Switzerland Point Middle School
Raider Rap 8-25-24
Upcoming Events and Dates
Upcoming Dates:
- September 2: No School
- September 5: Open House (6th Grade 5:00-6:30, 7th and 8th Grade 7:00-8:15, More Info to Come)
- September 10: 6th Grade Health Screenings
- September 12: PTSO Presents our First Community Chat - See Flier Below
- September 13: First Raider Store!
- September 20: In-Service Day, No School for Students
- September 27: Neon Bash
Click the link below to sign up for the Community Chat
Raider Rap
Our electronic newsletter, The Raider Rap, will come out at least every other week or more as necessary.
Here is the first Raider Rap for this year. It was designed for all our new Raiders, but it is good for everyone to review. There is a lot of information about upcoming events, but please be sure to carefully read the information about SPMS policies regarding tardies, cell phones, dress code, etc.
Important SPMS Policy Reminders
- No cell phones may be used on campus. Cell phones should be off and stowed in a backpack at all times during the school day. Cells phones that are out, on, or in pockets will be confisicated, and the consequences will follow the SPMS Progressive Discipline plan. If a student has an emergency or needs to contact home, they can call from the front office phone.
- No sprays--body spray, perfumes, cologne--may be used on campus. This impacts students with allergies, as well as causes headaches. Disciplinary action will be taken for students who do not follow this policy.
- Drinks should be sealed (no straws, open lids) in the hallways. This lessens incidents of spillage in our high-traffic areas. Students will be asked to throw away open liquids.
- There is no gum on campus. Students will be asked to throw away gum they are chewing. Repeat offenses may constitute disciplinary action.
SPMS Behavior Expectations
You should have received the annual SPMS Behavior expectations email from us on Thursday, August 22nd. As stated in the email, we spent the first day of school explicitly teaching behavioral expectations for the following procedures: arrival and dismissal, hallway/lockers, restrooms, cafeteria, FortifyFlorida, and school citizenship/anti-bullying. Friday, August 16th, behavior information and reward trips were discussed with students through grade level assemblies. Students have been reminded of all expectations the last two weeks. Demerits went into effect immediately. Tardies and dress code will be in effect starting Monday, August 26th.
End-of-the-Year Reward Trip
- At the end of the year, students can attend a field trip as a reward for their behavior.
- Students who earn ISS or OSS during 2nd semester, or commit a Level 4 offense during the entire school year, will NOT BE ELIGIBLE to participate in the grade-level reward trip. Please see Section 5, Levels of Discipline, on page 31 in our Student Code of Conduct for examples of Level 4 offenses.
- Students with 15 or more unexcused absences during the school year will NOT BE ELIGIBLE for the trip.
- For 8th grade students, these behavior requirements also apply to the 8th grade formal dance.
- Once a reward trip has been paid for, we will be unable to give refunds or transfer the reservation to another student’s name.
September is Attendance Awareness Month!
Research demonstrates that attendance is a critical aspect to student success.
- At SPMS, attendance is tracked by full day absences, tardies, early check outs, and class period.
- Attendance in each course, such as Period 3 ELA, will be monitored.
- We notice that, in middle school, students tend to miss more full and partial days than in elementary without it being necessary. Do we want your child to come sick? No! However, students sometimes claim small things, such as mild allergies, a headache that can be treated, or feeling slightly under the weather, for not attending. When deciding whether to send your child to school, consider:
- Do they have a true fever?
- Have they thrown up in the last twenty-four hours?
- Are they contagious?
- Please strongly consider scheduling vacations around the school calendar.
- If your student is asking to stay home due to school issues (peers, teachers, anxiety, etc.), please reach out to the counselors or a trusted teacher at the school so that we can develop a plan that makes your child feel confident and safe while attending.
Parent Drop Off and Pick Up Reminders
Morning Drop Off:
· You will be directed by the YRO to pull forward or to pull around the loop.
· If you pull around the loop, we ask your students exit on the right and move into the grass on the right.
· In the morning, there will be no parking in the roundabout. This is for drop-off and thru traffic only.
· There will be no passing of cars in the morning.
Afternoon Pick Up:
· We ask that you pull all the way forward to the cone/sign so we may keep the flow of traffic moving. Please DO NOT RANDOMLY STOP in the drop off line. This affects the movement of traffic.
· After your student is in the car, you may go left around the loop to exit the parking lot.
School Advisory Council (SAC)
The School Advisory Council (SAC) is an important part of our decision-making process. Some of the committee’s responsibilities are to participate in school improvement planning, decide how school improvement funds are spent, assist the principal with the school budget recommendations, decide jointly with the school faculty regarding how School Recognition Funds are spent, and perform functions as prescribed by regulations of the school board.
The committee meets once a month. If you are interested in serving on the committee, please contact our SAC Chair, Christopher McLiverty, at christopher.mcliverty@stjohns.k12.fl.us.
Media Advisory Committee (MAC)
The SPMS media center is seeking parent volunteers to serve on the 2024-2025 Media Advisory Committee. The purpose of the committee is to receive input on library materials from community stakeholders. Committee members will be sent monthly lists of suggested book purchases for the library that they will have the opportunity to provide feedback on. Two parents will be selected using a random number generator after all responses are collected. There will be training provided. Please fill out this form if you are interested in serving: https://forms.office.com/r/xJcmUXJBXa
Character Counts!
Character Counts Pillar for September: Fairness
Each month, our staff nominate students who display the pillar of Charcter for that month. Students will be celebrated the first week of the next month with lunch provided by the PTSO.
This month, we look for students who display the pillar of Fairness.
- Play by the rules.
- Take turns and share.
- Be open-minded. Listen to others.
- Don’t take advantage of others.
Character Counts!/Kindness Grade Level Competition
Starting September 3rd, we will begin our Charater Counts!/Kindness Grade Level Competition. Through PBIS students can earn Raider Bucks for dispalying the characteristics of our motto: Raiders are Respectful, Responsible, and Safe. However, they also have an opportunity to earn points under the "Kindness" category. Students can earn these points by displaying characteristics of the pillar of character for that month or for displaying kindness. For example, in September, students can earn points in this category for displaying Fairness or Kindness. The grade level that earns the most points in the kindness category at the end of Quarter One will be rewarded with a free period. This was wildly popular with the students last year. During this free period, students are able to go outside to play games or walk the track, play cards/board games in the cafe, or watch a movie in the auditiorium. The points are displayed and updated weekly on the window outside the guidance office. We can't wait to see who will win first quarter!
Other Important Reminders
6th Grade Health Screenings
The St Johns County School District Health Services will be conducting our annual health screening on September 10th, 2024. These screenings will be conducted through your student’s PE class and is only for 6th grade students. Your student will be offered a free screening that includes height, weight, vision, hearing, and scoliosis. The opt-out form return date has already passed.
Please call or email if you have any questions or concerns regarding the screenings: Kelly.brown@stjohns.k12.fl.us
Thank you to all those that have purchased spirit wear so far! For those that are waiting for an order, it was submitted on Monday, August 12th to the vendor. Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery.
Thank you to all those who have joined. You are appreciated!
The PTSO will have merchandise and will put in another big order leading up to and the night of Open House/Curriculum Night. Keep an eye out for details coming soon!
Special Message on the Marquee
SPMS National Junior Honor Society is sponsoring an opportunity to send a special birthday or congratulations message to your student via the marquee in the front of the school. Cost is $25. Complete the form here to submit your request (there's a separate link in the form to pay via Schoolpay upon submitting your request). Requests are due the Friday prior to the event and will display the following week (Tuesday through Monday). Example: If you turn in the request on Friday, September 17, then your message will be displayed on Tuesday, September 21. We will start displaying messages for the 24-25 school year starting August 8.
Clubs, Athletics, etc.
Junior Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society
The Junior Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society is a national organization that recognizes middle school students for their academic achievements and excellence in social studies.
Switzerland Point Middle School Junior Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society’s mission is to promote scholarship, encourage interest in social studies, and prepare members to be responsible citizens.
For any questions or to pick up a Junior Rho Kappa Application, please contact Mrs. Abbs: Melissa.Machaj-Abbs@StJohns.k12.fl.us
Battle of the Books
Battle of the Books is a competition team based around knowledge of the Sunshine State Young Reader Award Books (SSYRA). The goal of the SSYRA program is to promote the love of reading for students. The SSYRA list is composed of 15 books from a wide variety of genres and interests. Students can read the books and take a short quiz on them in the media center to earn prizes.
The team will be composed of 5 members and 2 alternates. Membership is based on scores during try outs. Information on try outs will come out in December. Try outs will be in January. Practice will be once a week after school until the competition in March.
Please email Madison.Gowin@stjohns.k12.fl.us if you have any questions about SSYRA or Battle of the Books!
FIRST LEGO League Robotics Team
FIRST LEGO League (FLL) is a global robotics competition that aims to help students and teachers build a better future together by providing real-world problem-solving experiences. The focus of our teams will be helping students discover a passion for STEM through innovative team projects, robotics/coding, and strong team values. SPMS will have two teams composed of 10 members each, so space is limited.
There will be an informational interest meeting for students being held in the media center after school from 1pm to 1:30pm on Wednesday, August 28th. Applications are available now in the media center and will be due Friday, August 30th to Ms. Gowin. Please email Madison.Gowin@stjohns.k12.fl.us and Eric.Faircloth@stjohns.k12.fl.us if you have any questions about our Robotics teams.
Mathcounts Club and Team
Mathcounts is a national program that allows students in Grades 6-8 to compete against other schools in mathematics competitions. Our math club focuses on having fun with mathematics while preparing for our competition in February! Mathcounts competitions include concepts from 6th grade math through High School Geometry – plus some probability and combinatorics for fun! We will meet weekly from September-February to play games, learn cool math concepts, practice, and compete!
Register here: https://www.schoolpay.com/link/fee2425
If you want to try it out first, that is just fine! Email Mrs. Amatangelo to be added to the contact list, and you can register after the first couple practices if you’d like to join the club/team!
Please reach out to Miriam Amatangelo with any questions at Miriam.amatangelo@stjohns.k12.fl.us.
Speech and Debate
Do you want to speak up?
Are you ready to step up to the podium, challenge your mind, and sharpen your communication skills? The Switzerland Point Middle School's Speech and Debate Team (SPMS) is calling out to all passionate students who are eager to make their voices heard!
Why Join the SPMS Speech and Debate Team?
Empowerment Through Expression: At SPMS, we believe that every student has a voice that deserves to be heard. Our Speech and Debate Team offers a platform for you to express your thoughts, argue your points, and engage in meaningful discussions. Whether you're passionate about current events, love constructing arguments, or simply want to become a more confident speaker, our team is the perfect place for you.
Practice Makes Perfect: Our dedicated team practices every Thursday from 2 PM to 3 PM, honing skills that are crucial, not just for debate but for life. Through regular practice sessions, you'll learn to think on your feet, present your ideas clearly, and listen critically. Our experienced coaches provide personalized feedback, helping you grow and excel.
If you are interested in being a part of the a “drama club” come join us on Tuesdays after school. Stop by to see Ms. Baker for a permission slip and join ITS – The Jr. International Thespian Society. This is a great way to meet new friends and gain confidence in public speaking!
Sources of Strength
Swiss Point Middle School is proud to be one of two middle schools in SJCSD that implemented the Sources of Strength program during the 2023-2024 school year. We are excited to begin this school year with our Getting to Know You Sources of Strength campaign where we will introduce the framework, the sources wheel, and our Peer Leaders and Adult Advisors to our school. Sources of Strength is a research-based program that is designed to use the power of peer social networks to create healthy norms and a healthy culture. It strives to increase overall wellbeing, resiliency, healthy coping mechanisms, and a sense of belonging in our students. Sources of Strength uses an upstream model that is strengthened with multiple sources of support for our students so when times get hard, they have strengths, both within themselves and in our community, to rely on. We are excited to be a part of this program and are looking forward to the positive impact it will have, not only on our students but on our entire SPMS community.
Drama volunteers Needed!
DRAMA VOLUNTEERS need to help with Cunningham Creek Drama. Seventh and Eighth Graders: If you are interested in volunteering to assist elementary students learn more about drama, please text Christine Morris at (904) 208-1986 for more information and next steps!
SPMS Athletics consists of both boys and girls volleyball and basketball, as well as Winterguard. All other middle school sports are operated by SJMSAA.
The St. Johns Middle School Athletic Association (”SJMSAA”) middle school sports program is not operated or sponsored by the St. Johns County School District. SJMSAA is an independent, private non-profit corporation, which uses District middle school names and facilities under a license agreement with the District, and which is solely responsible for the operation of the SJMSAA middle school sports program and its individual teams.
Students need to register through the SJMSAA website prior to tryouts. Once a student(s) makes a team, he/she will be provided with more information on paying and filling out the required forms
SPMS Volleyball Try-Outs!
SPMS is looking for boys and girls in Grades 6, 7, and 8th for the 2024 volleyball teams. Please see a PE coach, the school’s front office, or the school’s website for a try-out waiver form.
Tryouts will start on Tuesday, 9/3: Boys are from 2-3:30 p.m. and Girls are from 3:35-6:00 p.m. Students must have a ride from try-outs. Girls will go home and then come back at 3:35 p.m. Good luck to all students trying out!
Please congratulate your 2025 SP Winterguard team members! We are looking forward to another amazing year! Keep an eye out for the 2025 show reveals.
Come support your Winterguard team at the Jacksonville Iceman Game!
Come on out and support your 2025 SP Winterguard team at the Jacksonville Icemen Game! They will be performing during both breaks of the game. The team would appreciate lots of cheering as they take the ice. It's going to be a really fun night! Please note that $5 of every ticket goes to the team which will help pay for lots of team expenses. SEE YOU THERE!
SJMSAA Soccer Try Outs
Tryouts for the upcoming SJMSAA SPMS soccer season will be from 3:00-5:00 p.m. at the Rivertown II fields (21 Sequoia Creek Trail) on the following dates:
Girls: August 26 & 27 (August 28th makeup date if bad weather)
Boys: August 29 & 30 (September 3rd makeup date)
Registration is required prior to tryout: https://www.sjmsaa.org/soccer.
There is additional information on the site, though please note practice days may differ.
SJMSAA Football
Our next Varsity game of the year will be on Wednesday, August 28, 2024, at Gamble versus Gamble Rogers Middle School. Game begins at 5 p.m.
Our next JV game of the year will be Saturday, September 7, 2024, at Davis Park versus Pacetti Bay Middle School. Game will begin at 3:00 p.m. Good luck to both teams.
The SPMS PTSO is a non-profit organization whose mission is to enhance the learning and work experience of the students and staff at SPMS. Our membership includes teachers, administrators, parents, and students.
What do we do?
Student Initiatives:
- Neon Bash - Fall dance for students
- Raider Store - Rewards for students who earn Raider Bucks for academic and behavioral performance
- Grade Level Support
- Character Counts! Rewards
Staff Initiatives:
- Classroom Grants - Teacher members are eligible for up to $100 in a classroom grant to purchase items to enhance their classroom
- Staff Luncheons and Breakfast
- Staff Appreciation
- School Support throughout the Year
How do we pay for these initiatives?
- MEMBERSHIP - This is our biggest fundraiser. By simply joining PTSO, families help us reach our goals
- Spirit Wear - PTSO sells spirit wear each fall
- Fall/Spring Fundraisers - Examples include Nothing Bundt Cakes and Poppin' Box popcorn
- Business Partners - Our area businesses help SPMS through our Partners in Education program
- Corporate Donation Matches, Box Tops, and Private Donations
How do you join?
- A family membership is $25 for the school year. The membership includes parents and any sibling at SPMS.
- Membership form can be found at https://switzerland-point-middle-school-ptso.square.site/
We are excited about a wonderful and busy 2024-2025 school year and making a difference at Swiss!
If you are interested in finding out how you can help, contact Dawn Evans at dawnevanswebpto@gmail.com
There will be various fundraisers throughout the school year to participate in to help fund the PTSO 2024-2025 initiatives.
Box Tops - Download the Box Tops app and scan your receipts for SMPS PTSO to get Box Top credits.
Keep an eye on the PTSO website, Facebook, and Instagram to stay up-to-date on what is coming up throughout the year!
Questions/concerns? spmsptso@hotmail.com
For up-to-date happenings LIKE us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/SwissPointPTSO/
SPMS PTSO is on INSTAGRAM! Follow us at https://www.instagram.com/spmsptso/
Check the PTSO website for all the latest news! http://www.swisspointptso.com/
PTSO Business Partners
Gold Level Partners
Silver Level Partners
Bronze Level Partners