Dover High School News
November 15th, 2023
Message From the Principal & Assistant Principal
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! We are thrilled to be welcoming our students back and are committed to making this a great school year in partnership with our students, our school families, and our community. Thank you for your support and for your trust in us as we begin what is sure to be a memorable, exciting year. Go Tornadoes!
Brooke Grafe, Principal
Scott Ayers, Asst. Principal
Dover High School
Dover High School Newsletter: AUGUST 2024
Updated Contact Information
Annual Forms for 2024-25: Please complete ASAP!
Immunization Requirements: Important!
If your teen still needs the vaccine, you can contact their physician or the Tuscarawas County Health Department at (330) 343-5555 for an appointment. Along with your teen, you must bring their insurance card, even if it doesn't cover immunizations, and their immunization record, unless they received all of their shots at the Health Department. The New Philadelphia Health Department also gives immunizations. You do not need to be a resident of New Philadelphia to access their services. They can be reached at (330) 364-4491, extension 208, for an appointment.
Important Information for DHS Families
Freshman Orientation/Meet the Teacher Night: August 19
Incoming 9th graders and families are invited to the DHS Auditorium at 5pm for a brief orientation geared toward students. At that time, students will receive important information regarding school procedures and will also have a chance to visit their lockers and walk their schedules.
Grades 10-12 students are invited beginning at 6:30pm to the high school to pick up their schedules in the commons and find their lockers. **This allows our freshmen to have a full hour and half in the building by themselves. ** Teachers will be available in classrooms for parents and students. Looking forward to a great evening!
DHS Fall Picture Day: Friday, August 30/DHS Senior ONLY Individual Portrait Day: Friday, September 6
Solid Rock will be at DHS on August 30 for fall pictures. Students will receive forms in their homeroom classes.
Seniors will take their individual portraits on Friday, September 6. PLEASE DRESS YOUR BEST!
Homecoming 2024 Information
Our Homecoming 2024 Dance is scheduled for Saturday, October 5 from 8-11pm in the DHS Commons. More information will be provided to students regarding ticket sales.
Please join us as we celebrate Homecoming on Friday, October 4 at Crater Stadium. Our Dover Crimson Tornadoes will be taking on Wooster. We will be introducing our homecoming court and crowning our queen and king at halftime. Go Dover!
Senior Big Picture
Senior Big Picture is scheduled for Friday, October 4. More information to come...
High schools must submit student information as requested to the military in the fall. If you wish your student to be “opted out” regarding his/her information being sent to the military, please provide this request in writing to the high school counseling office by AUGUST 30.
Family Access to Student Test Scores
Families now have the ability to access their student's various assessment scores (End of Course, other standardized tests, etc.) by logging in to Progress Book. Once logged in, you and your student can see various assessments your student has taken while in Dover City Schools. Please contact the high school office or Mrs. Grafe with any questions.
In compliance with the Missing Child Act and for the safety of our children, parents are asked to call Dover High School (330-364-7147) by 7:45 a.m. to report the reason for your child's absence. If your child is not reported off, you will receive a call from the school office inquiring about your child's absence.
We encourage good attendance daily to ensure continuity of learning. However, if your child is absent, be sure to send a note the day they return to verify his/her absence. Please refer to our student handbook, which can be accessed on our district webpage, to read our entire district attendance policy.
Language Assistance
Free language assistance with respect to school programs and activities is available for all students and families of Dover City Schools. Please contact your child's building principal for translation or interpretation services.
Medicine at School
In accordance with state and board policies, we are NOT permitted to dispense medication without directions and signatures of both the Physician and the Parent. If your child needs to take medication during the school day, click on the link below to download the form. Do not send over the counter medication with your child. Please follow the medication policy you will find in our student handbook. Medication Form
Breakfast and Lunch
Each morning we serve a "Grab and Go" style breakfast for our students at a minimal cost. Please encourage your student to check it out!
A regular student’s school lunch is $3.00 for tray lunch and $3.25 for specialty lunches. Milk is $.50. Reapplication is necessary each year if you qualified previously for free and reduced lunch prices, which are $0.40. These forms are available in the Parent Portal located on the district webpage. Please complete this as soon as possible.
Bullying by any student in the Dover City School District is strictly prohibited, and such conduct will result in disciplinary action, including suspension and/or expulsion from school. Examples of conduct that could constitute prohibited behaviors include but are not limited to the following: physical violence; threats; damage or stealing of possessions; spreading of rumors; posting slurs on websites or social networking sites; sending abusive or threatening e-mails or instant messages etc., to circulate gossip and rumors to other students; and use of cameras/phones to take embarrassing or unsolicited photographs or videos of students and distributing and/or posting the photos or videos online or in person. Students should report this behavior to their building principal. District bullying policies are available on the district webpage under District
Dover City Schools Board Policy Policy JFCF (Hazing and Bullying) and JFCF-R (Hazing and Bullying).Child Find
Area school districts are participating with those across the state in an effort to identify, locate and evaluate all children from birth through 21 who may have disabilities. Many unidentified children with disabilities are preschoolers, and parents may not be aware their child has a disability or that there are programs and services available. Anyone knowing of a child who may have a disability should contact the school. Dover City Schools receives IDEA-B funds for the purpose of the education of children with disabilities. Annually, at the September Board of Education Meeting, discussion will be held regarding how the District will spend its IDEA-B funds and time will be allowed for public comment.
Reminder on the DHS Midterm Policy
As with last year, we will only be sending home midterms for students earning a D or F in a subject area. Please be sure that you and your student regularly check Progress Book as grades are updated by teachers for families to access. If you are unable to access your school account, please contact the office for assistance. Checking Progress Book is a great way to stay updated on your child’s progress! Additionally, encourage your student to check out after school tutoring!
Students Should Check Email Daily!
Please encourage your students to check their email DAILY as important information is shared in this format! This includes all Dover students attending Buckeye Career Center and College Credit Plus. Announcements are also emailed.