Digital Learning Day Information
Pharr ES
What exactly IS a Digital Learning Day?
A Digital Learning Day is intended to replace a snow (or other weather related) make up day in the event that we have already used all of the planned make up days. If GCPS decided to hold a "DL" Day, it would mean that the school building is closed for the day. However, the teachers would place work for students to complete at home (on the DL Day) on their eClass Course Pages.
What to expect on a Digital Learning Day:
- Students will be assigned work to complete, at home, from their classroom teacher(s). This work will total no more than half a school day.
- Some or all of the work will be taken for a grade, and all work is due no later than one week from the date of the DL Day.
- Students without access to internet on the DL Day will have the opportunity to complete the work at home on a later date, or at school.
Where do students go to complete the work?
- Students should log onto MyeCLASS and navigate to their teacher's course page. If they see more than one teacher in a day, they should visit each teacher's page.
- On their teacher's course page, there is a widget (section) called Class Information. Students should click the Digital Learning Day icon in that widget, and then choose the correctly dated sub-module (folder) to complete their DL Day work.
- Teachers will have work posted by 9am on DL Day.
- Teachers will post their hours of availability for student help on their Activity Feed.
- Students can ask questions in the Activty Feed post, or have their parents send an email to the teacher.