Leopard Lines
November 2024 🦃
In this November 2024 Edition:
Veteran’s Day
Begich Morning Hours
4.0 Achievement Award Winners
Family Literacy Event Pre-K through 8th grade
Attendance Matters!
Parent Volunteers
From the PE Department
Healthy Spot Clinic
Community Resources this Holiday Season
Battle of the Books
On Time Reward Dance
Distracted Driving
New Visitor Management System - Begich Office
No School on Monday 11/11/23
In honor of Veteran's Day, students will not have school on Monday, November 11th. Thank you to those who served and continue to serve our country.
A special thank you to Begich's veterans:
Mr. Cory Larson
Air Force
Ms. Judith-Hope Bates
Ms. Cassandra Sas
Begich Morning Hours
Begich Middle School opens for students at 8:30am. When the temperature drops below 20, we open the arctic entry to students at 8:00am. Office hours are from 8:00-4:30 pm. Staff will allow parent and staff entry from the east doors only from 8:00-8:30. Thank you for your understanding, as adult supervision isn't available prior to 8:30 with our altered, later school start times.
Congratulations to our Students who Earned a 4.0 for Quarter 1!
The following students will be recognized at a breakfast on 11/22 for their hard work that helped them to earn a 4.0 for first quarter. Way to go Snow Leopards!
Grade 6:
Ashley Anderson
Karson Andrew
Lillian Beals
Nevaeh Binion
Karina Chang
Seng Sai Chang
Raziel Davis
Kini Ene
Lena Erickson
Liam Finch
Leonaitus Fonoti
Jacob Friedrich
Mahealanialoha Gionson
Chloe Grunst
Averie Hannafious
Benny Her
Helena Her
James Hill
Laniya Holmes
Jaden Kiehl Islan
Bailey Ivanoff
Dana Jimenez
Angelina Khang
Skyler Khang
Emma Lee
Emma Lee
Mimi Lee
Jacob Malone
Sophia Janelle Mancilla
Natilynn Matos
Jamil Nguyen
Kaitlyn O'Toole
Presley Parks
Julian Perez
Vanessa Phanmanivong
Paige Popely
Rebecca Potter
Grant Schaffan
Isabel Siaumau
Cale Stamm
Jeanette Sund
Amy Vang
Annabella Welch
Casen Witt
Malia Xiong
Richard Xiong
Ryan Xiong
Andrew Yang
Joy Yang
Kora Yang
Grade 7:
Xian Andrea Arevalo
Theia Zafina Bautista
Keefe Kaizer Ceballos
Arika Chang
Gavin Dunham
Reilly Fitch
Roselynn Galles
Moanilehua Gionson
Drake Her
Butch Hunter
Lawrence Keobouala
Charis Lee
Alex Miller
Dallas Roberts
Fischer Schmidt
Justice Shinn
Jayla Stevens
Jeremaiyah Vang
Lindsey Vang
Angel Vue
Gaoxai Vue
Riya Yalung
Xyrelle Mae Yalung
Xyrene Mae Yalung
Yuna Yang
Grade 8:
Camden Archbold
Caeleigh Davis
Ayden Drake
James Drake
Sigrid Erickson
XzavierTisega Fogamomi
Cyrus Frey
Jasmine Frey
Genevieve Gendron
Alisa Goyarchuk
Thaddeus Greenwood
Caden Grunst
Charlotte Hemming
Analina Henderson
Atreyu Hickman
Liev Hood
Tyler Howell
Mindy Huynh
Jeremiah Johnson
Shantea Johnson
Ichiro Wynn Justo
Amoon Lee
Jason Lee
Josephine Lilly
Emily Mott
Achilles Nunez
David Ofiu
Fiona Salao
JJ Schmidlkofer
Joaquin Senquiz
John Vue
Alexander Xiong
Liana Xiong
Vincent Yang
Allen Yao
Family Literacy Event Pre-K through 8th grade
The Migrant Education Program is planning a Reading is a Superpower Family Literacy Night. This will be for all families that have migratory eligible students in pre-K through 8th grade. Come join us for an evening of engaging literacy activities that can be enjoyed by the whole family. Families will rotate through 20+ learning stations as they create, learn, and explore together.
When: Nov. 7, 2024
Where: Mears Middle School
Time: 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Registration prior is required
Attendance Matters!
We want to emphasize the critical role that regular attendance plays in your student's academic and personal development.
Academic Success: Regular attendance is directly linked to academic achievement. Each day in the classroom presents new opportunities for learning and skill development. Missing school means missing out on valuable lessons, discussions, and interactions that contribute to your child's academic progress. Consistent attendance lays the foundation for a strong educational journey and better prepares students for high school and beyond.
Building a Strong Work Ethic: Attending school regularly instills a sense of responsibility and discipline in your child. By consistently showing up, students learn the importance of commitment and hard work—essential qualities that will benefit them not only in their academic pursuits but also in future endeavors.
Social and Emotional Growth: School is not just about academics; it's also a place for social and emotional development. Regular attendance allows your child to build friendships, develop social skills, and engage in extracurricular activities. These experiences contribute significantly to their overall well-being and help shape their identity.
Preparation for High School and Beyond: High school and college admissions often consider attendance records. Establishing good attendance habits in middle school sets a positive precedent for your child's future academic and professional endeavors. It demonstrates a strong commitment to their education and personal growth.
Teacher-Student Connection: Regular attendance facilitates a stronger connection between students and teachers. This connection is crucial for effective learning, as teachers can better understand individual needs, provide targeted support, and foster a positive and encouraging learning environment.
Reducing Achievement Gaps: Consistent attendance is a key factor in narrowing achievement gaps. Students who attend school regularly are more likely to stay on track with their peers, reducing disparities in academic performance.
We understand that circumstances may arise that could lead to occasional absences. However, we encourage you to prioritize your child's attendance whenever possible. If there are challenges affecting attendance, please communicate with us so that we can work together to find solutions and support your child's continued success.
Thank you for partnering with us in your child's education. Together, we can ensure that they have the best possible foundation for a bright future here.
Parent Volunteers
To sign up as a parent volunteer at Begich Middle School, follow a few simple steps to get involved in your child's education and contribute to the school community. Please visit: https://www.asdk12.org/volunteer to fill out a volunteer application or contact Begich at 742-0501. Being a parent volunteer is a wonderful way to actively participate in your child's educational journey and make a positive impact on the school community.
A Message from the PE Department
We hope you’ve been able to enjoy a few of these beautiful fall days! As temperatures drop, students can expect more indoor class units. Our Snow Leopards have done a fantastic job so far engaging in activities such as flag football, soccer, weight training, basketball, volleyball, badminton, tennis, and various cardiovascular workouts. Our goal is for everyone to get at least one hour of exercise every day!
We’ve seen significant increases in participation this year with our new phone policy! Please encourage your student to keep their phone in their locker and to wear proper PE footwear. If your student is absent from class, they can make-up the points by completing our make-up form located in the gym or on Canvas.
Thank you for your support. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.
Healthy Spot Clinic
In January, quarter three sports begin: Girls Basketball, Wrestling, Cross Country Skiing! All paperwork will need to be submitted before winter break. Participants need to have a physical more recent than September 2023. To request a physical at school, or see if your student has a current physical, please use this link: https://forms.gle/DUMfETYDpArMaV23A or call/text 907-917-6764
Community Resources this Holiday Season
With the holidays fast approaching, we’d like to share these community resources with you (click the links for more information):
Thanksgiving Blessing - Monday, November 25th for Anchorage
Families will be provided one frozen turkey (including turkey pan and gravy) as well as groceries for a holiday meal including stuffing, corn, green beans, potatoes, apples, cranberry sauce, margarine, and dinner rolls. All products based on availability.
G.A.P. November Giving - Saturday, November 30th
Visit the G.A.P. (Grad Assist Program) Giving Event for free gift bags, clothes, winter gear, toys, and photos with Santa!
Salvation Army GIFT Program - Register by Sunday, December 1st
If your family is needing assistance this holiday for Christmas gifts, please register. We want to support you in this unprecedented time. We provide gifts for children 0 -14 years old.
Battle of the Books
We meet most Tuesdays, 4:15-5pm (not during Thanksgiving wk) in B206 with Ms. Hanks.
We read 10 books really well and work to compete with other readers in the city. We have a tournament on Jan 28th to battle against all the other readers in the District!
On Time Reward Dance
All students who have fewer than 20 tardies during quarter 2, will be eligible to attend Begich's On Time Reward Dance on December 12th at 3pm. Tardies only accumulate for occasions when students are late between classes at Begich, not for the first arrival at school. We hope to see your student at the dance!
Safe Driving on Campus
Parents and guardians, please make sure you are giving your full attention to driving, especially on our campus. During drop off and pick up there are often students moving to and from cars and it can make for a dangerous situation if drivers are distracted. This will only get worse as it gets darker. It is our duty to protect the safety and well-being of the students and all those who walk or play on school grounds, and this begins with staying focused and undistracted while behind the wheel. Thank you for your help!
New Visitor Management System - Begich Office
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I’m excited to share Begich will implement a new visitor management software system in our school beginning 11/6/24.
The Raptor Technologies safety software will add an extra layer of campus security. Upon entry, visitors, volunteers, and ASD staff whose primary location is outside of our campus must sign in using the self-serve kiosk.
The software has been piloted at ASD schools and is now being rolled out District-wide. The District is implementing the visitor management system to aid in the standardization of visitor check-in procedures in all schools, which supports Board Policy 3515.5.
Starting 11/6/24, all adult visitors to Begich will be required to present and scan a current government-issued photo ID upon entering the school. This adjustment to our visitor management policy is a significant step forward in strengthening our school’s safety protocols.
As part of our ongoing commitment to ensuring the safety and security of our students, staff, and school community, we are excited for this important enhancement to our ASD visitor management policy.
This new requirement will enable us to:
● Quickly and accurately verify the identity of all visitors.
● Enhance our ability to maintain a secure environment for our students and staff.
● Ensure that we have accurate records of who is in our buildings at all times, further enhancing our ability to respond in the event of an emergency.
What is Raptor?
The visitor management system records the visitor’s name, date of birth, and last four digits of the ID, and checks against a national database of registered sex offenders. Schools will follow School Board policy regarding registered sex offenders in the building (see: Restrictions on Sex Offenders on Campus BP 3515.5). The registered sex offender database is the only official database checked by the system. No other data from the ID is gathered or recorded and the information is not shared with any outside agency.
We understand that changes in protocol may require adjustments from our community, and we appreciate your cooperation and support in making our school a safer place for everyone. Please rest assured that all information collected will be treated with the utmost respect for privacy and confidentiality, used solely for the purpose of enhancing the security of our school premises.
Thank you for your understanding and your continued partnership in keeping our school community safe.
Matthew Witthoeft, Principal
Begich Middle School