The Fowler Weekly
October 28 - November 1, 2024
Good Day All,
Ahh Halloween time in middle school, there isn’t anything like it! Halloween is always a day that is joyful and fun. For our staff, it’s the following day, November 1st, that’s difficult! Please feel free to coach students to eat more than sugar in that 24 hour period and to help keep our building clean by putting all wrappers in the trash cans located conveniently around the building.
Fowler students will be allowed to dress up for Halloween if they choose, but we do have specific expectations for October 31st. Students will get more detailed information in their Morning Meeting class on Monday, but we do want to be sensitive and thoughtful regarding costumes chosen.
We look forward to working in partnership to ensure that those who choose to wear costumes, do so in a thoughtful manner. To do this, we ask you to please review the following guidance regarding costumes when helping your students make decisions around appropriate costumes. The following are NOT allowed:
Costumes representing other cultures, heritage, religion, or gender identities that do not represent your child and/or family. In alignment with TTSD Board Policy ACB Bias Incidents and Hate Speech, the school will follow its discipline framework.
Costumes that depict violence, alcohol or drugs.
Fake weapons.
Fake blood.
Full face masks.
Full face covering makeup.
Students who do not follow these guidelines will be asked to change. We encourage families to review the Morning Meeting lesson so you have solid examples and nonexamples. Thank you for your continued partnership and collaboration in building a safe, inclusive school community.
Picture Retakes are this Wednesday. Did you miss picture day or want to take a new picture? If you did not get your picture taken on picture day or you would like a new image, this is the time! Do not miss out on ordering pictures of your student. Orders may be placed online by searching for your school name at mydorian.com and selecting the green Order button next to your school retake day event. Online orders are available up to 2 days after retake day. If you have already ordered and want a new picture taken, please be sure to return your original picture packet to the photographer on retake day.
We only have three ASA Jamborees this week on Wednesday, October 30.:
There is a Basketball Jamboree at right here at Fowler versus Hazelbrook at 3:30pm. Families are welcome to come watch the Jamboree which will run until approximately 5:00pm. Fowler students may attend if they are with their family. Families may enter at the Gym entrance. All student participants will NEED A RIDE HOME when the jamboree is over.
That same day there will be a Volleyball Jamboree at Hazelbrook. The Jamboree is scheduled to begin at 3:30pm and will run until approximately 5:00pm. Student participants will NEED A RIDE HOME when the bus returns to Fowler approximately 5:30pm.
There is also a Soccer Jamboree, also at Fowler, versus Hazelbrook at 330pm on the Soccer (football) field. Families are welcome to come watch the Jamboree which will run until approximately 5:00pm. Fowler students may attend if they are with their family. All student participants will NEED A RIDE HOME when the jamboree is over.
Thursday, October 31, is Halloween and students may dress in costume following the guidelines outlined below. Halloween is a normal school day and students are expected to attend classes and participate in classes just like any normal school day. There ARE a few guidelines that must be followed:
Costumes must allow for all classroom activities without disruption.
Students must be able to participate in all regular school activities.
Items to keep at home:
Fake weapons (knives, swords, guns, etc.)
Fake blood
Inflatable costumes or accessories
Face Paint (Small decorations on the face are fine, full face paint is not allowed.)
Our students are very creative and we look forward to seeing how they dress up!
The end of the quarter is November 8. Now is a good time to connect with your student regarding missing work. Our teachers set their own guidelines regarding missing work, please check directly with them if you have any questions.
On Monday, 11/4/24, Fowler students will participate in the PBIS Feedback and Input Survey during Morning Meeting.
The School Climate Survey is an anonymous survey used to identify school climate issues within our school. There are 25 questions asking about students' experiences at school, and they should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. Students are also asked for demographic information about how they identify. Click here to view a copy of Feedback and Input Survey Questions. The data collected from this survey will be used to understand students' perceptions of school climate issues within our school and how student identity may affect their school experiences. School staff use the results to inform our efforts to improve our school climate.
Though survey results are anonymous, families are given the option for their students to opt-out of participation. If you would like to opt your student out, please contact Raquel Trujano, our bilingual secretary at rtrujano@ttsd.k12.or.us. Although our hope is that everyone will take the survey, we will honor requests to opt out. Thank you!
Fowler PSO and Leadership students will be collecting candy beginning Friday, November 1 through Friday, November 8. Students may turn in the candy to their Morning Meeting. Let's earn some cash, Falcons!
If you would like to chaperone for the dance below, email otto292001@hotmail.com. You MUST be a registered TTSD/FOWLER volunteer.
November 7 Last Day of Quarter 1
November 7 PSO Fall Dance
November 8 No School Teacher Workday
November 11 No School Veterans Day
MONDAY, 10/28
Regular Schedule
6th Grade Morning Meeting Assembly
ASA/Homework Help, 3:15-4:15pm
TUESDAY, 10/29
Regular Schedule
7th Grade Morning Meeting Assembly
ASA/Homework Help, 3:15-4:15pm
REAP, 3:15-4:15pm
Picture Retakes
ASA/Homework Help, 3:15-4:15pm
REAP, 3:15-4:15pm
Basketball Jamboree, 3:30-5:00pm
Soccer Jamboree, 3:30-5:00pm
Volleyball Jamboree, 3:30-5:00pm
Spooktacular Choir Concert, 7pm
Regular Schedule
8th Grade Morning Meeting Assembly
ASA/Homework Help, 3:15-4:15pm
FRIDAY, 11/1
Regular Schedule
If you have specific concerns you would like to share with the transportation department and STA please complete the Bus Feedback Form. Thank you for including your contact information for a follow-up conversation
TTSD and TTEA are negotiating a new contract. Get the latest information from the TTSD website's Labor Relations page, which is updated regularly.
Secondary Activity Flyers on the TTSD Website
Added this week:
Tigard Youth Wrestling
Costume Drive for Chelsea's Closet
Intro to Fencing Classes
Washington County Kids
Junior Tigerette Clinic
Secondary Activity Flyers on the TTSD Website
Email: fowleroffice@ttsd.k12.or.us
Location: 10865 Southwest Walnut Street, Tigard, OR, USA
Phone: 503-431-5000
TTSD prohibits discrimination and harassment on any basis protected by law, including but not limited to, an individual’s perceived or actual race,color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status, or veterans’ status, or because of the perceived or actual race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status or veterans’ status of any other persons with whom the individual associates. 504, and Title IIA Coordinator: Carol Kinch; ckinch@ttsd.k12.or.us, 503-431-4137 Title IX Director: Len Reed; lreed@ttsd.k12.or.us, 503-431-4012. Mailing Address: 6960 SW Sandburg Street, Tigard, OR 97223