Parent Newsletter
September 6, 2024
Campus Message
Dear Celina Early Childhood Parents,
On Monday, your child will be bringing home a packet with COLOR RUN information! This event is full of fun for our families! It is our one major fundraiser of the year. We will have prizes and rewards for students and classrooms that raise the most money. We are striving to purchase additional walkie-talkies for added security, bring experiences to our students such as a petting zoo, museum, etc. Students will run through obstacle courses on the track while getting sprayed with powdered color! We are asking every child to contribute to the fundraiser. Save the Date for OCT 4th and come join the fun.
Next Thursday is our NEON Welcome to School Family Dance. Wear neon colors and white to GLOW under the black lights! The whole family is welcome.
If you have not registered your child to ride the bus and now want to start accessing this service, you will need to email rachelhansen@celinaisd.com to start the process.
PTA membership update: The current group with the most PTA memberships are Mrs. Aldridge, Mrs. Goodwin and Ms. Schroeter. It is not too late to join. Scan the QR code on the flyer below for more information. The group with the most memberships will win extra recess and a popsicle party!
Glenda Dophied - Principal
SAVE THE DATE: Color Run Oct 4th
What is a Color Run?
Watch the video for information!
Important Dates at a Glance:
9- Color Run Fundraiser Kick-off - Look for packet to begin the fun
9- Celina Education Foundation WIngstop Spirit Day 4:00pm-8:00pm
12- Welcome to School NEON Dance 5:30 in the gym
13- International DOT day - Wear dots to school
19- Coffee with the Counselor and Admin @ ECS 9:00am
25- Families join in for center rotations in the classrooms at 4:00pm
25- Title 1 mtg in the cafe at 5:00pm - for parents
26- Fall photos for all students
1- lunch visitors can begin - sign up will be coming soon
2- College awareness - wear your favorite college gear/colors
4- Color Run Event 9:00am
11- Last day of the 9 weeks
14- Holiday for students - no school
15- Holiday for students - no school
16- Parent/Teacher Conferences - your teacher will send a sign up form for appt.
18- Pumpkin Patch Field Trip - info coming soon
Back to "Neon Glow" School Dance. SAVE THE DATE! Sep12
Welcome Bobcat Families!
Happy Friday Celina Families! Did you enjoy the cooler weather this week? I know I did. This week was short but we still had time to talk a little more about big feelings. Our story this week was, “Grumpy Monkey”. If you aren’t familiar with Grumpy Monkey, there are several books in this cute series by Suzanne Lang. I love them all. Grumpy Monkey understands that sometimes we need to sit by ourselves for a few minutes and calm down. His friends are always very supportive,too. We have several copies available in the parent section of our library. Come check them out!
Next week is the School Dance/Glow Party on Thursday, Sept. 12. This is our first family engagement event so please try to attend, even if it is for just 30 minutes or so. Your child will enjoy seeing other friends after school and you will have an opportunity to meet other parents.
I hope you have Sept. 19 marked on your calendar. It will be the first Coffee with the Counselor and Administrators of this year. You may attend in person or online. It begins at 9:00 am at the ESC, 507 E. Malone. Please RSVP to receive a reminder and/or link to join online. Sept. 19th RSVP
Enjoy your weekend and some great read alouds with your child.
The T-shirt order form was sent home in the yellow folder. Order yours today!
Note From Nurse Moore
Students are not allowed to carry medications of any kind in their backpacks.
Medications includes ALL over the counter medications, inhalers, nebulizers, Rx, etc…
Medication Administration Form must be filled out by the parent, and signed off by a physician or we can NOT have them on campus. There are NO exceptions!
Please do not send medications in the child's backpacks or the parent will be required to come pick up the medications immediately.
Thanks for your understanding on this matter!
Please email updated immunization to nurse carriemoore@celinaisd.com.
Print the volunteer form and come help at the school!
Save the Date!
PTA Membership contest!
The group/POD that has the most membership by September 3rd gets a popsicle party! Click the link or scan the QR code below today and join our PTA ( Parent/Teacher Association) ! Our goal is to work together to purchase additional walkie-talkies for increased safety and communication.
Scan the QR code on the flyer or click the button above.
FREE little library
You will find this little library at our front door. This is a wonderful way to get new books in your home to read to your children. Leave a book, take a book, and read new books to your child!
School Cafe Lunch account setup - Be ready for lunch on the first day!
- Create a SchoolCafe Account: As we prepare for the new school year, please ensure that you complete the Free & Reduced Meal Application through School Cafe to allow eligible students to access free or reduced meals starting on the first day of school. All menus will be available online via School Cafe. Since it may take a few days for new students' information to transfer from Skyward to School Cafe, please either send money with your child or provide lunch during their initial days. Additionally, remember to add funds to your returning student's School Cafe account before the school year begins. This can be completed using this link: https://www.schoolcafe.com/CELINAISD.
The buttons below are linked each week for your reference.
After this date, allow 2 weeks to get a bus number and routing information.
Lunch Visitors
Check-in at the front office and obtain a visitor sticker.
Please sit at the designated visitor tables.
You may only share and provide food for your child.
Only your child may sit with you.
Lunch visitors may not walk students to class, go inside classrooms, student restrooms, or other areas in the building.
Taking pictures or video of students is prohibited. 📵
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CelinaISDPS
Instagram: celinaearlychildhoodschool
Contact Us
Celina Early Childhood School exists to serve all Qualifying PreK and Early Childhood Special Education students in Celina ISD.
Celina ECS School Front Office: (469) 742-9104
Cafeteria: (469) 742-9104 x 2125
Bus Company: (469) 742-9114
Counselor (469) 742-9104 x 2110
Email: glendadophied@celinaisd.com
Website: https://www.celinaisd.com/news/
Location: 507 E Malone St, Celina, TX, United States
Phone: (469) 742-9104
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CelinaISDPS/
Instagram: celinaearlychildhoodschool