Century Academy Graduation Events
Class of 2021
We are the Wave of the Future
2021 Graduation Information
Excitement is building up as we approach graduation day for the class of 2021. While our vision of graduation has been impacted by social distancing protocols, we continue to prepare for a memorable and joyful ceremony and distribution of diplomas. We are looking forward to our on-site graduation ceremony.
Event Information
Century Academy Graduation
Graduates must be assembled in the MPR no later then 4:20pm.
Tuesday, Jun 8, 2021, 05:00 PM
33 Greta Street, Thousand Oaks, CA, USA
All Senior coursework and finals must be completed by June 4!!
Device and Textbook Collection
Graduates who have checked out devices or books may return these items to campus when they are no longer needed. Please make sure to return these items to Mrs. Alviani in the computer lab no later than June 4 to avoid charges.
Mandatory Graduation Practice
Monday, June 7 from 11am-1pm - Mandatory graduation practice
- Seniors please meet in the MPR (Reminder: you are required by the District Office to wear a face mask while on campus.
- A light lunch will be served during practice - please fill out this link regarding lunch.
If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Alviani lalviani@conejousd.org.
Request to Seniors from Principal Manzer
May 22, 2021
Dear Member of the Class of 2021,
No one needs to remind you how odd and disappointing this past year has been. For the Century Academy Class of 2021 you have been denied much of the social life and traditions that are considered rites of passage for juniors and seniors in high school. As your school principal I felt that I was denied the chance to get to know many of you. In most cases I know very little about your interests, your background or what matters to you most. I look forward to seeing you at the graduation practice and picnic on June 7th and then at the graduation ceremony on June 8th. At the graduation ceremony I would like to hear from you as much as possible. One way I would like to incorporate your “voices” into the ceremony is to have you complete a single sentence statement about what you represent or “stand for.” I would like to incorporate your statements into my concluding remarks at the ceremony. To do that I ask that you complete the statement below and submit your response using the survey by May 28th. I have included some examples which may help you to formulate your personal statement.
Thank you,
I stand ______________________________________________________________________________
(examples: “I stand for helping others in need.” “I stand for those without justice.” “I stand to represent my family.” “I stand for loud music, dumb jokes and lifelong friends.”)
Dear Member of the Class of 2021,
No one needs to remind you how odd and disappointing this past year has been. For the Century Academy Class of 2021 you have been denied much of the social life and traditions that are considered rites of passage for juniors and seniors in high school. As your school principal I felt that I was denied the chance to get to know many of you. In most cases I know very little about your interests, your background or what matters to you most. I look forward to seeing you at the graduation practice and picnic on June 7th and then at the graduation ceremony on June 8th. At the graduation ceremony I would like to hear from you as much as possible. One way I would like to incorporate your “voices” into the ceremony is to have you complete a single sentence statement about what you represent or “stand for.” I would like to incorporate your statements into my concluding remarks at the ceremony. To do that I ask that you complete the statement below and submit your response using the survey by May 28th. I have included some examples which may help you to formulate your personal statement.
Thank you,
Martin Manzer, Principal
Please submit your statement here https://forms.gle/T1r7gAoh9tENJoz68
I stand ______________________________________________________________________________
(examples: “I stand for helping others in need.” “I stand for those without justice.” “I stand to represent my family.” “I stand for loud music, dumb jokes and lifelong friends.”)
Cap & Gown
- If you have not picked up your cap & gown and yard sign, please come to the office this week and do so.
- Also remember to take your gowns out of the bag that it came in and hang it up so that it won't be wrinkled for the ceremony. Light steaming may be necessary for any stubborn wrinkles.
- You do not need to wear your cap & gown for graduation practice.
Scholarship Guidance
Below you will find a list of 15 Scholarship Programs that will give out more than 53 Individual Scholarship Awards during the 2021 school year. Students are eligible for all awards below:
Century Academy
Email: lalviani@conejousd.org
Website: conejousd.org/centuryacademy
Location: 33 Greta Street, Thousand Oaks, CA, USA
Phone: 805.496.0286
Twitter: @Century_Academy