Knightly News
June 2, 2024
Parent Council Information
Important Information for our 2024-25 School Council!
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Clover Bar Information
Important Final Exam Information
Below is a picture of our Final Exam Schedule that you can also find at
Now is a great time for students to start reviewing to prepare for their final exams. It is better to review a bit each week compared to trying to cram the night before or even the morning of!
Here are the procedures and expectations for students and families for the exam days:
- Final day of instruction is June 18.
- June 19 to 25, we will be offering teacher supported Review Sessions for students after our exams.
- June 21 is National Indigenous People's Day. There are no exams, but we will have a variety of activities for students in addition to Review Sessions.
- If students are not staying after exams for the Review Sessions, regular attendance procedures will be in place. This means that parents and guardians will need to alert the office of their student's absence via email at or phone at 780-467-2295.
- Students that have had a parent or guardian contact the school about leaving after the exam will be allowed to leave the exam room and exit the school after the exam is complete.
- Parents and guardians are able to alert the office to multiple excused absences at the same time and are encouraged to do so in advance if students are not staying for the Review Sessions.
- Students who do not have permission to leave will get a 10 minute break after their exam and then they will transition to their Review Sessions.
- Students will not be allowed to come to the office to call parents or guardians after exams. Students are also not allowed to use cell phones during learning time as per Administrative Procedure 145.
If you have any questions, please contact the school.
It is important to note that the Grade 9 PAT schedule and the Grade 7/8 Final Exam schedule's are different; they write different exams on different days.
2023-24 EIPS Annual Feedback Survey Results Report
The results are now available for the 2023-24 EIPS Annual Feedback Surveys: For Parents and Caregivers and For Students conducted in March. Please read below or check out the information on our website at
Thank you to all families and students who took the time to share their feedback with the Division. The surveys included a series of questions related to the three priorities outlined in the EIPS Four-Year Education Plan: 2022-26 (Year 2).
· Priority 1: Promote growth and success for all students
· Priority 2: Enhance high-quality learning and working environments
· Priority 3: Enhance public education through effective engagement
The overall Division results represent close to 1,900 responses from parents and caregivers and more than 2,000 responses from grades 9 and 12 students across the Division.
The survey results for Clover Bar Junior High School have helped us identify the following areas of strength and opportunities for growth.
Areas of strength:
· Positive, supportive, and caring staff
· Student citizenship
· Opportunities for families to be involved at Clover Bar
Opportunities for growth:
· Make clearer connections between what students are learning and life outside of school
· More direct connections between literacy and numeracy with day to day learning
· Continue to support students to engage in their learning
The feedback gathered in the survey will help our school and the Division measure its progress toward meeting the priorities and goals outlined in the EIPS Four-Year Education Plan and develop strategies to better serve students and the wider community moving forward.
Annual Feedback Survey Results: Division
Annual Feedback Survey Results for Parents and Caregivers: Clover Bar JHS
Grade 9 Farewell Information
We have sent information home regarding the Grade 9 Farewell Celebration for our Clover Bar students to all families. We have also spoken with all of the Grade 9's to share information directly with them. We will have further updates, and Permission Click Field Trip form coming out in the future.
The Clover Bar Farewell for Grade 9's is scheduled for Thursday, June 13, 2024 and the Grade 9 Farewell Field Trip will be Friday, June 14, 2024.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Orr or Mr. Shudra
Clover Bar This Week
Monday, June 3 - Day 2 - EIAA Golf Tournament
Environmental Stewardship Trip to Jasper
9:00am - CLB Admin Meeting
10:0am - Meeting - Mrs. Orr
Tuesday, June 4 - Day 3 - Edmonton Zone Track Meet
Environmental Stewardship Trip to Jasper
9:30am - Principal visit to Clover Bar
10:00am - CLB Finance Meeting - Mr. Shudra and Mrs. McElheran
1:05pm - Emergency Evacuation Drill
Wednesday, June 5 - Day 4 - Early Dismissal for Students
Environmental Stewardship Trip to Jasper
8:30am - Clover Bar ReSet Meeting
2:30pm - Clover Bar Staff Meeting
Thursday, June 6 - Day 5
ELA 7 and 8 Part A Final Exam
7:00pm - Clover Bar Band Concert
Friday, June 7 - Day 6
ELA 7 and 8 Collaborative Marking at Clover Bar
1:00pm to 4:00pm - Principal Committee Meeting - Mr. Shudra away
Division News
REMINDER: 2023-24 school fees
School fees for the 2023-24 school year are posted on the PowerSchool Parent Portal. All fees are due within 30 days of being posted. Throughout the year, fees are often added to cover the costs for various activities, such as field trips, extracurricular activities, and late, damaged or lost textbooks.
To access your fee information, simply log in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal and go to “Student Fees.” There you can view fees and pay them online using a Mastercard or Visa credit or debit card. Make sure to monitor your child’s account on an ongoing basis.
For more information about school fees, waivers and payment deadlines, visit And, if you have questions, think there is an error or need help creating a PowerSchool Parent Portal account, contact your child’s school directly before the summer break.
NOTE: Pursuant to Board Policy 23: School Fees and Administrative Procedure 505: School and Administrative Fees, EIPS will forward any unpaid 2023-24 fee amounts to a collection agency. To prevent this from happening, remember to pay your fees before Aug. 31, 2024.
Accessing User Accounts: Students Leaving EIPS
Is your child graduating from or leaving EIPS at the end of the school year? If so, they must ensure any information they want to retain from their school cloud accounts is downloaded onto a personal device before leaving.
· Google account – Students must download any wanted content before August 6—download files either individually or in bulk using Google Takeout.
· Microsoft account – Students must download any wanted content from their OneDrive account before August 6.
After Aug. 6, 2024, EIPS will deactivate the account.
Updating Your Contact Information
Have you recently moved or has your contact information changed? Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) encourages families to review their information the Division has on file to ensure it’s up to date. Using the Student Information Update available through the PowerSchool Parent Portal, families can review their information on file for each student—including addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, parent and guardian information, emergency contacts, medical details and other related information—and submit any updates needed.
NOTE: Only submit updates for the changes that have already taken place. If you’re moving this summer, you’ll submit the necessary updates through the Student Information Update after you’ve moved at the start of next school year. The form is open—for current-year updates—until June 14 at noon. It will reopen for families at the start of next school year.
Did you know?
EIPS is collectively committed to ensuring all members of the school community are provided with welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environments that respect diversity and foster a sense of belonging.
Specifically, the Division believes that all individuals within EIPS have the right to learn in settings that promote equality of opportunity, dignity and respect regardless of race, age, ancestry, place of origin, colour, religious beliefs, gender, gender identity, gender expression, physical or mental disability, marital status, family status, socioeconomic status and sexual orientation. Learn more:
· Board Policy 19: Welcoming, Caring, Respectful and Safe Learning and Working Environments
Student Transportation: 2024-25 registration
Planning to use Student Transportation in the 2024-25 school year? If so, make sure your child is registered so Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) can plan routes and send your child a bus pass before the first day of school.
All students who indicated needing transportation services through the returning student or new student registration processes are now registered. Those families have also received tentative route schedules and invoices—fees are due June 30, 2024.
For those students who did not indicate needing transportation services during the registration process and want to now register, contact EIPS’ Student Transportation office at 780-417-8151.
For more information about EIPS Student Transportation, visit
NOTE: Families can pay fees online using the PowerSchool Parent Portal. To pay in-person, visit the EIPS Student Transportation building during its office hours—Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. on school days and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on non-school days.
Community and Mental Health Supports
Caregiver Newsletter
Please click HERE for the May and June edition of the AHS Caregiver Education Newsletter.
Strathcona County Resources
Family Resource Network
The local Family Resource Network (FRN) is a partnership between the County's Family and Community Services, Boys and Girls Club (BGC) Strathcona County and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Strathcona County. The FRN provides programs and services for families with children and youth ages 0-18 years that focus on well-being and resiliency, including:
- Programs to support healthy child development
- Reliable parenting information
- Connection to other local resources
Connections Guide for Spring
Learn about upcoming free and low-cost programs and services for seniors, youth, families and individuals in the Family and Community Services Connections Guide! Find opportunities to connect with others, access support and resources, keep learning, and take care of ourselves and those we love.
The guide contains information about:
- Connecting with others in your community
- Inspiring community stories
- Access counselling services and supports
- Courses and workshops for parents, caregivers and their children
- Activities and supports for teens and pre-teens
- Community resources for everyone at every stage of life
- Resources for those who are new to the County, and more
Affordable Services
Strathcona County offers a number of subsidies to residents with low incomes. Residents can access certain County operated programs and services at a reduced cost or for free.
Alberta Health Services Newsletter
Health Services
EIPS has a partnership with Alberta Health Services to support students and families with coordinated health services. This includes immunizations, but also goes beyond that. Below is a resource page so that you are informed of what that partnership brings.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us at or 780-467-2295.
Resources for Families
Community Supports
Family and Community Service
(FCS) call-in hours 780-464-4044
Monday, Fridays: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868
The Distress Line 780-482-4357
Strathcona Food Bank - 780-449-6413
- May 8: CLB School Council Meeting
- June 13: Clover Bar Farewell Evening
- June 14: Grade 9 Farewell Field Trip