Parent Compact
Town Creek Middle School
What is a School-Parent Compact?
A School-Parent Compact is an agreement that parents, students and teachers develop together. It explains how parents and teachers will work together to make sure all our students reach or exceed grade- level standards.
Effective compacts:
Link to goals of the school improvement plan
Focus on student learning skills
Describe how teachers will help students develop those skills using high-quality curriculum and effective instruction in a supportive learning environment
Share strategies parents can use at home
Explain how teachers and parents will communicate about student progress
Describe opportunities for parents to volunteer, observe, and participate in the classroom
Mission and Vision
The mission of TCMS is to offer a safe, engaging, and inclusive school culture for students, cultivated by effective leaders, dedicated staff, and active parents.
Our vision at TCMS is to nurture students' growth towards being productive citizens.
Activities to Build Partnerships
In order to build a viable community and increase parent participation, Town Creek Middle School has designed numerous opportunities focused to build community partnership:
Participation in monthly Parent Advisory Council (PAC) meetings.
Join our Parent-Teacher Association (PTA).
Attend Open House and Title 1 night
Participate in Parent/Guardian Conferences
Visit our PACKed house night
Celebrate our students at the quarterly assemblies
Volunteer at athletic events and support our booster club
Donate items for events
Support our Band, Battle of the Books, Science Olympiad, Art club and other amazing clubs we offer at TCMS
School and Home Communication
Our school is committed to regular two-way communication with families about their children’s learning. Some of the ways parents and teachers communicate all year are:
Town Creek Middle School provides opportunities for the participation of all parents. All Information and school reports are provided in a format and language that parents understand and shared through our district blackboard communication and REMIND.
Annual Title I meeting conducted on August 21, 2024
School Website that includes current calendar of events and meetings
PACK newsletter sent out weekly via email and text message
Remind messages
Progress reports and report cards
Parent Resource Hub on the BCS website
School Improvement Goals
School Improvement Goals
Increase Proficiency
Goal 1: At Town Creek Middle School, each grade level will increase the percentage of proficiency in reading, math and science by 2 % from the previous year.Improve Growth
Goal 2: At Town Creek Middle School, each grade level will increase the growth measure in all disaggregate groups by 1% according to EVAAS.
Decrease loss of instructional time
Goal 3: At Town Creek Middle School (TCMS) we will reduce the amount of lost daily instructional time by 10% from June of 2024 to June of 2025.
Teacher/staff, Student and Family Agreements
Teacher Agreement
It is important that student achieve; therefore, Teachers will strive to do the following:
Be a positive role model that helps children develop a love of learning and demonstrate enthusiasm for all students to succeed.
Utilize data on a consistent basis to plan intensive and inquiry based instruction that extends beyond grade level proficiency
Adhere and implement all individualized plans
Update gradebook on a weekly basis
Be fair and understanding. Have patience and show respect for cultural and linguistic differences among students and their families.
Provide an environment that is warm, caring, safe, and enforce rules equitably.
Provide meaning feedback to families to help understand and assist in decision making.
Communicate through REMIND on a weekly basis.
Participate in professional development opportunities that improve teaching and learning that supports the academic improvement of all students.
Student Agreement
It is important that I work to the best of my ability; therefore, I will strive to do the following:
Adhere to the PACK PRIDE matrix
Come prepared to school with my supplies and ready to learn
Actively participate in class by completing all of my assignments
Be respectful at all times to peers and adults
Complete assignments with integrity
Be engaged in class by collaborating with peers in small groups
- Be dependable and ask for support and assistance
Believe that I can and will learn
At all times abide by the Acceptable Use Policy when using the Computer Devices
Show your best effort every day, in every class.
Preparation - Respect - Integrity - Dependable - Effort
Parent and Guardian Agreement
I want my child to succeed. Therefore, I will encourage him/her by doing the following:
See that my child is punctual and attends school regularly.
Support the PACK PRIDE Matrix
Establish a time for schoolwork after school
Encourage my child’s best efforts and be available for questions.
Communicate to teachers and administration through email, phone and REMIND
Read parent newsletter and remind messages every week
Attend Parent/Teacher Conferences as needed.
Check my child’s academic progress through Parent Portal on a weekly basis
Attend school activities
Support clubs and programs
Demonstrate PRIDE for TCMS