Midway Heights Elementary Library
Checkouts During Remote Learning
We are Continuing Curbside Pick Up for Library Books!
Q: How can students check out books?
A: Students can place a hold on a book through Destiny Discover (found in ClassLink) or by filling out a Google form. See the links and instructions for these below.
Q: How many books can student check out at once?
A: Students can check out 2 books at a time
Q: What if I don't know what I want?
A: Use the Google Form provided to give Mrs. White some ideas for picking out a book for you!
Q: What is the difference between using the Google Form and Destiny Discover for making reservations?
A: The Google Form is to get a book in a general topic. Destiny Discover allows you to choose a specific book.
Q: Do I make a reservation in both Google Forms and Destiny Discover?
A: No! You will want to choose only one method for each time that you place a reservation. However, it is okay to use different methods for different reservations (for example--use Google Forms for one reservation and then use Destiny Discover when you are ready to return those books and make another reservation).
Q: How do I return books?
A: You can return your books by dropping them off at the front office door when you come to pick up your new books! (Or just return them without getting new books.)
Q: How will I get my books?
A: Books can be picked up at the school M-F during school hours (7:30-3:00). Students can also request that books be delivered through CPS Prime during school hours. CPS Prime will deliver the books to any Columbia address provided by the student.
Q: How do I let you know that I want my books to be sent by CPS Prime?
A: If students reserve books through the Google Form, they will have an opportunity to note that they want books delivered through CPS Prime. If students reserve through Destiny Discover, they can email the media specialist to let her know (ewhite@cpsk12.org).
Q: If I am picking up books, how will I know that they are ready?
A: We will message the student's parent through Class Dojo.