Weekly Update
One91 Virtual Academy
------------------------------The week of May 1-5, 2023------------------------------
Students currently in grades 5 and 6 will not need to do course registration for next school year, 2023-24 due to the exploratory sequence of course electives. Students currently in grade 7 should have received a google form link from their advisory teacher to choose course electives for 23-24.
You can have up to 2 books checked out at a time. Any questions, please call Virtual Academy at 952-707-2900.
Students currently in grades 5 and 6 will not need to do course registration for next school year, 2023-24 due to the exploratory sequence of course electives. Students currently in grade 7 should have received a google form link from their advisory teacher to choose course electives for 23-24.
Burnsville High School Youth Service Office will be sponsoring an International Service Field Trip to Santiago, Dominican Republic scheduled for Spring Break of 2025. We will be holding a Parent Informational Night on Wednesday May 10th from 6p-7p at the BHS Cafeteria where we will discuss: Cost of participation, examples of the service activities that students will participate in, lodging, what a typical day looks like for the 8 day excursion, fundraising, and get to meet the trip chaperones. Feel free to contact Courtnee Jackson Floback with any questions at cfloback@isd191.org or visit https://bit.ly/3miVDnn to sign up for the meeting.
8th Grade shift from Synchronous to Asynchronous classes
Advisory will still meet daily synchronously
February- 1 asynchronous day (Wednesday)
March- 2 asynchronous days (Tuesday and Wednesday)
April- 3 asynchronous days (Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday)
May- 4 asynchronous days (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)
June- 5 asynchronous days (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)
Senior Class Party – The Senior Class Party offers a chemical free safe environment for our seniors to gather and celebrate their graduation. Immediately following the grad ceremony, students will board beautiful limousines (aka yellow school buses) and be whisked away to WhirlyBall in Bloomington for an evening packed full of food, games and surprises! Tickets are $80 and must be purchased by May 26. See the website for full details or stop into the BHS school office for a paper registration form. Scholarships may be available, please complete the paper form and turn it into the office staff for consideration.
Donations – Historically, our community has been very generous and supportive of the Senior Class Party through monetary and in-kind donations. Monetary donations help with party execution and student scholarships, please visit the website to make your monetary donation. If you would like to donate a prize for the evening, please email BHSSeniorClassParty@gmail.com with the details of your donation!
Yard Signs, Senior Class Party Registration and Online Donations – Link to Vanco site for Senior Class Party options.
Summer STEM Success Academy
Academia de verano STEM Success
Akadeemiyada Samarka Guusha Xagaaga 'STEM'
Nominations open for District 191 John Coskran Volunteer Award
Nominations are now open for the 2023 John Coskran Volunteer Award, presented annually in Burnsville-Eagan-Savage School District 191. Nominations are due by May 14.
The award honors extraordinary volunteers who give of their time and talents to enhance students’ educational experience and achievement, and/or demonstrate the importance of volunteerism and good citizenship.
Business people, community residents, students, parents and staff members are all eligible to receive this award. Selection is based upon effort, scope and impact of the volunteer’s service.
Nomination forms are available on the district website at www.isd191.org/volunteer or by contacting Aaron Tinklenberg, the district’s communications director, at atinklenberg@isd191.org or 952-707-2042.
BHS Band Mattress Sale!
The BHS Band is doing a very unusual fundraiser this year... We are having a one-day-only mattress sale in the BHS gymnasium on May 13th from 10am-5pm. All school district employees, civil servants, and military get a 10% discount! Profits from all sales will benefit the BHS Band Boosters and/or BHS Football Boosters, as well as individual students.
Please help us spread the word - Like/Share our FACEBOOK EVENT Website on your social media and community social media pages.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for helping us get the word of this event out! When you come in, be sure to tell them you are "with the band"!!
Molly Holmes and Keith French
Community Food Calendar
Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT)
New: Eligibility for Limited Group of Homeschooled and Virtual Students School Year 2022-2023, clink on the link below to find out more!
----- Upcoming Events-----
1-5- Teacher Appreciation Week
11-Senior cap & gown pick up (if ordered by March 1)10:42-12:52
18-Senior cap & gown professional photographer available at BAHS 12-12:30
26-5th grade track & field day at BHS 9:30-2:30
29-Memorial Day-No School
31-K-5 Family Field Trip to MN Zoo
8-Last day of School
Chromebook Troubleshooting
If you are having problems with your Chromebook - here are a few steps to troubleshoot before you visit the Tech Help Desk. Start with #1 and follow the steps to see if it solves your Chromebook problems. For Chromebook usage tips, please see
------------------------------ Important Numbers to Know---------------------------
Attendance line (952)707-2904
Main number (952)707-2900
Technology support (952)707-2758