Welcome to EHS Students

Parking Permit Purchases Delayed
Delay in Parking Permit Purchases
Due to technical difficulties with the EduTrak system, our District fee/activity payment system, we must close EduTrak.
This means EHS Parking Permits for Juniors will NOT open on Monday August 19th at 5pm.
We will inform you when the system is working again, with at least 24 hours notice before we open permits to Juniors.
Online application and payment for the EHS Fall Trimester 2024-2025 Parking Permit began on Monday August 12, 2024 at 5 PM for seniors only. Application and payment for juniors begins on Monday August 19, 2024 at 5 PM. The Edutrak acitivty for EHS Parking will need to close for about 15 min. prior to reopening to Juniors on August 19th.
Parents and guardians can pay the Parking Tag fee ($80) from the convenience of your computer, via our new payment system: Edutrak.
Parking permits for Fall Trimester 2024 will be distributed on Wednesday August 28th and Thursday August 29th before school in the lower east entrance of EHS as well as during all lunches in Spirit Hall.
Parking permits are awarded on a first come, first serve basis. Once all permits are sold out the system will no longer fulfill applications., but will form a wait list .
Sophomores are not eligible for parking permits.
Students with parking tickets are ineligible for a permit during the following trimester. All fines and fees owed by a student must be taken care of in order to receive a parking permit.
See below for registration information on Edutrak.
1. Select Red Soccer Ball
2. Select Register
3. Search for Eagan High School Parking Permits
Freshmen Orientation
Freshmen Class Parent/Guardian and 9th grade Student Orientation and Information Evening
Monday, August 26th
For Incoming Parents/Guardians and Students in our Freshmen Class
Plan to be at EHS for the Freshmen Class Orientation Evening, August 26th, from 5:30-6:30 p.m.
or 7-8 p.m.- attend one of the sessions, please, on Monday, August 26th for all Freshmen parents and guardians and students.
Parent and guardians will receive information on how to have a smooth and successful transition into high school for themselves and their students.
Freshmen student schedules will be distributed. All 9th graders will be given more information provided by LINK Crew students during this evening. Counselors and Special Education teachers will be available to answer questions regarding scheduling concerns. LINK leaders will lead Freshmen student small group building tours followed by a presentation in the auditorium by a panel of older students about strategies for success as a freshmen.
The freshmen class will receive the following on August 26th:
Building maps, time schedules and the student handbook and calendar as well as their personal class schedule.
School Supplies
What to Purchase for the school year?
We do not have a ‘list’ of required supplies for our high school students. We do recommend that students “stock up” at back-to-school sales on the following items:
- Spiral notebooks, college ruled, one subject
- Scientific calculator for Math
- Ballpoint pens, black & red
- Protractor and compass for Geometry students
- #2 Pencils or mechanical pencils
- Pocket folders. (Many students choose to match colors of notebook & folder to a specific class)
- A stylus for use with the iPad
- External battery for charging iPad as needed during the day is helpful
- Please know that we have school supplies available in the Counseling Office for our students.
First Day of School Information
Welcome EHS Wildcats!
The first day of school for Eagan High School is:
Wednesday, August 28, 2024.
9th graders will report for the 7:40 AM start - buses will run at the assigned time for your pickup.
Sophomores, juniors and seniors grades 10, 11 and 12, will report to school by 11:00 a.m. the first day, Wednesday, August 28, 2024.
Bus transportation will be provided for grades 10, 11 and 12 to arrive for the 11 a.m. start. The District buses will arrive at your stop three hours later than the usual pickup time - for Wednesday, August 28th only. .
ALL students will follow a modified schedule for the remainder of the day that will allow everyone to eat lunch and meet in classes with all of their teachers, following their daily schedule. The day concludes at its usual time for this school year, 2:30 p.m.
EHS Day #1 of School – Wednesday, August 28
Freshmen, Students and Link Leaders only at EHS - 7:40-11:00
All returning grade 10, 11 and 12 students arrive for 11:00 start - buses provided for this arrival
PAWS 11:00 – 12:45
A Lunch 11:21 – 11:46
(Class 11:51 - 12:46)
B Lunch 11:41 - 12:06
(Class 11:21 - 11:41 and 12:11 – 12:46)
C Lunch 12:01-12:26
(Class 11:21 - 12:01 and 12:31 – 12:46)
D Lunch 12:21 – 12:46
(Class 11:21 - 12:21)
Period 1 - 12:50-1:00
Period 2 - 1:05-1:15
Period 3 - 1:20-1:30
Period 4 - 1:35-1:45
Period 5 - 1:50-2:00
Period 6 - 2:05-2:15
Period 7 - 2:20-2:30
Thursday, August 29th will be a regular school day for all students 9-12 from 7:40 am - 2:30 pm. Bus transportation will be at each student's scheduled time.
No school for students on Friday, August 30th or Monday, September 2nd -Labor Day
School resumes on Tuesday, September 3rd for all EHS students.
Eagan High School student schedules will be available in Infinite Campus at 3 PM on Friday, August 23rd. These schedules are tentative and may be subject to change as we continue to balance classes. If a student does not have a schedule, that means that they should have an appointment to register for classes.
Schedule corrections will be considered for the following reasons only:
Clerical Error (no class during specific period, duplicate classes, etc.)
Failed a prerequisite class
Senior class required for graduation
Special Education need
Inappropriate level (drop from honors to regular)
Drop an elective for a study hall.
If your student is considering dropping a band or choir course, they must contact Mr. Hart (band) or Mr. Cox (choir) before being approved for that change. We highly recommend that students stay in these courses as the directors have plans to provide for an amazing year for your students.
If your student meets one of these criteria, please click the link below by August 29 and it will link the schedule correction request form.
2024-25 Trimester 1 - Schedule Correction Form
EHS Counselors
Susan Olsen A – B & AVID susan.olsen@district196.org
Jolaine Haider C – Gr jolaine.haider@district196.org
Kayla Hammond Gu – Kt kayla.hammond@district196.org
Michelle Lehmann Ku – Ne michelle.lehmann@district196.org
Thay Thao Ng – Sh thay.thao@district196.org
Norah Krohse-Hermon Si – Z norah.krohse-hermon@district196.org
New Student Orientation (Grades 10-12)
A special note to new students in grades 10-12 who are attending Eagan. New students will have the opportunity to come to EHS at 7:40 AM on Wednesday, August 28 to meet your student ambassador, walk your schedule and get some help with your iPad and Schoology/Campus set up and log in. New students should report to the library that morning.
New Student Technology Academy – Students New to ISD 196
Eagan High School will be hosting a New Student Technology Academy for students who are new to ISD 196. This will provide students with an opportunity to get their iPads and learn about how to navigate through Schoology and some other apps that students use at EHS.
The Technology Academy for Students in grades 9-12, new to the district, will be held from
1:30-2:30 PM on Monday, August 26th in the EHS Library. Please plan to drop your student off at the EHS horseshoe (south entry) and we will guide them from there. Please note this is not a session for students who completed their 8th grade year in ISD 196.
Unfortunately, there are no alternative times for students who cannot attend their assigned time. Students unable to get their Ipads during this time will receive them during the first two days of school.
EHS Day #1 of School – Wednesday, August 28
Freshmen, Students and Link Leaders only at EHS - 7:40-11:00
All returning grade 10, 11 and 12 students arrive for 11:00 start - buses provided for this arrival
PAWS 11:00 – 12:45
A Lunch 11:21 – 11:46
(Class 11:51 - 12:46)
B Lunch 11:41 - 12:06
(Class 11:21 - 11:41 and 12:11 – 12:46)
C Lunch 12:01-12:26
(Class 11:21 - 12:01 and 12:31 – 12:46)
D Lunch 12:21 – 12:46
(Class 11:21 - 12:21)
Period 1 12:50-1:00
Period 2 1:05-1:15
Period 3 1:20-1:30
Period 4 1:35-1:45
Period 5 1:50-2:00
Period 6 2:05-2:15
Period 7 2:20-2:30
New payment platform launched as of July 24th for high school students' families
The change in payment platforms from MyPaymentsPlus to EduTrak Connect began July 24th. All payment services expired in MyPaymentsPlus on July 31. Staff and parents were informed of this update in emails sent June 27 and July 24th. For more information, visit the District 196 EduTrak Connect Portal.
Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook
Each year, District 196 updates its handbook of student rights and responsibilities for the upcoming school year. Most of the revisions to this year’s handbook are to conform with changes in state law, including the addition of gender identity as a protected class, changes to student disciplinary rights and processes, and changing the age of eligibility for special education from 21 to 22. In years past, the district mailed a copy of the handbook to each family with students enrolled in the district. This year, the Student Rights and Responsibilities handbook for 2024-25 is being shared online. Please take time to review the handbook with your children, as well as expectations for their behavior at school. A limited number of printed copies are available, upon request, by contacting the school office.
Regular School Day Schedule - beginning August 29th
8:33-9:19 - Period 2
9:24-9:39 - PAWS
9:44-10:30 - Period 3
10:35-11:21 - Period 4
11:26-12:46 - Period 5
A Lunch 11:21-11:46
(Class 11:51-12:46)
B Lunch 11:41-12:06
(Class 11:26-11:41 and 12:11-12:46)
C Lunch 12:01-12:26
(Class 11:26-12:01 and 12:31-12:46)
D Lunch 12:21-12:46
(Class 11:26-12:21)
12:51-1:38 - Period 6
1:43-2:30 - Period 7
📱 Families can purchase optional iPad Protection Plan
District 196 offers an optional protection plan for $20 per iPad to cover the cost of potential theft and damage to the device during the school year. The plan is free for students eligible for the Educational Benefits Program. After Sept. 23, 2024, families without the protection plan are responsible for costs associated with loss of or damage to a district-issued iPad.
Information about the iPad protection plan for families, along with a link to the support page for EduTrak Connect, a fee payment system the district implemented earlier this month is found using these links.
🏥 Free vaccine clinics offered in August
Vaccine clinics are scheduled August 22-29 at various schools throughout the district. These free clinics are designed to assist parents and guardians in ensuring their students meet the state immunization law requirements to attend school.
Vaccine Clinic Information or Vaccine Flyer for families .
Important Dates
Eagan High School Important Dates for school year 2024-2025
Use this to plan ahead for the school year calendar including ending of trimesters (final exams) and no school days. Look ahead to Parent/Guardian and Teacher Conference dates and times.
School Photos by Lifetouch
School Photos/ID Cards
Returning seniors will receive a 2024-2025 ID card using their junior year photos. Students in grades 9, 10 and 11 will receive order information for photo packages in PAWS on August 28th.
Thursday, August 29, 2024.
Link to preorder pictures.
RETAKES will be October 7, 2024.
Students are NOT allowed to wear hats or sunglasses in the photos and shoulders must be covered by clothing.
Class of 2025 – SENIOR PHOTOS for the EHS Yearbook
Seniors should submit, or have their photographer submit, their senior photo for the yearbook no later than November 1, 2024. Here is the link to submit photos:
Order Your Yearbook!
Order your yearbook now! The price is currently $85 and will continue to increase throughout the year.
With a Jostens yearbook, you’re able to treasure the names, faces and events that make this time so special — for always and always.
Renew Educational Benefits for 2024-25
Even though there is no charge for breakfast or lunch for students...it is still important that you apply for Educational Benefits if your household qualifies!
Each approved application provides additional funding to programs at EHS. Educational Benefits allows your child to to receive free or reduced fees for athletic programs and field trips.
An approved application also provides:
- Additional funding for all schools
- Additional funds for increased access to technology resources
- Discounted college application fees
- Discounted academic testing fees (ACT, AP, PSAT, SAT)
- Discounted Community Education course fees
A new application must be submitted every year, only one application is needed per household.
Paper applications are also available from the front office at EHS
Click HERE to apply for Educational Benefits beginning July 15th
Learn more about how this application supports District 196
Questions? Please contact Nutrition@district196.org or call 651-683-6958
Homecoming Week Information
One of the highlights of Fall Trimester is “Homecoming Week”, which includes the Homecoming Varsity Football Game vs. Farmington H.S. on Friday, October 4th at 7:00 p.m., and the Semi-formal Dance on Saturday, October 5th from 8:00-11:00 p.m. in the Gym. A Dodgeball Tournament and Girls Flag Football games will be included in the week of events. Additional athletic events will also take place during this week. A school wide Pepfest will be held on Thursday, October 3rd at 1:45 p.m.
Freshmen are encouraged to participate! No dates are required for the Homecoming Dance. Admission is charged at the door and student ID's are shown for admission. There will be an opportunity to sign up guests for approval - all guests must be high school students in District 196
Attendance and your Student's Academic Success
Research shows students should miss no more than nine days of school each year to stay engaged, successful, and on track to graduate.
One of every seven District 196 students misses two or more days of school per month, nearly 20 days (10%) of the school year.
Regular attendance helps students enjoy school more and feel connected to
their community. It also boosts academic performance and enhances social skills.
Higher grades
Increased chance of graduating
Hands-on/collaborative learning
Better access to academic support
Forming friendships
Developing emotional skills (empathy, patience, confidence, teamwork)
Enhancing communication skills
Discuss the importance of showing up on-time each day.
Maintain routines, limit technology, ensure good sleep.
Avoid appointments during the school day.
Encourage participation in school activities.
Ensure every class period is attended.
Talk with your school to learn about support options!
District 196 is committed to improving student attendance. Parents will be contacted if their child's attendance becomes concerning.
Attendance today, Achievement tomorrow.
Subscribe to Parent E-Mail!
Eagan High School parents, residents, students and anyone else interested in receiving regular information updates from EHS can subscribe to the EHS listserves. Information includes updates from the principal and announcements of special events. CLICK HERE to subscribe.
Eagan High School
District 196 offers an online reporting system through School Messenger Quick Tip. It allows students to report concerns or problems at anytime and may be anonymous. All reports are dealt with immediately.
School Messenger Quick Tip: https://www.district196.org/quicktip
Email: EHSNews@district196.org
Website: ehs.district196.org
Location: 4185 Braddock Trail, Eagan, MN, USA
Phone: 651-683-6900