Concord Magnet K-8
January 30, 2025

Concord Magnet School K-8
A wonderful place where we all learn and grow . .
Email: lakint@norwalkps.org
Website: cms.norwalkps.org
Address: 21 Hunters Lane, Norwalk, CT 06850
Phone: (203)899-2840
Upcoming Dates!
Thursday, January 30: NPS Elementary School Choice Fair, 6-8 pm
Tuesday, February 4: 100 Days - 100 Dollars Fundraiser
Friday, February 7: "VIP and Me" Valentine Dance, 7:00-8:30 pm
Wednesday, February 12: PTA Meeting, 7:00 pm
February 17-21: Winter Recess
CMS MS Boys & Girls Basketball Schedule!
NWEA Testing Dates
The testing window for the NWEA middle-of-year testing is February 4 through 14. Students in grades K-8 will take the Math test. Only grades 3-8 will take the ELA test.
Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
MLK Activities
Last Friday CMS celebrated the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with a variety of activities led by our 8th grade students. Multi-aged groups of students met in classrooms. The groups read books about Dr. King, discussed his legacy, and created murals. Afterwards, the whole school gathered in the cafeteria for a sharing of artwork and songs. It was a moving and inspirational conclusion to our Dr. King activities. Thank you Mr. Nunes and committee for organizing this wonderful event!
Special thanks to Ella, CMS 7th Grader, for sharing her incredible drawing of MLK .
NPS Elementary School Choice Lottery!
Do you have a child entering CMS (Grades K-5) next school year?
Norwalk Public Schools is preparing for the Elementary School Choice Lottery. Before the elementary lottery drawing for next year's enrollment, we must let the district know how many seats need to be reserved for incoming CMS siblings Grades K-5 and the names of the siblings. To help prepare, we are asking parents with incoming siblings to email Terry Lakin at lakint@norwalkps.org, specifying the name of your incoming child as well as birth date and grade entering. Please also include the name and grade of your current CMS student.
This year's Elementary School Choice Fair is being held TONIGHT, Thursday, January 30, 2025, 6:00-8:00 pm at Jefferson Marine Science School, 75 Van Buren Avenue, Norwalk. Lottery applications will be available online starting January 30, 2025. The application deadline is Monday, March 3.
CMS sibling parents are required to submit
lottery applications for their incoming students.
- Children entering kindergarten must turn 5 on or before September 1, 2025.**
- To qualify as a sibling and receive priority status, both applicant and current sibling must both attend CMS K-8 in the 2025/2026 school year.
- Even though your child is a CMS sibling, you must submit a lottery application. (You will be able to note on the application that your child is a CMS sibling) If you do not submit a lottery application, your child will be placed on a waiting list.
- CMS siblings entering grades 1-5 may be placed on a waiting list due to space availability in the entering grade.
- This lottery is only for students entering grades K-5.
**Any child who does not turn five years old on or before September 1, 2025, but celebrates their fifth birthday before January 1, 2026 may be eligible for Kindergarten admission. This is contingent upon a written request from the child's parent/guardian during the registration process.
CMS Tours
CMS will be offering 2 daytime tours during the elementary lottery application period. The tour dates and times are Tuesday, February 11, 10 am and Tuesday, February 25, 10 am. Reservations are required. Members of the Norwalk community interested in making a reservation should email Terry Lakin at lakint@norwalkps.org. Please spread the word if you have friends interested in learning more about our school. An evening Open House is also being planned,
PTA Events
PTA's 100 Days - 100 Dollars Fundraiser!
The PTA's 100 Days - 100 Dollars fundraiser is a one-day, online event happening on February 4th, the 100th day of school. The PTA will challenge each grade K through 8 to raise $100. If each grade hits $100, the prize is a popcorn party! The grade that raises the most in this one-day fundraiser gets a cotton candy party!
Here is the link for 100 Days - 100 Dollars fundraiser. This link will only be live on February 4.
PTA Meeting
The next CMS PTA Meeting is Wednesday, February 12 at 7:00 pm in the CMS cafeteria. Child care is available.
Save the Date!
"VIP and Me" Valentine Dance!
The CMS PTA holding a "VIP and Me" Valentine Dance on Friday, February 7, 7:00-8:30 pm in the school cafeteria. Tickets for this family event cost $5.00 per person. To purchase tickets, please go to:
Our committee is also looking for volunteers and donations for the event. Please click on the link below to see how you can help.
Ecology Sleepaway Camp
Carver is pleased to announce that they will again be offering the Ecology Sleepaway Camp this year to students entering 6th grade who currently attend the Scholars Program. The links below will provide additional information.
Information about the camp:
Interest Form
https://forms.gle/hZw5rh39aMM3tXub8Community News!
Norwalk Recreation & Parks Youth Soccer Clinic!
NPS Sick Day Guidelines!
To aid in minimizing the spread of illness in school, the following are helpful guidelines to follow when your child is sick and not well enough to participate in school.
For NPS COVID-19 Guidelines, please refer to the NPS COVID-19 Information webpage. This page also provides for COVID-19 resources and information.
Your child must stay home for:
● A temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher until he/she is fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication. Fever is a symptom indicating the presence of an illness.
● For the Flu – may return to school when fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications, and also symptom-free
● An undiagnosed rash – note from medical provider required for return to school
● Vomiting in the last 24 hours; day 0 is the day of the last vomiting episode and day 1 is the following day student should stay home. Student may return on day 2.
● Diarrhea in the last 24 hours; day 0 is the day of the last diarrhea episode and day 1 is the following day student should stay home. Student may return on day 2.
● A severe cough, and/or chest congestion, a thick or constant nasal discharge, and/or sneezing
● Chills or general body discomfort that will interfere with your child’s ability to participate in his/her school day
● 24 hours after the start of antibiotics if diagnosed with strep throat;
● A severe earache with or without fever
● Pink eye with discharge until 24 hours after the start of antibiotic eye drops;
● Impetigo: Blister-like lesions that develop into crusted sores, generally located around the mouth and nose. Your child must remain home until receiving antibiotics for 24 hours and the sores are no longer draining.
● Ringworm: A fungal infection that causes a flat, red ring-shaped rash which may itch or burn. Your child should remain home until receiving 24 hours of anti-fungal treatment. Lesions are to remain covered in school.
● Chicken Pox: Even if your child has received the chicken pox vaccine, there is still a slight chance he/she may get a mild case. Your child must remain at home until all blisters have scabbed over, generally 5 to 7 days.
NPS Inclement Weather Protocols
Depending on the weather conditions and forecast, inclement weather decisions could result in the following:
DELAY: All delays are two hours in duration. Morning care will operate on a delayed schedule.
CLOSURE: All schools are closed for the day. All after-school activities and programs are canceled.
EARLY DISMISSAL: Schools open on time, but will end earlier than the regular school day, generally 2 hours before normal dismissal times. All after-school programs are canceled including after-school care. Early dismissals will be called by 10 am.
AFTER-SCHOOL CANCELLATION: School opens and ends at the regular time but all after-school programs are canceled.
The Carver Programs:
Carver will follow the Norwalk Public Schools closing, delay or early dismissal schedule.
DELAY: Program will have a delayed start of 2 hours.
EARLY DISMISSAL: After school programs are canceled.
To ensure the information you receive is accurate, all families are encouraged to rely on official NPS sources. School delays, closures, early dismissals and after-school cancellations are communicated in the following places:
- Norwalk Public Schools website: www.norwalkps.org
- ParentSquare message -- text, email and phone call
- NPS Social Media: NPS Facebook & NPS Twitter (twitter.com/norwalkps)
- NPS Info Line recording: (203) 854-4123
- Local TV, radio and online media outlets, including:
News 12
WTNH Channel 8
WFAS 1230 AM/103.9 FM
WDAQ 98.3 FM
WSTC 1400 AM
WSHU 1260 AM/91.1 FM
Although rare, changing conditions may require that a delay is changed to a cancellation, or that an early dismissal is called after the school day begins. NPS will make every effort to avoid changes, but there are times when it cannot be avoided.
Don't Forget Your Free Pizza Coupon!
Attention CMS Families & Staff!
Norwalk Pizza & Pasta @ the 55 has generously given all of our families and staff members a card that entitles the bearer to one free cheese pizza!!! Special rules apply (see below). Norwalk Pizza & Pasta is located at 13 Winfield Street. Their phone number is 203-854-9788.
Don't forget to read the fine print:
- Pick up orders only.
- Valid through 7/20/25
- Cannot combine offers
CMS Spiritwear!!
CMS Spiritwear is now available for order. Choose from a variety of T-Shirts, Hoodies, Sweatpants, Pajama Pants, Hats and more. An order form was sent home with students. For your convenience, a pdf copy is available for download below. Return your completed order forms with payment to the CMS office, Attn: Janine Testa.
Box Tops for Education!!
Use the Box Tops app to scan your store receipts for participating products. Our school will automatically earn cash with every Box Tops product you buy.
If you haven't already signed up for Box Tops to support our school, please consider doing so. This week there are some great bonuses to earn even more. Simply download the app, scan your receipts, and help us raise money for our great school. It’s an easy way to make a difference! Use the following link to download the Box Tops app: https://btfe.smart.link/c2jjdifkw?referral_code=BEX59PG6
If you have any questions or need help, please contact Valerie Ingenito at valerie102780@gmail.com.
Concord Magnet Contact Information
Main Office: (203) 899-2840
Fax: (203) 899-2844
Website: cms.norwalkps.org
Principal: Medard Thomas thomasm@norwalkps.org
Assistant Principal: Jennifer Scanlan scanlanj@norwalkps.org
Administrator Assistant: Susan Mathews mathewss@norwalkps.org
School Nurse: Stephanie Morency morencys@norwalkps.org
Social Worker: Elisa Campisi campisie@norwalkps.org
Guidance Counselor: Lindsay Frankum frankuml@norwalkps.org
Parent Coordinator & Communications: Terry Lakin lakint@norwalkps.org
Bilingual Parent Liaison: Erick Rivera riverae@norwalkps.org
All CMS K-8 staff members may be reached by email. NPS emails consist of the person's last name and first initial @norwalkps.org
Join Us On Facebook!
- CMS Parents Group
- CMS - en Espanol Group
These are both closed groups for CMS parents only. You will be asked questions to verify before being approved.