The Leopard Print
Lockwood Community Newsletter June 2024
School Information
Principal | Sam Ramirez
Assistant Principal | Rachelle Gardner
Office Manager | Cari Propst
Secretary | Sonja Gill-More
Office | 425-408-5800
Fax | 425.408.5802
Attendance | 425.408.5810
Website | lockwood.nsd.org
In This Issue
- School Information
- Principal Message
- Dates at a Glance
- A Few of My Favorites
- Field Day Volunteer Needed
- A Note from the Nurse
- School Spirit Day
- Safety Patrol Applications
- Students Not Returning for 2024-25
- What to do with Computer over Summer Break
- Volunteering
Principal Message
As we near the end of the school year, I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude to each and every one of you for your support, dedication, and collaboration throughout the year.
Together, we have created a vibrant and nurturing learning community where our students can thrive and succeed. I am looking forward to next year and making more home to school connections.
In partnership,
Sam Ramirez
Dates at a Glance
June Events
June 04 | Kinder Sneak Peek Event 6-7pm
June 07 | Spirit Day: Tie Dye
June 07 | PTA Bingo Night Cafeteria
June 11 | PTA Book Swap during lunch recess
June 12 | Volunteer Tea
June 14 | All-School Egg Drop during lunch recess
June 19 | Juneteenth- No School
June 18 | 5th Grade graduation party at Forsgren Park
June 21 | Field Day. All parent volunteers. 9:45am-11am.
June 25 | Last Day of School (12:00 Dismissal)
A Few of My Favorites
June 7
National Chocolate Ice Cream Day
June 16
National Fudge Day
June 22
National Onion Rings Day
Lockwood's beloved field day is back, and we need an army of volunteers to run it. Each class needs to provide a minimum of 2 volunteers. It’s super easy and organized. Arrive at the gym between 9:10-9:20 on Friday, June 21st to get the supplies and map, set up your station, and facilitate the fun! Then, at 11:00, return all items to the gym when it is over. Please sign up with this link for more details, and the station list and map will be sent out in advance.
A Message From the Nurse
We are making plans to close out the school year in the Health Room. This includes ensuring that the remaining medication your child has at school will get home in a safe manner. Please make arrangements for a parent or guardian to sign out and pick up the medication at school.
Any medication left in the building after 1pm on June 25th will be disposed of. Students with life threatening conditions must have their medications on-site until the last day they attend. No students are allowed to transport medicines. Please reach out with any questions to troufs@nsd.org or 425-408-5806.
School Spirit Day- June 7th
Break out the Tie Dye to participate in Leopard Student Council's Tie Dye Sprit Day this Friday, June 7th!
Safety Patrol Applications Due June 10th
Students going into 4th & 5th grade who want to be an example for other students and help keep Lockwood safe are encouraged to apply for Safety Patrol.
Application Form at:
Current patrol wanting to return next year must also complete the application form.
Members will be selected by staff with consideration for each student’s commitment to the Lockwood P.A.W.S. and effort toward being a responsible learner. Only enough students will be chosen to fill out the teams.
Applications are due: Monday, June 10th
Students NOT Returning to LW Next Year
If your student will NOT be returning to Lockwood* for the 2024-25 school year please let us know as soon as possible by completing this google form: https://go.nsd.org/lwwithdrawal.
* Current 5th graders attending an NSD middle school in 2024-25 do NOT need to complete this form. Please email any questions to Sonja Gill-More at sgillmore@nsd.org.
Families withdrawing from Northshore are expected to return any devices assigned to their students and all accessories such as bags and chargers before their last day.
What do I do with my computer over the summer?
Students currently in grades 2-5 returning to ANY NSD school for the 2024-25 school year will keep their assigned computing devices over the summer months to allow for continuous learning.
Families who wish to decline keeping a device over the summer should complete the opt-out form by Friday, June 14th. Here's the link to the opt-out form: https://go.nsd.org/optout. If opting out, students will keep their Chromebook at school the last week.
Summer Care
Students and families are expected to take care of the assigned device and follow the NSD Chromebook Care guidelines including keeping it charged and in its bag when not in use.
Resources & Tech Support
If families need support using their NSD device or troubleshooting technical issues over the summer, they should create a help ticket at http://go.nsd.org/studenttechhelp.
When volunteers commit to serving at a school, students achieve higher grades, have access to more opportunities, and gain community connections to help them thrive.
Also- if you have a badge, could you please bring it in.