Tigers ROAR
June 14, 2024

Tigers ROAR: Week of March 10, 2025
Principal's Message
This school year continues to bring so much growth and JOY to our school family. We are focused on continuing to build a positive culture and experience for our students that cultivates GROWTH for students both socially and academically.
As the instructional leader on our campus I want to take a moment to set a tone for our campus as we enter the month of March. We are setting a tone for our campus of calm with an academic focus! Our students from Kindergarten to 5th grade are in the final push of the year to independently demonstrate understanding and perseverance. Please help us as we begin to strongly release students to work independently and master the skills they have gained in this school year.
Morning routines are critical and help support students with a good start. Please have conversations with your student about their abilities and effort. We know they can do anything they set their minds to.
Thank you for trusting and supporting us as we support both social and academic growth for our students! Looking forward to a great return and final stretch of the 2024-2025 school. We have so much more excitement, fun, and growth to come!
Upcoming Events:
Click on the picture of the calendar to access a LIVE version of the calendar.
Changes or adjustments that are needed will be made to the live LINK.
Calendar Reminders
- We have many dates marked on the calendar all the way through MAY!
- End of the Year Award Ceremonies have been scheduled. Remember to click on the calendar above to view the LIVE link.
Spring Picture Makeup Day
- Students who were absent on Spring Picture Days should report to school in SPRING picture attire for picture make up day.
- February 26th: PreK-2nd
- February 27th: 3rd-5th
Read Across America EXPLAINED!
Please mark your calendars for TUESDAY, MAY 6th! We will have a BOOK CHARACTER dress up day on May 6th to celebrate LITERACY!
Counselor's Corner
Cooperation: Working together to do more than you can do alone
In the month of March, we are focusing on cooperation. Cooperation is an important skill for success. Teaching our students to cooperate builds their ability to problem solve, share, take turns, and work toward a common goal. It also encourages active listening and helps our students to understand and manage their own emotions, as well as enable them to recognize and respond to the emotions of others.
Birthday on the Marquee
Important Links
Positive Behavior Incentives
TIGER Bucks! Students are rewarded tiger bucks for exhibiting positive behavior! It's a BIG Deal and our TIGER BUCK store is LOOKING Great!
*A LIST of Monthly Dress Out Dates for positive behavior can be found below, please NOTE these are earned and students will receive an invite to participate.
Note Worthy!
24-25 School Supply List
Please see the 2024-2025 School Supply List Attached