The Siple Scoop
December 2024
Every year in November and December students from the high school organize the Cool to Care Campaign. Once again this year we will be collecting cash donations to benefit Outreach East, right here in Davison. All students and staff are invited to get into the spirit of giving by participating in Spirit Day Wednesdays. Siple has a goal of raising $1,000. Students and staff are invited to participate on Spirit Day Wednesdays. Families that are able are encouraged to make a $1 donation on Spirit Days to help us reach our $1,000 goal. Flyers have been sent home highlighting the different spirit days. Thank you for helping us reach our goal and teach our students that it is Cool to Care! I want to thank you for your very generous support of the Cool to Care food drive. I am sure our contribution will be greatly appreciated.
Let me close by taking a moment to wish all of you a wonderful holiday season! It is such a pleasure to work with your children and you. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
Happy Holidays!
Christy Flowers, Principal
Each month classroom teachers will nominate one student from their class to be the STAR of the MONTH. Each STAR of the Month will receive a certificate, medal, and their photo will be on display in the hallway during that month. We are pleased to recognize students for consistently demonstrating excellent behavior. Thank you for sharing your outstanding children with us. I am please to announce our STARs of the Month for November are:
Kindergarten: Elena Jarvis, Parker Wilson, Cecily Genshaw, and Korben Northey
1st grade: Rozlynn Deneen, Stacey Calloway, Emma Bradley, and Mila Bergquist
2nd grade: Gabriella Hicks, Michael Babcock, and Abraham Morales
3rd grade: Akai Ocasio, Landon Newsome, and Luke Gordon
4th grade: Addison Ross, Matthew Hazel, and Rylin Robertson
Congratulations to these outstanding young learners!
Not pictured: Elena Jarvis, Rozlynn Deneen, and Stacey Calloway
snow pants
gloves or mittens
shoes to wear in school
You may wish to write your child's name inside their winter gear. This helps prevent items getting lost at school. Many children bring their gear in a separate tote from their backpack so that everything fits. Please remember if they wear their boots to school to pack shoes to wear in school. We go outside every day unless the actual temperature or wind chill dips below zero degrees F. It is important to help your child remember to bring their gear for recess every day. I recommend working with your child to check their backpack every night to make sure they have both gloves and boots, as well as the rest of the gear, in their bag. By getting it ready at night you'll have an easier time getting out the door in the morning and your child will be bundled up to enjoy recess. You can also help by teaching them how to put their winter gear on independently. You can make it a game by timing them to see how fast they can do it.
Holiday Parties
Our teachers are busy preparing Holiday Parties for our students. All parties will be held on December 19th. Due to food allergies, we ask that you do not send any food or treats that are not cleared by the classroom teacher in advance. Every Siple student is precious and we want to protect our students with serious allergies. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Due to security and limited space we are limiting the number of parent volunteers. Teachers will select party helpers by random draw from parents that sign-up to help. All school volunteers should complete a Volunteer Application for the District. Once you are approved, you are cleared for a full year. Only those contacted by the teacher will attend the parties. We ask that parent volunteers make alternate arrangements for siblings, including babies, so they are able to focus on the students they are working with at the party. We appreciate your cooperation with this.
Happy Winter Everyone! The holidays can be a wonderful time of joy for many people. Gathering with family and friends is always a special tradition. Gift giving and random acts of kindness are often thought of during this season and so it is given the title, “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year.”
While the holidays can be all of this, they can also be a very challenging time for some, especially if it’s a first holiday after a loss or separation. In addition, the travel can cause stress for those who like the rhythm of their daily schedule. Lastly, introverted individuals struggle with large crowds of family. Allow them to bring a book to gatherings and grant them time to go to a quiet room for some down time. With this in mind, please be watching for changes in your children this time of year and feel free to reach out to me as your school counselor for assistance if you want some help. That’s what I love to do.
Lastly, this time of year can be very challenging in the finances area. Two amazing resources I want you to be aware of are Outreach East and 211. Outreach East is a local outreach in Davison that can help with many areas of need. The other resource, 211, is a direct phone number you may call anytime which also helps with those needing some assistance.
Happy Holiday and enjoy the precious family you are blessed with this season!
Outreach East: http://www.outreacheast.org/
Mrs. Liley, Counselor
Thank You PTO Popcorn Volunteers!
Our PTO is a dynamic and caring group of parents. You are invited to get involved and join the fun. Here are our meeting dates for the remainder of the year. We meet on Tuesdays from 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. in the Media Center. Child Care is available and provided by DHS honors students.
January 14
February 11
March 4
April 8
May 13
Attention Military Families
This information is voluntary, but could be a great resource for your family. Please contact Runisha Conway at Siple Elementary to register your family at 810-591-5104.
December 5: Kindergarten Dental Screening
December 9-12: Santa's Giftshop in the Media Center
December 14: Popcorn Friday
December 19: Christmas parties in the afternoon
December 20:Last full day of school for 2024!
December 21-January 5: NO SCHOOL/Winter Break
January 6: Back to school
January 8: SMILES Dental Visit K-4
January 14: PTO mtg, 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. in the Media Center
January 17: End of 1st Semester
January 20: No School- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 22: Report Cards emailed home
January 24: PTO Popcorn Friday
January 29: Early Release- dismissal begins at 1:30 p.m.
Siple Elementary
9286 E. Coldwater Road
Davison, MI 48423
Christy Flowers, Principal
Office Phone: 810-591-5104
Office Fax: 810-591-5102
Attendance: 810-591-5100