Arlington Archives
February 28, 2025
Arlington Elementary Vision
Rush County Schools Vision
Upcoming Events
28 - Read Across America Day
3-7 - IREAD Testing Week - grades 2 and 3
10-14 - Book Fair
14 - Special Persons Day
School will now be in session April 21 to make up missed Snow Days.
Office News
IDOE Family Friendly School
Arlington Elementary is working to be named a Family Friendly school with the Indiana DOE. Follow this link to take the survey telling us how we are doing: https://www.jotform.com/241764351542960
School Name: Arlington Elementary School 7253
Corporation: Rush County Schools 6995
Survey closes March 1. Thank you!
Arrival / Dismissal
Arrival: Car riders will begin entering the building at 8:00am. All students will need to be at school prior to 8:10am. Any student arriving after that time will need to enter through the front office and will be considered tardy.
Dismissal: Car rider dismissal will begin at 3:05pm each day (2:25pm on Wednesdays). All cars must have a name card in the front window.
Water Bottles
Community Happenings
Youth Soccer Spring League
Registration Link:
Rush County Youth Soccer Spring League Registration
Please reach out to: rushcountyyouthsoccer@gmail.com
RCHS Food Pantry
The RCHS Food pantry will be open the following dates from 4-6pm. Please bring your own tote bags.
March 6th & 20th
April 3rd & 17th
May 1st & 15th
Parent Portal
Arlington Elementary
Email: mastins@rushville.k12.in.us
Website: https://www.rushville.k12.in.us/arlington-home
Location: 2533 North 700 West, Arlington, IN, USA
Phone: 765-663-2416
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/arlingtonelementaryschoolwildcats
Twitter: @AESWildcats