South Valley Academy News
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!
September, 2024
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A Message from Jennifer Parks (Substitute Principal)
Dear South Valley Academy Families,
Welcome Back to all of our continuing families and welcome to the new families just joining us at SVA for the 2024-25 school year!
As Superintendent Lee shared in his community newsletter last week, our beloved principal Cecil Felkins is on a medical leave of absence to address health issues that he is currently facing. During Principal Felkins' absence, I have the privilege of supporting this incredible school community. There are obviously big shoes to fill.
To share a little about me, I come into this role with over 15 years of professional experience in education. I have taught at the elementary and middle school level and formally entered into administration in 2020. I also helped to create, and was formerly the principal of, a hybrid option school similar to SVA. I spent the last 12 years in the Ashland School District while also working at the regional and state level on various teams and initiatives. My husband and I have a 12 year old daughter and we love raising her in the Rogue Valley with all it has to offer- particularly outdoors!
Some important information in this newsletter and other announcements:
- Back to School Night/Grand Re-Opening (Thursday, 9/12): Please join us on Thursday night at 5pm for a casual meal, to see the newly remodeled space, and to learn more about our year ahead!
- School Secretary: We are incredibly fortunate this year to have Wendy Roberts as our SVA School Secretary. We are grateful that Sarah was able to support the transition before leaving the school district. Wendy is a gift and has been working incredibly hard for us all to be able to kick off this school year strong.
- Student Registration: If your student has not been fully registered yet, please call or come in to ASAP. You can complete that process with Wendy in person or by phone. Unregistered students work on campus until the registration process is complete.
- District Wide Inservice (Friday, 9/13): Our team will be engaged in professional learning all day with no students on campus. We will be learning to better support students' learning!
- Internet Connectivity: Additional access points were added to the school on Thursday, 9/5 which has dramatically improved our wifi. Students working on campus have definitely noticed the positive difference in loading speeds, etc.
- Daily Breakfast and Lunch Provided: As in the past, we continue to provide both breakfast and lunch to students each day, completely free of charge!
- Closed Campus: SVA is a closed campus for students in grades 9 and below. Students in grades 10, 11 and 12 may leave campus during scheduled breaks and lunch time. Leaving campus during breaks/lunch is a privilege that may be revoked if a student is late or does not return (without notice) for classes immediately following lunch time.
If you have any questions, concerns, or celebrations, please reach out. I want very much to connect with you and to support students, families, staff, and our school community. I'm eager for information and feedback to do just that.
Substitute Principal
SVA Daily Schedule
- 7:45 Building opens. Students may arrive to school, supervision available.
- 8:00 Classes begin (M, T, W, and Th)
- Late Start on Fridays at 9:00am
- 8:20 Breakfast available.
- 11:15 Lunch
- 2:00 Dismissal
- 3:00 Building closes to students. We cannot provide supervision after 3pm.
SVA Picture Day (Monday, 9/16 from 9-11am)
Coffee with the Principal (with Jennifer Parks)
Student, Parent/Guardian, Teacher, and Learning Coach Agreement Due
Student, Parent/Guardian, Teacher, and Learning Coach Agreement
South Valley Academy (SVA) will provide a personalized path of success for each student. Through flexible pacing and scheduling students develop self-worth that provides the foundation of education with a strong sense of community and support. This experience will be one of partnership. Teachers and learning coaches mutually support students as they navigate the learning activities that our partners at Edgenuity created. This unique schooling process puts the individual student’s needs at the center of all our efforts. We believe in flexibility and accountability. Teachers are available to guide you through the process at every step. We are excited as you begin this new year of schooling with SVA!
Upcoming Important Dates and Events
- Thursday, September 12: Back to School Night and Grand Re-Opening (5-7pm)
- Friday, September 13: District Inservice/Professional Development Day (No School for Students)
- Monday, September 16: Picture Day (9-11am)
- Friday, September 27: Coffee with the Principal (8:00-8:45am)
South Valley Academy (A Caring Community for Personalized Learning)
Principal: Cecil Felkins
School Secretary: Wendy Roberts
Email: wendy.roberts@rogueriver.k12.or.us
Website: https://www.rogueriver.k12.or.us/Domain/318
Location: 518 Main Street, Suite B (Rogue River, OR 97537)
Phone: 541-582-6010
Facebook: South Valley Academy