Goodrich Middle School
March 2018
GMS Scholastic Book Fair - Feb. 26th - March 2nd
Monday - Friday Hours:
8:30am - 2:30pm
Our Scholastic Book Fair is a reading event that provides the books kids want to read. It's a wonderful selection of engaging and affordable books for every reading level. Reading for pleasure inside and outside of school has real and long-lasting benefits. It unlocks the power of information and imagination and helps children discover who they are.
Remember, all purchases benefit our school. We hope to see your child at the Book Fair!
Please visit our online book fair for more great books!
All online orders will be shipped to the Middle School to be dispersed.
Suicide Awareness Brought to GMS
Thanks to the generosity of our Martian PTO, Goodrich Middle and High Schools hosted Mr. David Opalewski, President of Grief Recovery, Inc., for a day of learning and awareness on February 21, 2018.
Mr. Opalewski worked with middle and high school staff in the morning and then presented to students at both the high school and middle school. The goal of the assembly was to remind our students how much they are cared about, articulate who they can go to if they (or a friend) needs help, and help to eliminate the stigma of depression and other mental illnesses.
February Students of the Month
Congratulations, Spelling Bee Winners!
Congratulations to Owen Popilek who won the 7th Grade Spelling Bee for Genesee County and Lila Urogdy who won the 6th Grade Spelling Bee for Genesee County! Both students competed in the 5-8th Grade Championship Bee and Owen also won the entire competition. Great job to all of our Spelling Bee participants!
March 2nd - Next Monthly Book Swap
Goodrich Middle School's next monthly book swap will be on Friday, March 2nd! The event is sponsored by Cottage Used Books in Goodrich.
Students are allowed to bring in up to five gently used books to turn in to their ELA teacher the day before the event in exchange for tickets to pick out new books during the swap. Kathy Mulholland from Cottage Used Books in Goodrich supplies “new” books for the kids to choose from. This is a great way to clear out the books your middle-school student has already read in exchange for new reading material!
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Fundraiser
Our Student Council is leading our school in accepting the challenge of helping to find a cure for blood cancer! We are joining over 27,000 schools across the nation to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Over the next three weeks our school will be raising funds through our first hour classes. Each first hour will be competing to raise the most money in hopes to earn a pasta lunch provided by Olive Garden and/or a Bronze, Silver, or Gold classroom pennant. In addition, students will be bringing home the following information in a letter that talks about how they can set up their very own online giving page.
Visit http://events.lls.org/pages/mi/Goodrich-Middle-School-Goodrich-2018 where you can create an account and your child’s very own online fundraising page. You can also share your child’s online page with friends, family, and co-workers through e-mail and social media to help support the cause!
Thank you for support of our student leaders in sponsoring our student council Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Fundraiser.
Good Luck, 7th and 8th Grade Band Students!
Good Luck to the 7th & 8th grade bands at MSBOA District 3 Festival. On March 3rd they will be evaluated by judges at Swartz Creek HS. Their hard work and attention to details will be put to the test.
Marshmallow Math
Students in Mrs. LaRowe’s 6th grade math classes (below) explored Ratios in the Real World by comparing mini marshmallows of a variety of colors. Some groups had a proportional amount while others found that their marshmallows were not that balanced by color. The hands-on lesson was engaging (and delicious)!
Sophia Shelton and Joey Stevens
Jake Campbell and Zack Sawyer
Mason Hall and Grace Glaza
Ms. Hein's Math 6 students (below) learned how to write ratios by using (and eating) different colored marshmallows.
Learning About Chinese New Year
Sixth grade students in Mrs. Webster’s World Geography classes (below) recently celebrated Chinese New Year. Students learned about the Chinese Zodiac, gathered information while participating in a scavenger hunt and showed their knowledge by playing a bingo game. Learning about cultures in our global society is a big part of World Geography.
Mark Your Calendars - Upcoming Events!
Dates and times are subject to change.
Please check our school calendar at http://www.goodrichschools.org/GMS/Events/
for the most up-to-date information!
2/26-3/2: GMS Book Fair - GMS Media Center - 8:30-2:30pm
3/2: Cottage Used Book Swap - during lunches
3/7: 8th Grade Field Trip - Holocaust Museum
3/14: PTO Meeting - Oaktree - 9:15am
3/21: LATE START - Building opens at 9:00am, classes begin at 9:30am
3/26: Board of Education Meeting - Community Room - GHS - 6:30pm
3/27: 8th Grade Parent EDP Night - HS Auditorium - 6:00pm
3/29: Last Day of 3rd Marking Period
GMS Attendance Policy
Goodrich Middle School's complete Attendance & Tardy policies can be found in our handbook on the GMS website at www.goodrichschools.org/GMS under "Student Handbook and Policies."
Rachel's Closet
Rachel’s Closet, located in the office at GMS, is a closet full of clothes, supplies and personal care items that middle school age students may need, but maybe cannot afford. Students are able to visit the closet for items they need confidentially. Please talk to your child about Rachel's Closet and encourage them to see Mrs. Durant, Mrs. Lauinger, Ms. von Keltz, Mr. Salter or Ms. Batterbee if they need anything.
You Can ALWAYS Stay Informed!
For daily updates on GMS events and announcements, please be sure to check www.goodrichschools.org/GMS/! Just click on "News and Announcements" on the left side of the page. You can also check the online calendar to see upcoming events and activities!
PTO Updates and News
The Martian PTO is always looking for people that would like to get involved and volunteer their time. The next meeting is Wednesday, March 14th at 9:15am. All meetings take place at Oaktree. Please email the Martian PTO at Martianptoinc@gmail.com or visit the Martian PTO webpage and Facebook page for more information.
Goodrich Middle School
Exceptional Education, Extraordinary People – We Are Goodrich!
Proud to be a Systems Accredited District.
The mission of Goodrich Area Schools is:
“Achievement for Every Learner”
Email: mdurant@goodrichschools.org
Website: http://www.goodrichschools.org/GMS/
Location: 7480 Gale Road, Goodrich, MI 48438, United States
Phone: 810-591-4210
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Goodrich-Area-Schools-750600228283708/?fref=ts