Principal's Weekly Update
November 9th, 2023
A Message from Dr. Nadjarian
We were blessed today to have LtCdr Jack and LtCdr Emily visit our school in honor of Veteran's Day! Not only do they serve as active-duty Sailors in the Navy, but they also have two children who attend our school. The older students had the privilege of hearing about the work they have done to keep our country safe, while the younger students enjoyed classroom visits! Thank you, LtCdr Jack and LtCdr Emily, for your service, and thank you to all of our veterans who have heroically defended our nation.
In this week's newsletter, make sure to check out the spotlight on world languages and the upcoming Thanksgiving festivities and liturgy! If you need a reminder on which item your child's grade was assigned to bring for the Thanksgiving Food Drive, please see below.
During Monday morning's Parking Lot Prayers, we look forward to continuing our reflection on charity by honoring our custodial team, who always serves our school and parish community selflessly.
Have a great Veteran's Day weekend!
Looking Ahead
November 10th
- No School: Veteran's Day
November 16th
- No EDP
November 13th - 17th
- Drop off Thanksgiving Food Drive items
November 17th
- Trimester 1 grades close (K2-8)
November 22nd
- Thanksgiving Liturgy of the Word: 10:15 a.m. in the church for PreK-8
- Early Dismissal: 11 a.m.
- No EDP
November 23rd
- Happy Thanksgiving! No school
November 24th
- No school (Thanksgiving break)
November 27th
- Return to school from Thanksgiving break
December 5th
- Christmas Tree Lighting 4-5:30 (EDP ends at 4)
December 12th
- Christmas Pageant 9 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
Thanksgiving Food Drive Reminder
Thank you for your generosity and concern for others! We will be collecting donations of all food items to create gift bags so all members of the parish community will be able to enjoy the blessing of a Happy Thanksgiving celebration. Labeled tables will be in the Cafeteria for parents and families to drop off items 11/13 - 11/17.
Donation requests by grade are as follows:
PreK……Broth (Chicken, Veggie) or Canned Soups
K1..……..Canned goods (Green Beans, Gravy, Corn)
K2….…...Cooking Oil (Canola or Vegetable)
Gr 1..……Cans/Jars of Cranberry Sauce
Gr 2..……Powdered Milk
Gr 3..……Coffee, Tea, Apple Juice
Gr 4..……Bags of Sweet Potatoes
Gr 5..……Canned goods (Green Beans, Gravy, Corn)
Gr 6..……Cake/Cookie Mixes
Gr 7……..Apple Sauce, French Fried Onions
Gr 8……..Corn Bread Mixes
School Apparel Now Available for Pre-Order!
St. Mary’s School is proud to announce its pre-order sales of spirit apparel! We have long-sleeved tee shirts in both youth ($20) and adult ($25) sizes and long-sleeved hooded sweatshirts with pockets in youth ($30) and adult ($35) sizes. These items are not school uniforms from Lands End. They are school spirit apparel for families and friends of St. Mary’s to proudly show off their school pride! To pre-order, please email Patricia Salic, our Director of Advancement at
A Message from Fr. Jonathan to the St. Mary's School Community
Help us fill the bin!
Cardinal Seán recently wrote to all parishes of the Archdiocese asking for help in addressing the needs of more than 7,000 immigrant families who have come to Massachusetts, and are living in state sponsored shelters (approximately 20,000 individuals). By the end of this week the expectation is that 7,500 families will be with us, and there is a great need for warm winter clothing for them.
In light of this, we have asked for a St. Vincent de Paul bin to be added to the parking lot at St. Mary’s, as there is already one at the St. Lawrence parking lot. In addition to winter clothing, other items can also be donated, such as diapers, toothbrushes (adult and child size), toothpaste, soap, deodorant, mouthwash, etc. Cardinal Seán offers this invitation in the spirit of Pope Francis who has asked us as Catholics to watch the “peripheries” of society where suffering is located. Please note that all donations need to be picked up on November 18th, so we have a few weeks to fill the bin!
Due Tomorrow: Parent Musical Interest in This Year's Christmas Pageant
Any parents with musical talent?! We would love to have you be a part of this year's Christmas Pageant! If you are interested and would like more info please contact Dr. Nadjarian and Music Teacher, Ryan Lynch, by Friday, November 10. This will allow us to arrange for a rehearsal or two before December!
After School Clubs Spotlight
Puppet Club
Students in Ms. Schneiders' Puppet Club read the "Paper Bag Princess" story, students assembled a paper bag princess puppet in which they will be acting out the story with.
Voices Boston
This week, Voices Boston Club practiced their vocal techniques using Solfege. When they sang, the beautiful voices of the children resonated through into halls!
World Languages Spotlight
French: Bonjour! Our French students have been learning so much lately thanks to Monsieur Raymond. Grades 3-5 students this week have been learning the parts of the body and tested their knowledge by playing a game similar to Simon Says. Meanwhile, our middle schoolers are building on their conversational understanding by learning the vocabulary of the various parts of a classroom. Younger students have also been learning all about members of the family! Some content vocabulary words included: la famille (family, la mère (mother), le père (father), le frère (brother), la sœur (sister), la grand-père (grandfather), and la grande-mère (grandmother). Merci Monsieur Raymond!
Spanish: Ms. Annie and Ms. Torres have had an exciting week in Spanish Class! With our PreK-Grade 2 students, Ms. Annie has been helping them build the foundations of Spanish with incredible music skills. Ms. Annie uses her musical talent to help the children learn various concepts in a memorable way - with song. In the music class pictured below, the students learned the vocabulary for different emotions pictured on the small pumpkins by singing a song together. Just one day in Ms. Annie’s class will impress you. In Sra. Torres' third grade Spanish class students learned about the ñ sound. They viewed a video highlighting this Spanish sound then wrote vocabulary words using the ña, ñe, ñi, ño, and ñu blended sounds, such as niña, leña, muñeco, and año. Students verbally repeated their vocabulary together. They learned the special name of the curly line above the n: tilde or, in Spanish, a virgulilla. Buen trabajo, alumnos!
This week in Ms. Schneiders' class, students reflected on all the wonderful freedoms we have in America and gave thanks to all the Veterans who have sacrificed so much for our freedom. They painted Poppies today as a show of support for our armed forces community. Poppies are a sign of remembrance and hope for a peaceful future for all of us, especially our children.
This week in Ms. Tiney and Ms. McAuliffe's K2 classes, students have been learning the letter sounds and formation for p-pan-/p/ and j-jug-/j/ and putting them into practice. They are also practicing teen numbers and reviewing how to recognize, write, and represent teen numbers in a 20-frame. Finally, students are discussing the meaning of Thanksgiving - a time to show gratitude toward each other and toward God for all of the blessings in our lives.
Grade 1
Grade 1 is nearing the end of our second unit in the Bridges curriculum and the students are using a quilt to practice skip counting by 5's. After finishing their individual quilt squares, they will line up the quilt in rows of 5. As they were building it, they made observations about the patterns they were seeing, predictions about how many rows they would need for the whole class, and analyzed the patterns of 5 that they noticed. Later in the week, used the class quilt again to make the connection between patterns of 5 the students observed on the quilt while working with a hundreds chart to identify those numbers. Ms. Reitnour's students will be counting masters in no time!
Grade 2
Grades 2 and 3 Field Trip
Grades 2 and 3 participated in a community walk field trip where they had the opportunity to visit Brookline Fire Station, Brookline Police Department, and Brookline Public Library!
Grade 3
Grade 4
Ms. DeLuca's students put on their geotechnical engineering hats this week to use their knowledge of the layers of the earth to prevent damage to structures during earthquakes. Students used a model site with potential layers of soil, sand, clay, and bedrock to take and analyze a core sample. Based on the layers discovered in their core sample, students predicted and tested the necessary depth of a pier foundation to anchor a model building during an earthquake.
Grade 5
Ms. Palmer's 5th grade class has been working on their "Small Moment" writing pieces. In this piece, students zoomed in on an impactful or memorable moment of their lives. Since they recently finished a unit on figurative language, they can put it into practice by incorporating techniques, such as metaphor, personification, and hyperbole. On Friday, they reviewed their rubric and peer-revised before handing in their first draft. We cannot wait to read about the unique and interesting events of each student!
Middle School
Field Trip to Nature's Classroom!
On Monday, our middle school left for a 3-day trip to Nature's Classroom in Maine. The field trip started with team-building games and a fun walk exploring the forest. The next day, the children were taught that not all leaves and berries are edible. They were able to taste winterberry. Winterberry is what you taste in wintergreen gum! Even the berry is edible. The students were also tasked to build a shelter in the woods, and you can see the tipi-like creation they came up with below! The hands-on experiences were abundant during this field trip, so even the middle schoolers may be sore all over, they have been raving about the trip since their return.
Follow Us on Social Media
Please find the links below to our social media pages. We have been constantly uploading posts and stories so if you are interested in seeing more of our day-to-day happenings, please follow us!