Garden Heights Tiger News
May 2024
This month at Garden Heights
- May 2 - PTO Meeting, 6pm
- May 3 - Popcorn Friday and School BBQ
- May 14 - Awards Assembly, K-2 @ 10am, 3-5 @ 10:20am
- May 14 - Talent Show Tryouts 3:30pm - 5pm
- May 16 - Talent Show Tryouts 3:30pm - 5pm
- May 16 - Kindergarten Roundup, 5:30pm - 6:30pm
- May 17 - Donuts for Grown Ups, 8am
- May 22 - 5th grade solar car day
- May 24 - Early Release
- May 27 - No School, Memorial Day
- May 30 - Spring Concert
- May 31 - Early Release
May's Monthly Theme - FRIENDSHIP!
This month we want to remind students of the importance of being a good friend and making new friends! Friends say nice things to each other, support each other, are trustworthy, respectful, and are a good listener. Let's do our best this month to demonstrate these traits!
PTO Meeting - May 2nd
School BBQ - May 3rd
Get ready for our School BBQ Day! Join us, May 3rd, 2024, during lunch/recess
Lunch Times:
Kinder: 11:30 - 12:10
First: 11:40 - 12:20
Second: 11:50 - 12:30
Third: 12:00 - 12:40
Fourth: 12:10 - 12:50
Fifth: 12:20 - 1:00
Popcorn Friday - May 3rd
Awards Assembly - May 14th
Talent Show Tryouts - May 14th & 16th
Auditions will be held in the Gym. Permission slips must be returned to participate in the auditions.
Kindergarten Round-Up - May 16th
Donuts with Grown-ups - May 17th
5th Grade Solar Cars - May 22nd
Early Release - May 24th
No School - May 27th
Spring Concert - May 30th
Early Release - May 31st
In-District Transfer Requests
New this year - if your student was accepted last year as an IDT, you do not need to fill out a new form for the following year unless you are requesting to go to a different school.
What is an In-District Transfer?
Parents who wish to transfer their child from their 'home' school in Moses Lake to another school within the Moses Lake School District should complete this form. Requests for Transfers are not guaranteed. Transfers from outside of the district should apply for Choice Transfer.
- Once a request is approved, a student is considered admitted to that school for the remainder of the student’s tenure in that school. As such, a student need not reapply annually unless they are moving from elementary to middle. If there are multiple students in a family that want to request an in-district transfer to another school, a form needs to be completed for each student and only one school at each level can be requested.
- In-district transfer requests for the next school year will be accepted on or after May 1st through May 31. Any in-district applications that are received after this period will be put on a “waitlist.”
- Determinations related to in-district requests made prior to the beginning of a school year will be made as quickly as possible after new student registration occurs, and no later than the 11th day of the start of school after consideration for enrollment of students in the current attendance area, class size limits, and building capacity.
- Because class size limits cannot be exceeded, appeals will not be heard if a student’s transfer application is denied due to lack of space availability.
Please complete the In-District Transfer Request Form thoroughly and be aware of the following:
- Transportation to and from school becomes the parent’s responsibility if a request is granted.
- While child care hardships may be considered, there is no guarantee that a transfer request will be honored solely based on child care. Also, documentation from the child care provided may be requested.
- Providing false information will be grounds for denial of the application
MLSD Calendar Update
Click on the image below to view the most recent District Calendar. The last day of school has been changed to June 10, 2024. It is an early release day.
May Menu
Garden Heights Spirit Wear
Visit the website below and grab some gear for yourself and your students. Every Tuesday is TIGER TUESDAY. Wear our school colors, red & black, and your spirit wear apparel to show our Tiger Pride!
Visit this link to place an order: https://www.gardenheightsspiritwear.com/ Check for weekly specials!
SMART tag Parent Portal
A message from Transportation:
"We are excited to announce that the SmartTag rider management system has been deployed district wide and is ready for full operation. One of the greatest benefits to families has been the “Parent Portal” where you can receive realtime information on the safe whereabouts of your child as they navigate on any one of the multiple routes serving the Moses Lake School District.
Student badges have now been distributed to bus riders at all of our schools. Beginning Wednesday, April 24, we will trial a "dress rehearsal" aimed at gearing up all students for presenting their badge as a condition of riding MLSD buses. Please don’t be alarmed! There will be a reasonable “grace” system that will allow the student to adapt to this new expectation:
Students will need to scan their badge to get on and off the bus - both morning and afternoon.
If they do not have their card with them, the driver will manually load them. This will give the students time to either get their card accessible or print a new one at the school.
If your child(ren) has to be manually entered 3 times within 10 days, you will receive an automatic email from Smart Tag letting you know they have not used their card and future attempts will lead to sending the student back into the school and potentially missing their bus.
If your child has not received a SmartTag badge or needs a replacement badge please contact their school.
Smart Tag brings more security and peace of mind to families, and we greatly appreciate support in rolling out this system."
For more information about the Parent Portal - visit mlsd161.org/SmartTag/
Coming up in June
- June 5th - Sno Cones and 5th grade CMS visit
- June 5th - Talent show dress rehearsal 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
- June 6th - Talent Show
- June 7th - Field Day
- June 10th - Last day of school, early release
Parent Square: Coming 2024 - 2025
We are excited to announce that beginning the 2024-25 school year, we have adopted a new form of school-to-home communication at Moses Lake School District called ParentSquare. This unified communications platform is designed to keep parents and guardians informed and encourage greater engagement and connection with Moses Lake Schools. It provides a safe way for district administrators, school principals, teachers, staff, and parents to:
Here’s what you can do with ParentSquare:
- Receive messages from the school via email, text or app notification
- Choose to receive information as it comes or all at once with a daily digest at 6pm
- Communicate in your preferred language
- Comment on school postings to engage with your school community
- Direct message teachers, staff and other parents
- Participate in group messages
- Sign up for parent-teacher conferences
- Send payments, sign forms & permission slips, receive report cards, sign up to volunteer and more all from your desktop or mobile device
- Send and receive school and class information
- See calendar items
- Sign up to volunteer
- and much more . . . all in one centralized place!
Our goal in adopting ParentSquare is to unify and simplify the number of communication tools to increase parent/guardian involvement. Parents will be able to keep track of news, activities, classroom updates, and events from all their children’s schools in one place.
All district and school, grade level and classroom information will be sent to your computer or phone via email and/or text. ParentSquare will replace communications received via Remind (which has been recently been acquired by ParentSquare), Skyward, and SchoolMessenger.
Boys & Girls Club Summer Camp
Registration for Summer Camp 2024 opens this Friday, May 3rd, for ALL families and ALL camp locations! Don't miss out on the fun – secure your spot and let the summer adventures begin!
visit: www.bngclub.org
Contact Information
Garden Heights Elementary
707 E Nelson Rd
Moses Lake, WA 98837
(509) 766-2651
Garden Heights ES (mlsd161.org)
940 E Yonezawa Blvd
Moses Lake, WA 98837
(509) 766-2676
Transportation Welcome - Departments - Moses Lake School District 161 (mlsd161.org)
Moses Lake School District
1620 S Pioneer Way
Moses Lake, WA 98837
(509) 766-2650