Junior Newsletter Class of 2026
October 2024: Welcome to the Crosby Jr/Sr Program
Jr/Sr Orientation
Last Orientation Offered November 1, 2024, 11am
Every Crosby Scholar planning to graduate in 2026 needs to attend an orientation. We have offered over 16 options. The LAST one is November 1, 2024, at 11 am. There will NOT be a video to watch later. Please use this link to attend on Friday, November 1. We will change accounts to inactive for not completing this requirement.
Early College Students - Graduating in 2027
What's Next Video
Stay Connected!
CLUB Crosby at your High School
As a Crosby Scholar, you have the opportunity to attend Crosby Club Meetings. While there will NOT be a formal meeting just for Juniors. You are welcome to attend any of the other meetings and you are encouraged to participate with the Crosby Club at your school to work on service or gain leadership experience. More to come in the next newsletter.
The Iredell County Crosby Scholars Community Partnership
Email: jjamison@crosbyscholarsiredell.org
Website: www.crosbyscholarsiredell.org
Location: 124 4th Crescent Place, Statesville, NC, United States
Phone: 704-873-5005
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/crosbyscholarsiredell/
Twitter: @iredellcrosby