All-Star Announcements
October 25, 2024
Beacon Tree Elementary
Location: 55855 Schoenherr Shelby Twp., MI 48315 586.797.7300
Phone: 586.797.7300
October / November Dates to Remember
10/29: Ms. Fifer debuts her tricycle riding skills while dressed up!
10/31: Halloween and 1/2 Day of School
November 1: Half-Day (end of 1st report card marking) (school dismisses at 12:04)
November 5: No School (Election Day)
November 6: Evening Conferences (5:00-8:00)
November 7: Afternoon & Evening Conferences (1:00-4:00 & 5:00-8:00)
November 14: Picture Retake Day
November 27-29: No School (Thanksgiving Break)
Fall Conferences
Save the date: Our fall conferences will take place on Wednesday, November 6th (evening only) and Thursday, November 7th (afternoon and evening). We will again be utilizing the Schoolsoft platform. Please click on the button below to access information on setting up your Schoolsoft account.
The parent sign-up window opens up on Monday, October 28th at 6:00 p.m.
The parent sign-up window closes on Sunday, November 3rd at 9:00 p.m.
November 6, 2024 @ 5:00-8:00 PM- In Person
November 7, 2024 @ 1:00-2:30 PM - In Person
November 7, 2024 @ 2:30-4:00 PM - Virtual
November 7, 2024 @ 5:00-8:00 PM- Virtual
Lost & Found
Our Lost & Found items are really piling up! Please feel free to come and take a look. All items will be donated on Friday, November 8th.
Halloween Parade Process (PLEASE READ)
We have a half-day on Halloween. We have dismissal at 12:04. Please work with your child's teacher on if there are any volunteering opportunities for that day. Remember, you must have a background check on file to volunteer. All classroom volunteers must sign into the office and get a sticker so we are notified that you are slated to work in a classroom.
We will be having our parade indoors in our gym / cafeteria. Please see the process below…
· The parade will begin at 11:00.
· The wall will be open in the gym / cafeteria and we will set out the lunch tables in the center of the gym.
· Parents are asked to begin entering the building and checking in at our tables (located in the front) no earlier than 10:30. You must check in and the table and have your ID with you. An announcement will be made at 10:50 for any volunteers to make their way to the gym.
· Parents will be allowed to sit at the tables or line the walls in the gym / cafeteria.
· We will parade around the gym and through the tables (please remain in the gym until an announcement is made).
· Announcements will then be made signaling parents to either leave the building or if they would like to take their children out early, they may go to the classrooms. We encourage one parent to go to each classroom when signing out your children early. If you have more than one guardian present and have multiple children, you can split up and go sign out your children.
· Teachers will have sign-out sheets in their classrooms and parents will check out with the teacher.
Finally, we are aware that many of our families will want to view our parade. Please do not park on our grass. If the parking lot is full, you are more than welcome to park in the sub in the back or next to our school.
Halloween Costumes
Halloween is a time of year where some of our students get super excited about picking out their Halloween costumes, and as parents/guardians (I learned this the hard way once) we know that sometimes those "popular" costumes are hard to find the longer I waited to go shopping. With that being said I thought it may be helpful for you to have an idea of what those "school appropriate" costumes are here at Beacon Tree. Keep in mind, or as I like to put things in perspective with my older students.... we have students as young as 4-5 years old and while some costumes are "age appropriate for them", they may not be appropriate for the all school parade. After reading the guidelines below if you have any questions regarding suitability, please contact the office or your child's teacher.
Students should refrain from violent characterization and may not use any fake weapons, fake blood, or any references to victims or perpetrators of violence for their costume choice at school. Violent characterization is unacceptable for school parades and where younger students might be frightened. If deemed inappropriate by school personnel, students will be asked to remove the costume and/or wash makeup.
Book, cartoon, folk heroes, historical figures, and period costumes are all good ideas to consider when thinking of the perfect costume.
Since Halloween is a half day of school (12:04 dismissal), students will be allowed to wear costumes to school. Check to be sure that your child can walk freely, and that the costume will be comfortable enough for the classroom setting. Masks may be worn for the parade (frightening masks not permitted) but those that impede vision should be left at home. Plan to have your child bring any costume props (wigs and other add-ons) to school in a bag or backpack.
All Star Strong Family Focus
Conversation Starters
Try out the following conversation prompts!
Character Strong
October Monthly Focus: Responsibility
Books with a Responsibility Theme
From Our BTV
Congrats to our winners of the raffle portion of our Fun Run incentives. Gifts and/or certificates were distributed to classrooms today along with any other individual prizes earned.
Please join us for our next BTV meeting on Thursday, November 14 at 7:00PM at Sherwood Brewing Company. Pizza will be provided, so cross dinner off your list of responsibilities that night…at least for yourself. ;-) We’ll have a SignUpGenius link next week so we can give them a headcount.
Community Offerings
2024-2025 Beacon Tree Calendar
10/29: Ms. Fifer debuts her tricycle riding skills while dressed up!
10/31: Halloween and 1/2 Day of School
November 1: Half-Day (end of 1st report card marking) (school dismisses at 12:04)
November 5: No School (Election Day)
November 14: Picture Retake Day
November 27-29: No School (Thanksgiving Break)
December 20: Half-Day (end of 2nd marking period) (school dismisses at 12:04)
December 23-January 3: No School (Winter Break)
January 20: No School (MLK Day)
February 3-7; Jump Rope for Heart
February 5: Young 5's / KDG Open House 7:00
February 17-21: No School (Mid-Winter Break)
March 21: Half-Day (end of 3rd marking period) (school dismisses at 12:04)
March 24-28: No School (Spring Break)
April 18: No School (Good Friday)
May 26: No School (Memorial Day)
June 6: Field Day
June 10: Half-Day (school dismisses at 12:04)
June 11: Half-Day (school dismisses at 12:04) / Last Day of School
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
UCS School Calendar
Social Media Pages
The Community at Beacon Tree Elementary School is devoted to academic excellence. Intentional instructional strategies will provide rigorous and relevant educational experiences that will prepare them for lifelong achievement.
Ms. Leah Fifer - Assistant Principal
Mrs. Deanna Bernardi - Administrative Assistant
School Hours: 9:00am - 3:50pm (Doors Open at 8:50am)
Half Day Hours: 9:00 am - 12:04pm
Office Hours: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Office Phone: 586-797-7300
Absence Line: 586-797-7399 (For Y5 - 6th Grade Only)