Crest View Paw Prints
August 29th, 2024
Sept. 2 - No School
Sept. 3-13 - Food Drive
Sept. 5, 8:30-10:00 am - ROCV Community Meeting
Sept. 18, 6:00-7:30 pm - FET Meeting
Message from the Principal
What a great event last night. It was so great to see enthusiastic children leading their parents around the school to proudly show them all of the amazing things we do at Crest View! Preliminary feedback has been very positive and we did have an increased turn out for the combined event. The team would like to have parent feedback to help us determine if we met our goals and to help plan for next year. Please complete this short survey. Also, please take a moment and subscribe to our Instagram and Facebook feeds to stay connected.
We will start our School Accountability Committee (SAC) meetings next month (Sept 11th) and I am looking to parents to help participate. I rely on the SAC and FET team to help guide school improvement efforts. This year we will focus on increasing achievement and student wellbeing. Additionally we will tackle vision planning which ties directly to increasing our school enrollment. If you would like to be a part of shaping the schools present and future, please fill out the form below.
Just a short reminder for Hug n Go parents. Please do not park in the Hug n Go lane and then walk your student to the door. This drop off area is for students that can walk on their own to their classroom. We need to keep the traffic flowing. Thanks!
Call for 2024-25 School Accountability Committee (SAC) Members!
Are you a parent who likes to think big, dig into data, and advocate for improvement? Do you value consensus-based decision making and enjoy supporting your local school? The Crest View School Accountability Committee (SAC) may be for you! The SAC is an advisory team that looks at school goals, reviews school budgets, supports parent engagement, and consults with the principal on school and district priorities. The SAC is open to all members of the Crest View community.
The Crest View Elementary (CVE) School Accountability Committee (SAC) meets monthly to monitor progress toward school goals, and to advise Principal Hamilton and the CVE leadership team on the school budget, family engagement policies and practices, and overall school improvement strategies. In addition, the CVE SAC formally coordinates with the District Accountability Committee (DAC) to share school and parent input with the Board of Education. This year, the SAC intends to execute its responsibilities with a particular focus on enrollment. Our first meeting will take place from 3:30 - 4:30 PM on Wednesday, September 11.
The CVE SAC is open to all parents and community members. All are welcome! If you are interested in joining SAC, please complete this form.
Questions? Email Principal Hamilton (eric.hamilton@bvsd.org).
Another opportunity to be involved as a parent is to serve on the District Parent Council (DPC).
The first meeting is next Wednesday, September 4th at 6:30pm at the BVSD Ed Center. The DPC is a great group for parents who want to get involved in both their school and district. The commitment involves six monthly meetings (typically held on the first Wednesday of each month, except October, December, January), two of which are virtual, and then taking your learnings from the meeting back to ROCV. Please email me at eric.hamilton@bvsd.org to express your interest. I am looking for 1 representative parent.
Crest View News
Click here to watch this week’s episode of CVTV.
Hug & Go Process
A few tips to keep our Hug & Go lane safe and moving smoothly.
Pull all the way forward and continue moving forward as you can.
Parents stay in the car. Staff will help students.
Have your students ready to get out of the car when you stop. Backpacks ready, shoes on, goodbyes said. Give a quick hug and out they go!
No U-turns on Sumac! Continue west when exiting Hug & Go.
Please do not block the entrance to the circle drive even if there are cones across the entrance. We have to keep access to the handicapped spot accessible.
No parking in the Hug & Go lane before the morning bells or after 2:30 pm. If you need to park during these times please use the parking lot.
Plan ahead, give yourself a few extra minutes, and bring your patience!
How to Order School Pictures
Online orders will be available through Sunday, 9/1/24. Any late orders need to be made directly through Hoffer Photo by calling 720-604-2527 or info@hofferphoto.com.
Crest View Food Drive Tuesday, September 3rd - Friday, Sept. 13th
Did you know that Crest View has a food pantry and a weekly food bag program that serves our families in need? Last year we sent over 2,000 bags of food home with our students. To help do this, we host a semi-annual food drive in the fall and mid-winter. We are asking for individually packaged snack items and select pantry items to help augment our weekly donations of shelf-stable foods from Community Food Share. You can send donations via your students' classroom or purchase directly via our Amazon Wish List. It is a grade-level competition so make sure to note what grade your child is in. More detailed instructions can be found here.
Free & Reduced Lunch Applications
If you missed the table at Back to School Night you can still complete the Free & Reduced Lunch Application online! It helps you and our school!
ROCV (Reach Out Crest View) News
First ROCV Community Meeting | Thursday, September 5th | 8:30-10a
Join us in Crest View's outdoor dining area for the first community meeting of Crest View's PTO - Reach Out Crest View (ROCV). Enjoy some breakfast and learn more about what we do, how we benefit the school and how you can get involved. We hope to see you all there!
Did you know you can earn money for Crest View with your everyday purchases?
If you shop at Safeway or King Soopers, please sign up for their community giving programs to have up to 3% of your purchases benefit our school. Shopping at Grand Rabbits? Mention Crest View Bunny Bucks at checkout! Need labels for your kids' stuff? Enter Crest View Elementary (Boulder) and you get free shipping on your labels, and Crest View gets 20% of the price of your purchase! Visit https://tinyurl.com/ROCVSHOP to learn more.
Want help getting your kids out the door in the morning? If they can bike, walk, scooter, or skate, you can sign them up for Crest View's self-powered commuting program, Zapsters. Each day they scan their Zapsters tag at the bike racks is a chance to win the weekly Green Gear prize. The winners of the Zapsters Green Gear prize will be announced every Monday on CVTV. More information and registration at rocv.org/zapsters
Trip Trackers!
All Crest View students and staff can participate in Trip Trackers starting September 1st! Trip Trackers is a BVSD program that rewards those who get to/from school by walking, biking, bus riding, and carpooling. The program's goals are to reduce car traffic around school which increases safety, reduce car emissions which improves air quality, and prepare students for learning by getting fresh air and exercise before school starts. Participating is as easy as (1) walk, bike, bus ride, or carpool to school as many days as you can, (2) record your eligible trips on this calendar, (3) complete the 1 minute Google survey sent by BVSD at the end of each month, (4) receive Trip Tracker dollars that can be spent at many local business or donated back to Crest View!
Raptor Reimbursement
To volunteer in BVSD schools, all individuals must register through the Raptor system, which charges a fee. But, don't forget that you can submit your Raptor fees for reimbursement through ROCV. To do so, follow this link and fill out ROCV's reimbursement request form. For more information about volunteering and background checks please visit rocv.org/volunteering.