Eagle Family Connection #10
October 28-Nov. 1, 2024

Update #10 - October 28-Nov. 1, 2024
Hello Wilkesboro families! We hope you’ve enjoyed this short October break with your children. Below are updates for the week of October 27-November 1. Read on for full details and a direct link to your teacher’s page.
We are excited to begin the second quarter tomorrow. You will receive your child’s report card on Wednesday of this week.
We want to thank you for your generous support of our WE HELP efforts. With your donations, students were able to build 190 take home activity packs for children in impacted areas across northwest NC. We are grateful for your help and are excited to help children and schools in neighboring counties.
This week, with schools across the nation, we will highlight the importance of making safe and healthy choices by celebrating Red Ribbon Week. Research shows that strengthening family bonding, community connection, healthy relationships, and personal development are the best ways to prevent children from engaging in risky behaviors. This week is an opportunity for parents, educators, and communities to reinforce the safety and healthy messages they share with their children throughout the year. We do this with lessons and easy dress up days.
For Monday, we will wear RED to show we’re ready to grow. On Tuesday, support our WES team by wearing a school shirt or your favorite team gear. On Wednesday, wear bright colors and sunglasses in honor of your bright futures. On Thursday, be you by dressing as your favorite character or costume. Please do not wear masks or anything that’s too scary, and please do not bring props. On Friday, we’ll follow our dreams as November begins by wearing pajamas or comfy clothes.
Friday is also the third turn in deadline for field trip payments for the 6-installment plan. If you chose to make six $10 payments, the November $10 payment is due on Friday (3 of 6). You can pay online using the link at the top of our Eagle Connection page, or you can send the payments in your child’s green folder. Link to our Field Trip Headquarters page (to pay online): https://secure.smore.com/n/j01mc
This week, we are also sharing invitations to join us for our Veteran’s Day celebration on November 15. You can find full details and a link to sign up below on this Eagle Connection page.
We also want to remind you of updates in the school calendar. We will be closed for students on Election Day, Tuesday, November 5. You can find updates to the school calendar on the WCS webpage. Link to Revised Calendar
Also on Friday, we are excited to kick off PTO's Capital Campaign that will raise funds to support our school programs. Please be on the lookout later this week for that information.
You should have received your child's school pictures from October 2 in last week's folders. Do you still need to order pictures or want to see how they turned? Strawbridge Studios has provided a NEW Code Lookup Tool. Parents can simply scan the QR code and follow the directions to access their child's picture ordering gallery. You will sked to provide your student's last name and your student's ID number (lunch numbers) for security reasons. Please follow directions at the link from the QR code below.
We want to thank you for your ongoing support and encouragement. We are grateful to our Wilkesboro Elementary family for your time and energy, and we look forward to a great second quarter!
This Week is Red Ribbon Week!
We celebrate Red Ribbon Week this week like many schools across the nation. Red Ribbon Week highlights the importance of making safe and healthy choices. Research shows that strengthening family bonding, community connection, healthy relationships, and personal development is the best way to prevent children from engaging in risky behaviors. Red Ribbon Week is an opportunity for parents, educators, and communities to reinforce the safety and healthy messages they share with their children throughout the year.
We celebrate through simple dress up days and lessons about making safe, healthy choices. Please see this year's celebration details below.
Sign Up Veterans Now for Veteran's Day Celebration on Nov. 15
Veteran's Wanted for our Celebration on November 15
WE are honored to recognize veterans in our community again this year with a special ceremony on Friday, November 15th at 1:30 pm. This ceremony will feature student performances. We would like to invite all veterans and their guests to join us for this event. In the past, we have had veterans who were family members, neighbors or just special friends of our school.
WES appreciates the contributions and efforts of veterans, and we want to thank each one personally for the years of dedicated service. We also hope to educate our students about the service of veterans in American history and to inspire our students to recognize those accomplishments. All veterans are invited to have light refreshments after the ceremony. Veterans and their guests will enter the main office lobby where they will be greeted, checked in, and directed to the gym by staff or other volunteers. We want to make sure veterans are seated and ready before we begin.
We would also love to share details of our Veteran Guest's service with the school community. Families may send in a picture or details of their service time in two ways.
You may upload a scanned copy on the last question of the google form.
You may send in a picture and we will scan it and return it to you or your student. Please make sure the picture includes your student’s name as well.
Please note your name, branch, and dates of service with your submission.
We hope to collect this information by Friday, November 8th. We want to make sure to have everything ready for this special event. Thank you for taking your time to visit with our students. We look forward to celebrating our Veterans on November 15th.
Link to Veteran's Day Sign Up Form (also linked below image)
Culturefest is November 7
The event, which is free for everyone, will inspire unity as we celebrate the cultural diversity represented in our school system. The festival will include music, performances, door prizes, vendor resources, fun activities, food truck vendors, and so much more! Admission is free for all who attend!
Mark your calendars and join in on the fun! Click here for full details: https://wes.wilkescountyschools.org/apps/news/article/1984912
The Stone Center is located at 613 Cherry Street, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659. We hope to see you there on November 7th from 5-7 PM!
Wings of Wilkes Soccer Tryout Information
Fall Picture Retakes on Wednesday, November 13
Strawbridge Studios will be here for picture re-takes and make up school pictures on Wednesday, November 13, 2024. These school pictures will appear in the WES yearbook and will be used in school records.
Students will have pictures taken if they missed our first picture day on October 2 or if parents like their pictures to be re-taken.
We have shared the digital forms here, and you can also use the paper form sent home with students. When providing student information, please be sure to enter the student's full legal name as it is on file at our school. Strawbridge Studios matches students to photographs in this way, and it is important to include that in all communications with Strawbridge.
You can order pictures online at https://www.strawbridge.net/ using the code: FM447283
You can sign up to receive updates via email regarding your child's school portraits. These updates include promotions, additional deals and the ability to order more pictures at a later time.
To sign up for updates, please follow this link:
Join us on REMIND for School Communications
Thank you to the many families who have transitioned to REMIND for school communications. Wilkes County Schools will use REMIND for school communications. REMIND offers translation and two-way messaging with school staff and allows for connections with middle and high school teachers in the same platform.
You can help other family members who may need REMIND access get signed up. There are 3 easy ways to sign up. Once you sign up, you will receive messages and updates from our school. You can edit your own REMIND preferences once you sign up in the app or webpage. NOTE: To receive translated messages, each user must select their preferred language in their Remind user profile.
TEXT TO SIGN UP: You can text @wegrow24 to the number 81010. You will receive a welcome text from Remind. Once you receive this text, you will be connected to our school via your cell number.
SIGN UP ONLINE: Go to https://www.remind.com/join/wegrow24 Choose JOIN and enter your details.
DOWNLOAD THE REMIND APP: The REMIND app is available for iOS and Android users. You can find it in the app store or directly at https://www.remind.com/send_the_app
Once you sign up, it is also important for you to join your child's class. You can JOIN A CLASS in the same way that you join the school REMIND. You will need the class code, which you can find above or at this link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YBMjjOHga_t5OCC1puOE-GQw7NRvEm3v7iyOpNnnNDc/edit?usp=sharing
Here a link to more details about how to sign up for REMIND: https://help.remind.com/hc/en-us/articles/203179887-How-do-I-join-a-Remind-class
Thank you for your help using Remind as our communication tool. We prioritize good communication with our families, and we want to be easy to reach anytime you need us. If you need help now, please call our school office at 336-838-4261 or email Beckie Spears at spearsr@wilkes.k12.nc.us
Sign Up for School Updates via Text on REMIND
Learn More about Field Trips & Pay Online
Field trips are a special part of school. Field trips allow students to experience new environments, learn in unique places, apply skills learned in the classroom, and connect with the real world. We have planned a full year of field trips for students in every grade, and we look forward to meaningful learning in new places!
We've created a dedicated field trip page to share full information about how to pay.
Our Team of Dedicated Educators are Here to Help!
General School Information
Click for Updates from Your Child's Teacher
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
Encore Classes
Need Help? Student Services are Here to Help
Need help with student services?
Need help from the school office?
Have questions for the school nurse?
Have questions about your student's information, records or attendance?
Do you questions about your student's information, records or attendance? Our data manager Sydney Nickles is here to help. She is here each day and also works at Moravian Falls Elementary. You can find her at school at 336-838-4261 or on ClassDojo. You can also reach her by email -- Sydney Nickles at nickless@wilkes.k12.nc.us
About Attendance
School starts at 7:50 each day. Students who are participating will be marked PRESENT or ABSENT. If your child is not in school, you will need to send in absence notes the next day and it will be coded as excused or unexcused. Written notes are required and can come directly from the parent/guardian or a medical office. Also note that ClassDojo messages are great for communicating an absence, but they do NOT serve as legal documentation of absences. Please send a written note. Thanks in advance for your help!
After School Care Available
YMCA After School Care Available
You can sign up for the YMCA after school care for the Wilkesboro Elementary site online. Once you are signed up, please communicate with your teacher to let them know your plans.
Also, this year the YMCA classroom will be in building 2. Please park in our back parking lot beside the MEGA Toy playground when coming to pick up your children. Thank you!
Volunteers Needed
We Need Volunteers!
We welcome volunteers to help with school events. WCS uses Volunteer Tracker to help organize this process, and we use Sign Up Genius (shared via email and ClassDojo) to make signing up easy and convenient. To get signed up, follow steps below.
1. Go to www.wilkescountyschools.org
2. Go to the PARENTS tab at the top (or VOLUNTEER at the bottom).
3. Click on VOLUNTEERS.
5. Go to the green NEW REGISTRATION and follow instructions from there.
Level 1 volunteers can help in many ways. Level 1 volunteers can sign up to help with book fairs, school events, class parties and projects, Field Day, Fall Festival, and proctoring for tests.
Level 2 volunteers can do all level 1 tasks but can also help chaperone field trips and work more closely with students in small groups. Level 2 volunteers can also sign up for classroom tutoring and assistance, reading buddy program, tutoring, leading after school activities, and chaperoning school events field trips.
We ask that all parents/guardians who plan to attend field trips sign up to be Level 2 volunteers at the start of the year. It takes a few weeks to verify volunteers, and signing up early will make sure that you are approved in time for this year’s events and field trips.
Car Line Helpers Needed!
We are looking for friend, positive people to help on morning carline. If you're interested, please complete this form and we will be in touch. Thanks for considering this volunteer opportunity!
Fill out the form below to sign up.
Our Student Handbook
Email your jokes (or questions or concerns) to Mrs. Spears!
Email: spearsr@wilkes.k12.nc.us
Phone: 336-838-4261
Wilkesboro Elementary School
Email: spearsr@wilkes.k12.nc.us
Website: wes.wilkescountyschools.org
Location: 1248 School Street, Wilkesboro, NC, USA
Phone: (336) 838-4261
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wilkesboroelementary/
Twitter: @WilkesboroElem1