Manatee News 10/18
October 18, 2020
Important Dates
*Students will visit the Book Fair during their Media Center activity time.
Monday- Book Fair
- Book Fair
- Book Fair
- Vision & Hearing Screening
- PTO Meeting 3:00 pm https://brevardschools-org.zoom.us/j/84038992588
- Vision & Hearing Screening
- Book Fair
- End of 1st Quarter
- Book Fair
- Early Release 1:15 pm
Below is the updated October calendar:
Health Hero Florida update
Manatee families -
Due to scheduling issues with Middle and High school, Manatee date for no-cost in school vaccinations has been moved to October 23rd instead of the date listed in last weeks smore. All the other information is the same. See below:
Manatee has partnered with Health Hero Florida to offer no-cost in school vaccinations for our students. Manatee will be sending home a permission slip on Monday, October 12th. If you are interested in having your child receive the flu immunization return the signed permission slip returned back to campus by October 16th. Health Hero Florida will be on campus on October 23rd to administer the vaccination to student who have returned a permission slip.
If parents have questions please contact:
Aaron Kestner
Assistant Principal
Can parents be present? No. Most schools are not allowing parents on campus due to the virus.
Do the parents have to fill the form out in its entirety? Yes, please encourage the parents to do so.
Will you force a child to get the vaccine? Absolutely not.
Will you vaccinate virtual students? If they come to campus.
What if a parent thinks their insurance will not cover the cost? No child pays any form of a copay to receive the vaccine with our program.
Vision and Hearing Screener Grades K, 1, 3 & 6.
If you are an e-learning parent and want your child to participate in this program, we will be holding screenings for grades K, 1, and 6 starting at 7:30 a.m. on October 21, 2020. If you are interested in your child participating on campus please email Aaron Kestner at kestner.aaron@brevardschools.org.