The Eagle Eye
Children are the heart of Imlay!
You can translate our newsletter to any language in three easy steps:
Nuestro boletín se puede traducir a cualquier idioma en tres sencillos pasos:
1. Cuando reciba el boletín de la escuela en su bandeja de entrada de correo electrónico, abra el correo electrónico y haga clic en el título del boletín para abrirlo en Smore.
2. Una vez en Smore, desplácese hasta el final del boletín. Sobre la palabra roja "Informe" verá la palabra "Traducir". Haga clic en "Traducir".
3. A continuación, seleccione su idioma preferido en el menú desplegable y el boletín se traducirá automáticamente al idioma que elija.
Dear Imlay Families,
A Message from Mrs. McCalley, Principal
Dear Imlay Families:
What an amazing week! It has been great to see each of your students as we learn how to do school in this new way! I had the privilege of entering each classroom this week, introducing myself and saying hello! So many of your kiddos have gotten taller since we say them last!
A huge SHOUT OUT to the parents, family members, daycare providers, older siblings, etc., who have supported their elementary student in class this week. You are all rock stars! We appreciate your flexibility and tenacity in figuring out CDL and helping your child be ready to participate each day.
Beginning Monday, September 21, teachers will begin using our reading curriculum, Wonders, in their classes. Below you will find family introductory information.
Please reach out if you have any questions! 503-844-1090
Together we soar!
Thank you,
Principal McCalley
Student Login Info: be sure you add to your student log in name!
Imlay Specific Tech Help
Here is the phone number for parents & students if they need tech support, especially locked accounts and password issues. It will go to voicemail if we are outside school hours or on another call. Please leave a message with lots of details if you get voicemail!
Imlay Tech Support Helpline : 971-231-9141
Family/Tech Support in Spanish: 971-208-7972
Wonders Reading Information and How to Navigate Assignments
Comprehensive Distance Learning Vocabulary
Synchronous Learning: Students meet in class for virtual instruction with a teacher. This is teacher-facilitated learning that is done virtually.
Office Time* Each day teachers are available for additional office time so that students are able to check for understanding and receive additional support. *Office Time may be adjusted for later opportunities for support. At least 30 mins.
Asynchronous and/or Applied Learning: Teachers may post learning opportunities including videos, reading, practice and application connected to the synchronous learning sessions. The student may also build off the learning and can make connections to this learning individually or in collaboration with others. This time is flexible for students and does not necessarily have to be done in this time frame.
September 9, 2020 - The 14-member Budget Committee comprises the District’s seven elected School Board members, and seven members appointed by the Board. Appointed members serve for three years.
Budget Committee meetings are held approximately once each month, usually in the evenings, from November through June, at the District Administration Center. The number and length of the meetings may vary.
Eligibility for the Budget Committee:
- Live within the Hillsboro School District
- Be a registered voter
- Not be an officer or employee of the Hillsboro School District
Applications are due September 22, 2020 and may be returned to the Board Secretary Rose Roman, Hillsboro School District, 3083 NE 49th Place #200, Hillsboro, OR 97124. Applications may be faxed to 503-844-1781 or emailed to
Imlay Schedule for Parents (Click below)
Parents are welcome to refer their child for services designed for students identified as talented and gifted. Students who score at or above the 97th percentile on a nationally standardized, norm-referenced test of overall reading or math or on a mental abilities test, and have other confirming evidence that they learn at a rapid rate and advanced level, are identified as TAG students. With parent input, individual plans are made to adjust the rate and level of the student’s instruction to meet his or her specific needs.
If you think your child may qualify for TAG services, and want information about the referral and identification process, please contact Angie Foster, Imlay's TAG Coordinator at
Century High School is raising donations for Oregon families impacted by recent fires. Please help us spread the word and donate, if you can, on Saturday.
We will be using strict covid safety measures.
You can also donate monetarily here:
Ms. Zephirin, School Counselor Information
Parent Vue Verification Needed!
What is Online Verification?
Parents/Guardians review and update information for students currently attending Hillsboro School District. Having accurate contact information for parents is critical for communicating school and district news, as well as attendance and emergency notifications. Only one parent/guardian can complete the verification process.
How do I access Online Verification?
Login to your ParentVUE account. Click on the Online Registration tab in the top right hand corner and then select 2020-2021 Verification.
ParentVUE account creation instructions were emailed to parents without active accounts on 8/3 and a paper copy will also be mailed the week of August 10, 2020. Please call 503.844.1871 if you have questions regarding your ParentVUE account.
Once you finish the online verification, you can see who is your child's assigned teacher!