Back to School Newsletter
August 6, 2024

Welcome Back!
Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students:
I hope this message finds you all in good health and high spirits. As we gear up for the new academic year, I am delighted to extend a warm welcome back to Jackson Middle School. We are committed to creating a caring, innovative, and inclusive school community that leads the way in developing confident, critical thinkers through integrated, inquiry-based learning experiences.
I trust that the summer break provided our students with ample opportunities for relaxation and exploration, but now, it's time to embark on another exciting journey of learning and discovery. As always, our dedicated faculty and staff have been hard at work to create an enriching and stimulating environment that will encourage your children to reach new heights academically and personally.
At Jackson Middle School, we take immense pride in our Specialty School status and our integrated curricular themes centered around mathematics and science. Through innovative teaching methods, hands-on experiments, and real-world applications, we strive to inspire our students to become critical thinkers, problem solvers, and future leaders. We are committed to nurturing their natural curiosity and helping them build a solid foundation for future success.
Throughout the academic year, your child will be exposed to a diverse range of educational experiences, including exciting extracurricular activities, guest speakers, and educational outings. Our aim is to provide a holistic education that goes beyond the classroom, preparing them to face challenges with resilience and confidence.
Communication and collaboration are key elements of our school's values. I encourage each and every one of you, parents and guardians, to actively engage in your child's educational journey. Our doors are always open, and we value your insights and feedback to continuously improve our educational programs.
To stay updated with school news and events, please keep an eye on our website and Smore newsletters. Additionally, you will be able to keep track of your student’s academic progress through Synergy & Google Classroom. Our teachers are eager and open to communication with our families to support your student’s growth.
As we begin the new school year, I want to assure you that the safety and well-being of our students are our top priorities. We continue to adhere to all necessary health protocols and measures to ensure a safe learning environment for everyone.
Once again, I extend my warmest welcome to you all. Together, let us make this academic year at Jackson Middle School truly exceptional and transformative for our young scholars. I look forward to witnessing the growth and achievements of each student.
If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me or our dedicated staff.
Thank you for your continued support.
Joel Young, Principal
Jackson Middle School
2024-25 Admin/Counseling Support
Joel Young
Bill Kron
Assistant Principal
Grade 6
Camille Mattson
Assistant Principal
Grade 7 (A - L)
Lindsey Oakley
Assistant Principal
Grade 7 (M - Z)
Abbie Watson
Assistant Principal
Grade 8 (A - L)
Reham Farid
Assistant Principal
Grade 8 (M - Z)
Jason Ferkinhoff
School Counselor
Grade 6
Anna Grundhauser
School Counselor
Grade 7 (A - L)
Karen Ibarra
School Counselor
Grade 7 (M - Z)
Shoua Moua
School Counselor
Grade 8 (A - L)
Kaylee Mace
School Counselor
Grade 8 (M - Z)
Jenny Chasco
School Social Worker
6th Grade WEB Day
Wednesday, August 21, from 8:30 am - 12:15 pm
This fun-filled event is designed exclusively for sixth graders. Students participate in a variety of large and small group activities and meet with eighth grade mentors who have been specially trained for this event. Watch for more information coming home soon. Bus service is provided for August 21.
8th Grade WEB LEADER REMINDER: Eighth grade WEB leaders will have training on Monday, August 19, and Tuesday, August 20, in the morning.
Passport Day
Thursday, August 22, from 9 am - 5 pm
This year Passport Day will be held in the Rebel Gyms on the West side of the building. This is the first opportunity to pick up student class schedules. Students/families can enter door #58 to pick up their “passport.” Students MUST have their school picture taken in order to pick up their class schedule. Lifetouch will be here taking student pictures. Photo packages will be available for families that would like to purchase them. Please use code EVTNZCWPS.
Students will also be able to walk the building, use their locker, put away school supplies, purchase JMS clothing, or put money into their lunch account. Teachers and Counselors WILL NOT be available.
Open House
Tuesday, August 27 from 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Student schedules can be picked up in Jaguar Gym #3 (upper gym).
This event is very informal and provides an opportunity for students to find their classrooms, meet their teachers, purchase JMS spiritwear, try their lockers, and familiarize themselves with the building. Parking is available in both the east and west parking lot as well as Champlin Park High School. No school pictures will be taken at Open House.
You can also deposit money in your child’s cafeteria account, visit the Community Ed office, and become a JMS Volunteer.
If you need an interpreter or any other assistance for the Open House, please call 506-5308 prior to August 19 so arrangements can be made.
If you are unable to attend either Passport Day or Open House – schedules will be available online starting Thursday, August 29, and in the Counseling Office on Thursday, August 29, from 8 am – 2 pm.
All students will receive a new copy of their schedule the first day of school during Advisory. A list of student Advisory classes will be posted inside the entrances of the school on the first day of school.
6th Grade ONLY First Day of School - September 3!
Jaguar Experience!
We are excited to welcome your children to their first day of middle school! We have designated this day exclusively for our 6th graders to ensure they have a smooth and positive transition. We have a robust and fun-filled day planned for our 6th grade students, which we are calling "The Jaguar Experience!"
This dedicated time allows them to familiarize themselves with their new environment, meet their teachers, and engage in team-building activities designed to help them feel comfortable and confident as they start this new chapter. The entire Jackson Middle School staff will be on hand throughout the day, supporting students in classrooms, hallways, lockers, the cafeteria, and buses, and most importantly, getting to know your child.
Thank you for your support as we aim to make their first day a memorable and encouraging experience.
Wednesday, September 4: First Day of School for 7th & 8th Graders
We are looking forward to the start of the new school year! To provide our 6th grade students with a smooth and positive transition into middle school, we have designated September 3 as a transition day exclusively for them. This means that 7th and 8th grade students will begin school on September 4.
Thank you for your understanding and support as we help our new 6th graders settle in and prepare for a successful year.
School Pictures
Thursday, August 22 – Passport Day - 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Students will get their picture taken for their student ID and the school yearbook. Photo packages will be available for families that would like to purchase them. Use code EVTNZCWPS.
Tuesday, October 15 – Picture Retake Day
Those who would like to retake their school picture can do so. Students who were not able to attend Passport Day will also have their picture taken for student ID’s.
NOTE: These will be the ONLY picture days this year.
JMS website
Be sure to check out our website. It is full of information you may be looking for.
Important phone numbers:
Attendance: 763-506-5206
Health Office: 763-506-5204
Counseling Office: 763-506-5308
Assistant Principal's Office: 763-506-5302
Community Ed: 763-506-5312
Main Office: 763-506-5200
JMS eNews
Sent to all family e-mail addresses. JMS eNews delivers Jackson Middle School news to your email inbox. Periodic emails will keep you informed of the latest events affecting our school, our children, and our community. Did you miss one of our e-newsletters? View our e-newsletter archive at ahschools.us/jmsenews.
A-H Connect is Anoka-Hennepin’s online portal for parents and guardians to access information about their student, including grades, test history, meal account balances and much more. As a JMS parent, this is a valuable tool. You will receive a password from the district, or if you don’t remember your password and need to get a new one, contact A-HConnect at 763-506-HELP or 506help@ahschools.us
Anoka-Hennepin Help Desk Hours:
- School days: 7:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday.
- Non-school days: 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Monday-Friday
Backpack Online
Sign up to receive Backpack Online, Anoka-Hennepin Schools’ weekly e-newsletter, and stay up to date on school district issues and events.
School Supply List - 2024-2025
Supplies all students will need
- Pencils and pens (please plan to restock each trimester)
- 24 Pack Colored Pencils
- Earbuds/Headphones
- Highlighters
- Erasers
Here is the complete list, including course specific supplies.
24-25 School Calendar
Aug 21 - WEB day for 6th grade students only; 8:30 am – 12 pm
Aug. 22 - Passport Day for Schedule Pick-up and Student Pictures
Aug. 27 - Open House
Sept. 3 - First Day of School - 6th Grade only
Oct. 7 - No School, Staff Development Day
Oct. 15 - Picture retake day
Oct. 17-18 - Teacher’s Convention, No School
Oct. 29 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
Nov. 5 - No School, Staff Development Day
Nov. 7 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
Nov. 22 - End of Trimester 1
Nov. 25 - No School, Staff Development Day
Nov. 26 - No School, Staff Grading Day
Nov. 27 Conference Conversion Day, No School
Nov. 28-29 Thanksgiving Break, No School
School Hours & Daily Class Schedule
The school day is 8:30 am - 3:10 pm
Students who arrive early must have a predetermined destination, i.e. working in a classroom with a teacher. Students will NEED PERMISSION from their teacher to enter the school prior to 8:00 am. Door 1 opens at 8:00 am for students who have made previous arrangements to work with a teacher. Breakfast is served starting at 8 am, students should enter door 4 if they are dropped off early for breakfast. All other doors are open at 8:10 am when all students are allowed in the school. Students are not allowed to ride the high school bus route in order to arrive early at JMS.
Conferences will be in person and arena style on the following dates:
- Tuesday, October 29, from 3:45 - 7:45 pm
- Thursday, November 7, from 3:45 - 7:45 pm
- Tuesday, February 4, from 3:45 - 7:45 pm
- Thursday, February 13, from 3:45 - 7:45
Tech Protect: Device Protection Plan available for families
Technology plays an important role in preparing students for life, and Chromebooks are utilized as a daily learning tool in Anoka-Hennepin middle and high school classrooms. Anoka-Hennepin students in grades 6-12 are assigned a Chromebook from the school district to ensure access to technology systems that support classroom learning.
Over 28,000 Chromebooks are distributed to students the first week of school. As careful as students and schools are, accidents do happen each year - and thousands of Chromebooks are returned at the end of the school year with damages.
Families have the option to enroll in the Device Protection Plan.
The Technology Protection Plan is optional; it is not required, however, by electing not to participate in the Protection Plan, families may be required to reimburse the school district for the replacement or repair of damaged Chromebooks assigned to their student/s. Damaged or broken screens may cost between $50 to $150 depending on parts needed; or the replacement cost for the entire device could be up to $410.
Families can opt-in to the Device Protection Plan by logging into A-HConnect, and selecting "My Student Information," and "Fees." Parents must select or decline coverage under the Device Protection Plan. Enrollment begins July 1, 2024.
The plan cost is $20 per student or $60 per family per school year.
If the student qualifies for free or reduced-price school meals in the 2024-25 school year, the cost of the Protection Plan will be reduced to $0.
Repairs with the Protection Plan are subject to a $20 deductible.
View the Device Protection Plan flyer to learn more. (PDF)
Enroll in the device protection plan using Synergy.
Emergency Contact Information
All back-to-school forms are completed online. In order to participate in this verification process, parents/guardians need to engage with the My Student Information program. You can validate your parent account today by logging into A-HConnect and selecting the “My Student Information” icon from a desktop computer or tablet. My Student Information holds a variety of student information, including attendance and grades once the middle and high school levels are reached. If you’re unfamiliar with your credentials for this system, please call 763-506-HELP for assistance.
Each student is assigned a locker for books and school supplies. The locker number and combination will be on the student schedule. Students are not allowed to share (or trade) their lockers with others. Parents, please encourage your child to keep the combination to his/her locker confidential. As a school, we are not responsible for lost or stolen property. All backpacks need to be in lockers during the school day.
Electronics Policy
Jackson Middle School is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged electronic devices.
Electronic devices are not permitted for student use at any time during the school day. The school day is classified as the time frame between 8:30 -3:10 p.m. At all Anoka-Hennepin Middle Schools, electronic devices must be concealed and shall not be powered on or used in any way during regular operations of the school day, during other school-sponsored and supervised group activities during the school day (e.g., during student assemblies, field trips, events, or other ceremonies, etc.), or when their use is otherwise prohibited by school personnel.
A student may contact a parent/guardian using a school phone with permission from the teacher or administration at a time that does not interfere with instruction. Parents/guardians who need to communicate with their student about an urgent matter (e.g., unplanned doctor/dentist appointment or change in pick-up plans) should contact the main office and a message will be delivered to the student in a timely manner.
Taking pictures or videotaping other students or school staff is prohibited without the permission of a teacher or administrator per district guidelines. Cell phones, cameras, and any electronic device that has a camera are not permitted to be used in the locker rooms or restrooms. Portable electronic devices/earbuds used without the appropriate approval may result in disciplinary action. Student removal of a memory chip or battery from a phone in the process of being confiscated may be considered grounds for disciplinary action by school administration.
Students who record other students fighting or engaged in behaviors that violate district policy or school behavior expectations are subject to disciplinary action, including suspension from school.
Students who, upon their third violation of the electronics policy may have their phone confiscated by administration and returned only to a parent/guardian following a conversation/conference with administration. Further violations may include the student no longer being allowed to bring the device to school, or turning it into the assistant principals’ office from 8:30 am - 3:10 pm.
Resources for parents:
- Work2BeWell - Anti-Stigma Resources: Digital Wellness
- ICanHelp - Top Social Media Apps & Their Dangers
- Get Phones Out of Schools Now
- The Effect of Smartphone Use on Mental Effort, Learning, and Creativity
- Brain Drain: The Mere Presence of One's Own Smartphone Reduces Available Cognitive Capacity
- Surgeon General Advisory
Attendance Policy
Attendance/Absence Line
763-506-5206 (24-Hour Automated Voice Mail)
Absent?? Each morning your student is absent due to illness, a medical appointment or sudden family emergencies, a parent/guardian should call the school, (763-506-5206) before 8:15 a.m. and leave the information on the absence line. Students can expect that an attendance secretary will be verifying absences and will require a parent/guardian phone call or note. It is very important that we know when your student will be missing school. The absence line is a voice mail and is available 24 hours a day so you can leave a message at any time.
Leaving Early?? If you need to pick your child up early for an appointment, please send a note with your child in the morning so they can get a pass. Your child will be waiting for you in the attendance office when you arrive to sign them out. If you find out about an appointment the same day, please call the attendance office at 763-506-5207. A pass can be sent to the student so they can be waiting for you when you arrive.
Jackson Middle School follows the guidelines recommended by Hennepin County for handling attendance and truancy at the middle school level: After 8 days of absences from school, a letter may be sent to parents/guardians informing them of their child’s missed days from school. After 12 days of absences from school, a letter may be sent to parents/guardians informing them of their child’s missed days from school and informing them that a doctor’s note will be required for any future absences from school and the absence will be marked truant without a doctor’s note. Parents/guardians will be notified after 3 days of truancy and truancy may be filed with Hennepin County after 6 days of truancy.
Visitors & Visitor Parking
Visitors Are Welcome - To ensure the safety of our students, all visitors to the building are required to scan their driver’s license at door #1 and wear a visitor badge. Parents who wish to visit the school are welcome any time. Please call to make arrangements. Student visitors, however, are not permitted during school hours.
Visitor Parking - For the safety of all students, we ask for parent cooperation with the following Parking Lot/Visitor guidelines:
Please do not enter the front drive area between 7:45 – 8:45 am and 2:30 – 5:00 pm as these are bus loading/unloading times.
Please use the East Parking lot (by the pool) at these times for student pickup and drop off.
Anoka-Hennepin Middle School Attendance Policy at Events
Our goal is to provide a fun, safe and engaging opportunity for middle school students and families to support our high school-athletes as they perform in football, band, dance and cheer. The following expectations are in place to ensure that all who attend experience a safe, welcoming, and positive environment.
All five Anoka-Hennepin traditional high schools (Andover, Anoka, Blaine, Champlin Park and Coon Rapids) have made the transition to online ticket sales for athletics and activities events. With the exception of boys and girls hockey, all ticket sales for events hosted by district schools will be online using GoFan Events, the official ticketing system.
Middle School Students
Students will be admitted to events with a valid GoFan ticket, and with a valid ID and parent/guardian escort - with a 2:1 ratio of students to adults.
Unsupervised students will not be permitted entry.
The student code of conduct for school extends to all Anoka-Hennepin school events. Students running, throwing objects, using profanity, or causing other disruptions will be required to sit with their parent/guardian for the remainder of the game.
If the student’s parent/guardian is not present, an administrator on duty will call home and escort the students to the front of the gate to wait to be picked up.
There will be no refunds if a student is removed from the game before its conclusion.
If a parent/guardian has to be called about a student’s behavior, the student may forfeit their right to attend any future high school events for one calendar year.
Significant disruptions and policy violations are subject to further disciplinary action.
Students are not permitted to bring backpacks, footballs, soccer balls, etc. to games. Balls will be confiscated at the gate or by administration if brought to the stadium.
Students still on campus 15 minutes after the conclusion of a game will not be permitted to return to a game for the remainder of the season.
Middle School Parents/Guardians
Do not drop your student off unattended at events. It is expected that parent/guardian supervise their students for the duration of the event. Unsupervised students will be escorted out of the event.
Please review expectations of behavior with your student(s) before arrival.
Please make sure your student(s) remains with you for the duration of the event.
As stated above, please be aware that students still on campus, unsupervised, 15 minutes after the conclusion of an event will not be permitted to attend future events.
Student Drop-off/Pick-up
Parents must use our east JMS lot (by the pool) for student drop-off and pick-up before school, after school and after activities in order to keep the bus lanes open. The parking lot is very crowded so, for the safety of our students and staff that are walking, it is important that all cars follow the marked lanes around the large loop to the drop off area. The entire drop off area can be used for students to exit cars. We encourage parents to use district provided transportation whenever possible.
Door 1 opens at 8:00 a.m. for students who have made previous arrangements to work with a teacher. Students will NEED A PASS from their teacher in order to enter the school prior to 8:00 AM. Our cafeteria begins serving breakfast at 8:00 am. Students should enter door #4 for breakfast. All other doors are open at 8:10 am when all students are allowed in the school.
Child Nutrition Meal Information
All students will have the opportunity to receive one free reimbursable breakfast and one free reimbursable lunch each school day. Free meals are now available due to the passage of the Minnesota Free School Meals Bill passed in March 2023.
To receive a meal, students will use their ID numbers, school issued ID card, or the SchoolCafe app (secondary schools) to access their meal account. Note: free meals are complete meals only. Students who do not want the complete meal, or only want specific items will be
charged A la Carte pricing for these items. Examples of A la Carte purchases would be:
• The entrée portion of the day.
• Milk purchased separately from a meal.
• Snack items, beverages such as bottled water, sports drinks, etc.
Students will be offered a variety of options for breakfast and lunch, menus can be found here.
Child Nutrition staff will assist your student to make sure they have the right amount of food to make their choices a meal. Please remember that every student must take a fruit or vegetable serving to make their meal complete.
While students must take a minimum serving of a fruit or vegetable, at Anoka-Hennepin Schools we offer our students as much as they care to eat of fruits or vegetables. Students may take multiple servings of fruits or vegetables with their meal as long as it is a reasonable amount that can be eaten during the meal period.
To purchase any A la Carte item (milk, juice, water, additional entrees, etc.), students must have money in their meal account. Charging is not allowed. Online meal account payments can be made in SchoolPay by logging in to your parent AHConnect account. Click on
MyStudentInformation, then Fee, then Food Service, then Add Funds. There is no fee to make online payments. Payments can take up to two hours to show up in your students account. Balances are only uploaded to SchoolPay nightly.
For assistance with AHConnect usernames and passwords contact the Anoka-Hennepin Help Desk at 763-506-4357.
Immunization Information
Minnesota state law requires all students to be immunized before entrance to seventh grade. Your student could need one or more vaccinations or a legal exemption to meet these requirements. Be aware that seventh grade students need to have a Tdap (3 doses, the last after age 7), Polio (3 doses), MMR (2 doses), Hepatitis B (3 doses), Varicella (chicken pox) (2 doses or verification of having had the disease), Meningitis (meningococcal) (1 dose after 10th birthday). Please check with your school health service department or private medical provider if you are unsure which immunizations your child is lacking.
The school health service must receive either written verification of the month, day, and year that your student received these immunizations, medical documentation of having had chicken pox, a letter from your private medical provider exempting them from the shots, or a notarized form, signed by the parent, objecting to the vaccinations. These can be mailed to the health service or faxed from your clinic (763-506-5323).
Your physician may give these immunizations. If you have no medical insurance that covers immunizations, another option is to utilize the immunization clinics of Anoka County (763-323-6100) or Hennepin County (612-348-2884). A parent or legal guardian must accompany students under the age of 18 to immunization clinics.
Frequently asked Questions in Health Service
Do you allow students to call home if they are ill?
Students may call home from the Health Service phone or may use their cell phone in the Health Office with permission of the Health Service staff.
What are the procedures for taking medicine at school?
All medication must arrive in the original packaging, which displays dosage, frequency, and age requirements (do not send medicine in baggies or just in the bubble wrap). Prescription medication needs to have a pharmacy label with the student’s name and directions for giving. Prescription medication needs both a signed physician’s order and parental permission. Over the counter medications need parental permission.
Can students carry their own inhaler?
With an order from the doctor and signed permission from a parent and the school nurse, students are allowed to carry their own inhaler. It is recommended that a back-up inhaler be kept in the health office. All inhalers must have a pharmacy label on the inhaler.
What if a student has a doctor or dentist appointment?
If a student has an appointment, please send a note and have your student bring it to the Attendance Office before the start of the school day. If the student is walking to the appointment or is being transported by someone other than a parent, that information should be included on the request. Please do not call at the last minute and request that we have your student ready to leave for his/her appointment.
Who can pick up the student if he/she is ill?
Only individuals identified as emergency contacts are allowed to pick up a student. If this is not possible, special arrangements need to be made with health service staff. If you must have someone pick up your child who is not listed on the emergency information form, contact the Health Service Dept. directly.
How do we contact health service?
The direct number for the health office is 763-506-5204. The fax number is 763-506-5323. All immunizations and doctor orders can be faxed from your clinic/hospital to health service
Welcome to the 2024-2025 JMS Volunteer Program
Welcome back to school, Jackson Middle School families!
We are thrilled to kick off the new school year and would like to extend an invitation for you to become part of our school community by volunteering. We have a wide range of volunteer opportunities available to accommodate various schedules. Whether you can spare a few hours during the week or assist on specific occasions, there is a role for you.
Some examples of volunteer opportunities include helping with field trips, school dances and events, Popcorn Fridays, classroom assistance, book fairs, ticket and goods sales, donations, library support, and much more.
If you are interested in volunteering with us, please click on the links below to find out more about how you can get involved and apply. Once you submit your application, our volunteer coordinator will get in touch with you in August to discuss potential opportunities.
Please note that volunteers need to complete a new volunteer application each school year for each site where they wish to volunteer. If you have volunteered with us in the past, we appreciate your support and encourage you to fill out an application for the upcoming school year as well.
Remember, applying to volunteer allows you to explore the various opportunities available. It is not a binding commitment, but rather an opportunity for us to keep you informed about the volunteer roles that become available throughout the school year. You have the freedom to choose the opportunities that align with your schedule and interests at your convenience.
Thank you for considering volunteering with Jackson Middle School! We are eager to work with you in creating a positive and engaging school environment for our students and families in the 2024-2025 school year.
Register now for fall classes and activities!
Anoka-Hennepin Community Education hosts a wide variety of classes, clubs, recreational activities, and events to enhance your child's academic and social experiences after school, in the evening or on the weekend. Community Education also coordinates all middle school athletic programs for students in grades 6-8. Fall opportunities include cross country, soccer, boys flag football, girls tennis, and girls volleyball. Browse classes/activities and register online.
This e-newsletter is published by Jackson Middle School, supported by the Anoka-Hennepin communication and public relations department. Questions, comment or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.