SRS Newsletter
South River Elementary
Website: https://www.mpsd.org/o/srs
Location: 59 Hatch Street, Marshfield, MA 02050, USA
Phone: 781-834-5030
Twitter: @srsppal
We are Marshfield Project
Each year the graduating seniors take a day to give back and volunteer all over the community. This year we were fortunate to have 7 seniors join us for the day and help with our beautiful gardens, and cafeteria painting.
Can you spot Mr. Z in a Tree?
Out and About 3rd grade recess
Shakespeare rehearsals under way
Mystery Reader in Tate's Class
Art Room
Happy Spring! Here are some reminders with the warmer weather coming:
Please be sure your child brings a water bottle to school each day- preferably one that is easily refillable at our touchless refill stations.
Have children dress in layers- the building can become quite warm, and children can overheat very easily.
Sunscreen must be applied at home- before coming to school.
There has been an increase in the prevalence of ticks. Please do a quick check after coming inside from any outdoor activities or before bedtime. Pay particular attention to the areas of the ankles, legs and head region.
DONATIONS: If anyone wants to donate some items to the nurse clinic, here is what we could use! Thank you in advance.
Tissue boxes
Sanitizing wipes
SNACKS: Please remember to send in a healthy snack for your child every day (including Wednesdays).
ILLNESS: If your child is out sick and/or has been diagnosed with anything, please notify the nurse and request a note from your pediatrician to excuse the absence.
Thank you and have a great weekend!
Julie Stiles
SRS School Nurse
Phone: 781-319-3959
Email: jstiles@mpsd.org
Ice Cream Day Reminder
Reminder: Tuesday’s are Ice Cream day!
Ice Cream cost $1.25
Please make sure your child has cash or money on their account to purchase ice cream. Go to www.myschoolbucks.com to put money on your child’s account.
MCAS Schedule for 2023
Bookfair Volunteers Needed
Reading Room
Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @srsreadingroom for all things literacy!
We were so excited to see all the books/movies that families read and watched at home, and to hear families' opinions on which they liked more! Feel free to continue sending them in.
Early literacy encompasses so many components! Each month, we will explain one piece of the puzzle, and offer tips for supporting your child at home. Next up, decodable texts!
What are decodable texts?
Decodable texts are simple texts that support beginning reading instruction. The majority of the words can be decoded or sounded out in order to be read.
What are we doing?
In K-2, your child’s teacher is using Geodes from Wilson Training which builds student knowledge about an engaging topic in science, history, visual art, or literature. These texts are mostly decodable and reinforce the application of decoding and word recognition skills.
Your child may often be reading decodable books based on the phonics skill they are learning.
How can you support your child?
The best thing you can do is read with your child and have conversations.
If your child brings home a decodable text, encourage them to read all the words by sounding it out.
Go to the library and support your child in choosing books they love.
Elane Mylett
Reading SpecialistSouth River School