Loveland City Schools Newsletter
October 5, 2024
Superintendent's Message
Loveland Tiger Community,
Our community engagement efforts continue this month with a School Finance Town Hall Meeting. Ohio’s school funding system is complex and can be difficult to understand. Our Treasurer, John Espy, will lead the conversation during our Town Hall, and we’ll have small group discussions to gather feedback and listen to your ideas.
We have worked hard over the past several years to give community members an opportunity to get involved so they can learn more about what we’re currently doing and help shape the future of Loveland City Schools. I hope you can make it and be part of the conversation.
This meeting is for our entire community. We’re working to spread the word with signs around town and social media posts, but if you have friends or neighbors who might be interested, please let them know about this important event!
Please join us for a School Finance Town Hall on Wednesday, October 16, at 6:30 pm in the Loveland Middle School cafeteria.
If you have questions, you can always reach me at mikebroadwater@lovelandschools.org.
Go Tigers!
Mike Broadwater
Loveland City Schools
Treasurer’s Message
Loveland Tiger Community,
I am looking forward to the Town Hall Meeting Mike discussed above. I’ll lead the conversation and share information with our community about district finances and Ohio’s school finance system. We’ll also be gathering feedback from the people who attend, so I hope you can make it.
During last month’s Board Meeting, I updated the Board on our efforts to move employees to digital time sheets. This has been an ongoing project to streamline our workflow. I also briefed the Board on efforts to continue to protect district funds from fraud attempts. I’m also excited that we will be focusing efforts on pursuing additional state and local grants, with the goal of applying for more grants and working to bring in more revenue to the district.
Go Tigers!
John Espy
Loveland City Schools
Congratulations to our National Merit Semifinalists!
Loveland High School seniors Jamie Brown and MacKenzie Liu are the class of 2025 National Merit Semifinalists! They earned this distinction for exemplary scores on their pre-SAT, and less than 1% of high school seniors nationwide are named National Merit Semifinalists. Read more here by following this link to our website.
Focusing on "The Mental Game" at LMS
Students at Loveland Middle School spent time last month learning about how important it is to ask for help with mental health struggles. Brandon Saho brought his “The Mental Game” message back to LMS for the second year. He shared his personal mental health journey. Thanks to Tori Morrison and the Ben Morrison Foundation for making this event possible. If you have questions or need support, you can find additional information about our mental health programs by following this link to our website.
Homecoming Parade Highlights
Lining the streets of downtown Loveland!
Pirate Ship Parade Float!
Loveland Transportation Department's "Tiger Bus"
Community Advisory Team Talks Student Success
Our first Community Advisory Team Meeting was held last month. Parents, staff, and community members signed up for a series of meetings throughout the year to give us feedback about how to make Loveland City Schools even better. The CAT learned about our Ohio School Report Card, student mental health efforts, and how we serve our English language learners. Thank you to the people who have dedicated their time to this important effort.
Congrats, National Merit Commended Students!
Congratulations to our National Merit Commended students from the Loveland High School Class of 2025: Harrison Hentz, Carter Lucas, Benjamin Tibbs, and Adam Yesso. National Merit Commended students are among the highest achievers in the country on the PSAT. Way to go!
"Living History" for LIS Students
LIS students are working on a "living history" project and met with seniors at Magnolia Springs Assisted Living last month. They had an opportunity to ask questions and learn from seniors. There were a lot of interesting conversations about what life was like for the older members of our community when they were in fifth and sixth grade!
We Work the Waterways Field Trip
Loveland High School Environmental Science students spent a day on the Ohio River last month. Students learned about careers in the maritime, shipping, and logistics industries. The nonprofit group We Work The Waterways also discussed the importance of conservation and protecting our river ecosystems.
Loveland City School District
Email: setteran@lovelandschools.org
Website: www.lovelandschools.org
Location: 757 S Lebanon Rd, Loveland, OH, USA
Facebook: www.facebook.com/lovelandcityschools/
Twitter: @LovelandTigers