletters, parent emails) and have copies available for parents to pick up in the office by the applicable dates listed below. Opt Out link here
Thanksgiving Meals
HERE is a list of places to have or get Thanksgiving meals over break.
Community Connections
Science Night at Lonza: This is an awesome family science opportunity at Lonza. Check it out!
Boys and Girls Club has the following spots available for after school care. Please reach out to them if you are interested here at this link!
1 full time spot available for a kinder, 2/3rd grader, 3/4 grader, and 5th grader–downtown location
7 full time spots for 1/2 graders–downtown location
10 spots open at the east side location for 1st-5th grade
Bend Elks Lodge Holiday Food Drive - December 2-13: A collection box will be at North Star Elementary
November Moments
5th Grade Dodgeball Club
Birthday Twins!
Staff Appreciate Breakfast from BLPS District
Portland Opera came for the 3-5 Assembly
5th Grade Artwork
Kinder Co-Teaching
So Proud of our Students!
5th Grade MC's!
4C's Assembly on Commitment!
Student Showcases at STEAM Night!
Creative Comics
Student Showcases at STEAM Night!
Electrical Conductivity
Student Showcases at STEAM Night!
Amazing Art
Student Showcases at STEAM Night!
Magnetic Pickup Tool and Flashlight Project
Student Showcases at STEAM Night!
Lego Engineering
Student Showcases at STEAM Night!
Why Can Birds Sit on Power Lines and Not Get Electrocuted?