WCSD Summer Newsletter
June 9th, 2022
Thank you for taking the time to read the first issue of Whittier City’s summer newsletter. The 2021-2022 school year may have ended, but we will continue to learn and stay connected throughout the summer. In each issue of this newsletter, you will find information about summer learning, community events, and more. Thank you for your continued commitment to the social and academic growth of our students.
Reflecting on the 2021-2022 School Year
A big THANK YOU to all students, caregivers, families, community members and staff members who came together to make this year a success. Your time, energy, and commitment deserves to be recognized. With that being said, please take a moment to pause and reflect on this remarkable school year. When we make time and space for reflection, we can celebrate our successes, learn from any mistakes we have made, and make plans for the future. People of all ages can engage in reflection through conversations, drawing or sketching their thoughts, writing their answers on paper, or even some quiet time to think. Students can capture their reflections here.
Possible questions to guide your reflection:
What is your favorite memory from this year? What makes it so memorable?
What are you most proud of?
Did you face any challenges this year? How did you overcome those challenges? Who or what helped you?
What do you want to learn more about?
How do you feel about summer break? What are you most excited about? Is there anything that you are worried about?
Making the Most of Summer
Summer brings about time for fun in the sun, relaxing, traveling to new places, and taking a break from the routines of the school year. The freedom of summer can bring about a change in schedules and routines. While this can be fun and exciting for some, for others this change can cause a wide range of feelings from frustration to confusion. You can combat these feelings by establishing family routines for the summer. Routines help to provide a sense of safety because people know what to expect.
Things to consider when creating a summer routine:
How will each day be the same? Will you get up at the same time? Eat breakfast together? Create a schedule for all family members to see.
Are there chores to be done around the house? If so, who will complete them and when will they be completed? Click here to find a chore chart template that you can print and post at home.
Create time and space for both scheduled events and free time. What plans have been made? Be sure to share upcoming events with the entire family so that they can expect changes to their routines. Click here to find a June calendar template to keep track of upcoming events.
Continuing Learning With i-Ready
Students can continue learning during the summer
with i-Ready lessons and Learning Games!
Personalized Instruction
i-Ready Personalized Instruction provides students with lessons based on their individual skill level and needs, so they can learn at a pace that is just right for them. These lessons are fun and interactive to keep your student engaged as they learn. Students also have access to educational games. Learning Games for Mathematics allow students to practice math in fun and engaging ways, helping them develop a positive view of math. Click here to watch a short video about making the most of i-Ready at home.
How do students log in?
Students can access i-Ready at any time through the Clever app or by going to clever.com/in/whittiercity. Students will sign in with Google and then tap on the i-Ready icon. Some students used a QR Code to login to Clever. If your student used a QR Code throughout the year, it will still work over the summer. If you or your child needs support with this process, please feel free contact Sarah Bottomley via email at sbottomley@whittiercity.net or call (562) 789-3072.
How much time should students spend on i-Ready?
Students would benefit from spending 15 minutes per day in both Reading and Math.
A tip for supporting your student: Make a Plan
Work together with your student to make a plan for when and where they will work on their learning activities. You might consider putting your plan in writing and posting it somewhere visible.
i-Ready Zoom Meeting
You are invited to attend an informational Zoom meeting on Thursday, June 16 from 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. At this session, you will learn more about utilizing i-Ready at home. Click https://www.whittiercity.net/summerparentmeeting/ to join the Zoom Meeting.
Technology Support
We have technicians dedicated to supporting our WCSD families throughout the summer. For technical assistance, please visit our website at: https://www.whittiercity.net/apps/pages/techsupport for the most up-to-date information on how to receive support. You can also email parenthelp@whittiercity.net or call (562) 789-3183.
Upcoming Events
The City of Whittier Central Library is back! On June 18th at 2pm in Uptown Whittier, the library will host a ribbon cutting ceremony that will celebrate the completion of a multimillion dollar renovation. The library has been closed for over a year as construction helped to expand, renovate and enhance Whittier’s central branch. The Whittier Library has long served the needs of our Whittier City School District community hosting library nights for our schools, helping with tutoring, and making appearances at our school sites with its mobile library. Beginning on June 18th, it will be open to the public once again to be enjoyed by our students and families. If you don’t have a library card now is the time to get one, and begin earning your summer reading rewards.
Mark Your Calendars
June 15 - WCSD School Board Meeting
June 16 - i-Ready Zoom Meeting (5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.)
June 21 - WCSD School Board Meeting
August 16 - First Day of School (6th grade only)
August 17 - First Day of School