Daniel Webster Elementary School
Weekly Update - January 24, 2025
Important Dates to Note
January 10 - In School Enrichment (students only) - “Weather or Not” Presentation-Gr K, “Survive and Thrive” Presentation-Gr. 4
January 14 - In School Enrichment (students only) Rocks & Fossils - Grade 2
January 14 - School Site Council, 4:00
January 15 - DWS PTO Ryan’s Family Amusement Event, 4-7pm
January 20 - No School - MLK Jr. Day
January 27 - ELPAC Meeting at DWS 6:30-8:00 PM
January 31 - In School Activity (students only) DWS Connections #3, 2:45-3:15pm
Check out our DWS Family Calendar! It's a live document that we will be updating throughout the year.
Coming soon.... DWS Culture & Heritage Fair
If you are interested in joining us, please fill out the form below.
Important Health Class Notification
On Wednesday, January 29 Mrs. Madden will begin health classes with our students in grades 2 and 5. Please see the letter below regarding Gianna, our Assistance Dog, who will visit our health classes on a rotating schedule.
Important Notice for Band and Strings Students
No before school band or strings until Friday Feb 7th.
On Friday Feb. 7th, it will be 5th graders ONLY for before school for both band and strings.
4th grade band will join before school in March (first Friday) and 4th grade strings will join before school in April (first Friday).
DWS Weekly All Stars
We Are DWS Kids!
DWS staff members can award any student with a DWS ALL STAR when they see students being Dedicated, Welcoming, or Safe. All of the DWS ALL STAR awards are put on display in the front lobby. The following students were featured in the morning announcements last week for being DWS ALL STARS!
Grade K: Myles in Mrs. Damelio’s class is a DWS ALL STAR because he participated and was a Fundations expert.
Grade K: Pietro in Mrs. Damelio’s class is a DWS ALL STAR because he participated and was a Heggerty expert.
Grade 1: Harper in Mrs. MacDonald’s class is a DWS ALL STAR because she was fully focused during phonics.
Grade 1: Emma in Mrs. MacDonald’s class is a DWS ALL STAR because she was fully focused during phonics.
Grade 2: Jacob in Mrs. Auriemma’s class is a DWS ALL STAR because he showed his dedication to quality work and scored 100% on his Unit 3 Math assessment.
Grade 2: Myles in Mrs. Auriemma’s class is a DWS ALL STAR because he was a DWS Kid during the assembly.
Grade 3: Elaine in Mrs. Hines’ class is a DWS ALL STAR because she showed responsibility.
Grade 3: Krish in Mrs. Hanson’s class is a DWS ALL STAR because he was being helpful in the classroom.
Grade 4: Spencer in Mrs. Farrell’s class is a DWS ALL STAR because he demonstrated organized and detailed note-taking during his research.
Grade 4: Miles in Mrs. Farrell’s class is a DWS ALL STAR because he demonstrated organized and detailed note-taking during his research.
Grade 5: Abigail in Mrs. SanAngelo’s class is a DWS ALL STAR because she made a quiet choice on her own.
Grade 5: Levi in Mrs. SanAngelo’s class is a DWS ALL STAR because he made a good choice in order to stay focused.
What's been happening around DWS?
Plory the iReady Monster Visits DWS
Written by DWS Newsletter Team: Matthew W & Ella D
Traveling Scientists at DWS
Today students in grades K and 4 enjoyed science presentations sponsored by our PTO! The presentations focused on topics related to the students' current Expedition Learning module - bringing learning to life!
Students in grade K participated in Weather or Not - Learn about weather as we take an up close and hands-on look at the wind, clouds, and a real tornado. Discover all the amazing properties of air and air pressure. Touch lightning and a cloud!
Students in grade 4 participated in Survive and Thrive - From stinky skunks to flying frogs, we explore the amazing ways animals, mammals, and plants adapt and survive in their habitats. Are you predator or are you prey?
Thank you to our PTO and our enrichment coordinator, Emily Gratta, for finding this amazing program!
Grade 3 Sets Goals for the New Year
Next PTO Meeting: Monday 2/3/25 in the DWS library at 7:00 p.m. *No Jan meeting
Wednesday 1/15 4-7PM Ryan Family Amusements at Hanover Crossing is donating 20% on sales to the DWS PTO.
Save the date! Friday 2/7 Adult Trivia Night at the Elks!
Please join the DWS PTO on PTBoard, today! PTBoard is an online platform that we will be using to communicate school information, events and volunteer opportunities to families. As we move away from sending home paper flyers, this will be the only way to stay up-to-date on school events and place orders for school spiritwear, etc. Accounts are free to set up and in no way commit you to volunteering for the PTO. Please reach out with questions at yourdwspto@gmail.com.
Download the App “PTBoard Mobile” in the App Store today!
Please email yourdwspto@gmail.com with any general questions and for more information. Would you like to volunteer? Please reach out to: dwsvolunteers@gmail.com
Clothing questions can be sent to: dwsptoclothing@gmail.com
Thank you for all of your support!
Please join the DWS PTO on PTBoard, today!
PTBoard is an online platform that we use to communicate school information, events and volunteer opportunities to families. As we move away from sending home paper flyers, this will be the only way to stay up-to-date on school events and place orders for school spiritwear, etc. Accounts are free to set up and in no way commit you to volunteering for the PTO. Please reach out with questions at yourdwspto@gmail.com.
Download the App “PTBoard Mobile” in the App Store today!
The DWS Swag Store
Upcoming Community Events
Parent Speaker Series 2024-2025
Marshfield Recreation - Blue Hills Ski & Snowboard Lessons
15th Annual Marshfield St. Patrick's Day 5k
Registration is OPEN! Please register here by March 14, 2025. We are VERY excited for this new community event!
Celebrate Marshfield's rich multicultural community at Mosaic! Whether you want to showcase your culture as an exhibitor or explore the many cultures that make Marshfield special, there's something for everyone. Enjoy live performances, music, raffles, and more! Mark your calendar for this vibrant event!
Name a Marshfield Snow Plow
Marshfield students in grades PK-5 have a chance to show off their creativity by submitting names for Marshfield's snow plows. Students may work as a class, team, or individually to create and submit their entries. Entries are due January 10, 2025! Contest winners will be announced in mid-January. Submissions will be reviewed and selected by the Marshfield High School 2025 senior class officers! Submit your entry HERE.
From Chaos to Calm: Supporting your student with Executive Functioning Challenges
All caregivers are invited to a special presentation on Monday, January 13th:
From Chaos to Calm: Supporting your student with Executive Functioning Challenges
When: Monday, January 13, 2025 at 6:30PM
Where: Seth Ventress Building, 76 South River St. (Next to Fire Station) on 2nd Floor
Presented by Deb Booth from Pilgrim Area Collaborative
Register: Click HERE to register
Executive function is an umbrella term used to describe a set of cognitive processes necessary for emotional and behavioral control. In this workshop, participants will learn what executive functioning skills are and provide insight into their role in student learning and the impact difficulties in executive function (EF) skills have on school success. Oftentimes, students who appear “unmotivated” about schoolwork simply do not have the EF skills required to initiate, plan, organize and persist on school/homework tasks until completion. Parents and caregivers won't want to miss this interactive presentation that will help them gain a clearer picture of how to help their children become more successful and independent learners.
The last time this topic was presented it was a huge hit and all participants walked away with a toolbox for assisting their children and students. This presentation is something from which each of us can gain knowledge and ideas.
This will be presented by Deb Booth of PACES (Pilgrim Area Collaborative) and is brought to you by the Marshfield SEPAC (Special Education Parents Advisory Council).
Registration requested for materials planning - Link to Register: https://form.jotform.com/250015178485154