Monthly Newsletter
September 2024

October 2024
-- Message from the Directors --
-- Legacy Campus Spotlight --
Douglas County Bomb Squad
Denver Food & Wine
Legacy Campus Culinary & Hospitality students were part of the Denver Food & Wine Festival in September at the Tivoli Quad. They had the opportunity to work with one of Denver's top chefs, Byron Gomez from Bruto, a Michelin star recipient! We are so proud of your extra work and how you represented the Legacy Campus & DCSD!
Apple Teacher Certification
-- Reminders --
Call Our Attendance Line
If your student will be absent, tardy or needs an early dismissal please call the Legacy Campus Attendance Line at 303-387-7800. Please do not call the college or university as they are not responsible for recording attendance for high school students.
Please Check Lost & Found
Wear Lanyard and ID
All students need to have a physical copy of their current student ID attached to their Legacy Campus lanyard and should be worn at ALL times while in the building. As a shared campus this is a major safety issue and will be enforced. If you do not have a copy of your student ID please visit your home high school's front office to get one printed.
Calendar Reminder
Friday Oct 11th will be an in-person class day following a Wednesday schedule and Noah Cares transportation will run accordingly.
Inclement Weather
Stay on Campus for Breaks
-- Post-Grad Readiness --
DCSD Legacy Campus Counselors are excited to offer presentations to students in our Legacy pathways that highlight essential skills in today's job markets. The skills that will be highlighted in the months to come are communication skills, professionalism, problem solving, and time management. Legacy Campus is partnering with Junior Achievement to bring presentations on essential job skills and resume building as well as offer mock interview opportunities for our students by pathway. These events will be wonderful opportunities for students to become more prepared for life after high school.
Timeline of Events
October 2024- Communication Skills and Professionalism
December 2024- Problem Solving and Time Management
January 2025- Job Skills Presentation in Partnership with Junior Achievement
February 2025- Mock Interviews by Pathway in Partnership with Junior Achievement
Next Steps: Arapahoe Community College Presentation
Students taking ACC classes at Legacy will attend a workshop where ACC representatives will provide information on programs that align with their current programming at Legacy. Students will have the opportunity to meet with an ACC representative to determine if they are eligible for a certification or how to continue their program after graduation. They will learn how the credits might transfer to another college and also hear information about ASCENT.
For questions, contact Erin Williams at ewilliams@dcsdk12.org
Next Steps: MSU Presentation
Students taking MSU classes at Legacy Campus will attend a presentation on October 22nd and 23rd, during students' normal class time. They will be able to ask questions about MSU and learn about college credits, enrollment, ASCENT/TREP and more.
For questions contact Kelly Purcell at kmpurcell@dcsdk12.org
-- Nominate a DCSD Staff Member--
The Foundation for Douglas County Schools continues its tradition of honoring exceptional educators and staff who are inspiring a love of learning in students and are trailblazing extraordinary innovation in our schools. The annual Apple Awards brings in thousands of nominations every year for teachers and staff members across the district. Please visit the website to enter your nominations between Oct 1st and Nov 11th.
The award event will take place Saturday, March 29, 2025 at DCSD's Legacy Campus.
-- DCSD Strategic Plan Kickoff Meetings --
Join the Conversation - Help Shape the Future of Our School District
Attend an upcoming meeting to help shape the future of the Douglas County School District as we begin conversations about our next strategic plan.
Learn more and RSVP for a meeting that is most convenient for you.
Tuesday, October 1 | 5:30 p.m.
DCSD Legacy Campus
10035 S. Peoria Street, Lone Tree
Wednesday, October 2 | 9:30 a.m.
DCSD Legacy Campus
10035 S. Peoria Street, Lone Tree
Wednesday, October 2 | Noon
DCSD Legacy Campus
10035 S. Peoria Street, Lone Tree
-- Plans for Phase II --
The Douglas County School Board has voted to refer a $490 million bond to voters in November. If the Bond is approved by voters, Douglas County homeowners will not see an increase in current property taxes. The Bond would allow the school district to restructure its debt in order to keep property taxes from increasing. For more information visit https://funding.dcsdk12.org/
Should the bond pass, the DCSD Legacy Campus would be expanding by 6 additional pathways to include: Construction Trades such as Carpentry, Electrical, HVAC, and Plumbing as well as Advanced Manufacturing, and Electric Vehicle/Hybrid Maintenance & Repair.
(Renderings in partnership with Hollis + Miller Architects)
Construction Trades
Electric/Hybrid Vehicle
Advanced Manufacturing
-- Gratitude --
Advisory Board
We would like to give a huge thanks to all of our advisory board members for their time and input during our September meeting.
Each advisory committee is made up of individuals with experience and expertise in the occupational field(s) that the program serves who advise educators on the design, development, implementation, evaluation, maintenance, and revision of Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs within a career pathway.
Colorado Beef Council
We are grateful to have received a Colorado Beef Grant of $800 for our Culinary & Hospitality pathway!
“Beef for the Classroom” is a program funded by beef producers through their beef checkoff administered by the Colorado Beef Council. Started in 2001, this program provides financial support for the use of beef products in senior high school Family and Consumer Science and Catering / ProStart courses. It reinforces lessons about lean beef selection, storage, preparation and nutrition. The Colorado Beef Council offers free educational materials to all Colorado teachers
to support classrooms.
-- Schedule a Tour --
Legacy Campus Tours
If you have an interest in learning more about our programs or are just wanting to tour the campus, we have launched new dates and are taking reservations for tours.
There are two tour groups - one for prospective students and their families, and another for community members and industry partners.
If you know of anyone who might be interested in learning more about our pathways or campus, please pass the information along!
OCT 7 & 8: ACC Next Steps Presentations
OCT 7: CNA Field Trip to Parker AdventHealth
OCT 9: CNA Field Trip to Castle Rock AdventHealth
OCT 9: Asynchronous Day at Legacy Campus (Testing Day at Primary HS)
OCT 11: In-Person Classes at Legacy Campus (Wednesday Schedule)
OCT 14-18: Fall Break
OCT 22 & 23: MSU Next Steps Presentations
OCT 24 - DCSD Career & Tech Ed Expo (open to the public)
OCT 29-31: Counselor Presentations: Communication & Professionalism
DEC 4: Legacy Campus Showcase (all Fall semester students/families please mark your calendar)
Virtual Office Hours with Pathway Instructors -Weekly on Thursday mornings from 8:30-9:00am.
Event Rentals
Need an inspiring space for your next meeting or event? We've got you covered!
Find more info HERE or call our Events Team at 303-387-7907
About us
Website: LegacyCampus.org
Location: 10035 S Peoria St, Lone Tree, CO, USA
Phone: 303-387-7800